Differences between revisions 5 and 29 (spanning 24 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2005-11-17 16:52:33
Size: 727
Editor: EricHopper
Comment: Added my repositories and changed formatting a bit.
Revision 29 as of 2007-12-02 13:39:37
Size: 1800
Comment: Add my own, Andrew Beekhof's haven't been active.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * http://selenic.com/repo/hg-stable
  * the stable repository (that leads to stable releases)
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  * Temporary main repository   * Also called CrewRepository
Line 8: Line 10:
  * Thomas Arendsen Hein's outgoing changes   * [:ThomasArendsenHein:Thomas Arendsen Hein]'s outgoing changes
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 * http://www.serpentine.com/~cmason
  * Chris Mason's [:MqExtension:Mercurial Queues extension]
 * http://hg.omnifarious.org/~hopper/bleeding-mercurial
  * EricHopper's random bleeding edge changes.
 * http://hg.omnifarious.org/~hopper/mercurial
  * EricHopper's changes he's hoping will be pulled as an unmerged branch from the main repository.
 * http://oss.oracle.com/mercurial/
  * Chris Mason's various repositories.
 * http://hg.omnifarious.org/~hopper/
  * [:EricHopper:Eric Hopper]'s various repositories, including several Mercurial ones for various purposes.
 * http://hg.alexanderweb.de/
  * [:AlexanderSchremmer:Alexander Schremmer]'s various repositories.
 * http://hg.kublai.com/
  * [:BrendanCully:Brendan Cully]'s various repositories, including several mercurial ones for various features he's developing, like the TransplantExtension and [http://hg.kublai.com/mercurial/branchview/ html branchview extension].
 * http://ohac.sytes.net/hgwebdir.cgi
  * [:HideyaOhashi:OHASHI Hideya]'s various repositories, including some patches for mercurial.
 * http://hg.xavamedia.nl/
  * DirkjanOchtman's various repositories, including a crew mirror with some extra changes that are in development.

== repos with no hg activity for more than a year ==
 * http://hg.thinkmo.de/mercurial/tw (see also http://hg.thinkmo.de/ for other stuff)
  * ThomasWaldmann's misc. changes
 * http://hg.intevation.org/mercurial/vadim
  * [:VadimGelfer:Vadim Gelfer]'s changes
 * http://archives.keltia.net/hg
  * [:OllivierRobert:Ollivier Robert]'s various repositories.
 * http://hg.beekhof.net/
  * Andrew Beekhof's various repositories.

These are repos for various Mercurial development:

repos with no hg activity for more than a year

DeveloperRepos (last edited 2017-09-06 20:57:56 by JunWu)