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Revision 4 as of 2011-03-31 08:39:20
Size: 1228
Revision 5 as of 2012-07-22 19:06:18
Size: 946
Editor: broadband-77-37-228-65
Comment: Updated to reflect current state
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Two plugins exists nowadays to interact with Mercurial within vim.
 1. The ''hgcommand.vim'' plugin in the contrib directory of Mercurial,
 2. The ''vcscommand'' plugin with its Mercurial backend.
Nowadays there is a number of plugins for interaction with mercurial. Here is the description of the VCSCommand plugin, you may find other on the page with [[OtherTools]] list.
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The last one is likely to be more actively developed in a near future, and is described hereafter. == Vim, VCSCommand and Mercurial ==
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== Vim VCS Mode and Mercurial == Bob Hiestand has developed a [[http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=90|vim plugin]] useful for manipulating files controlled by CVS, SVN and SVK within VIM, including committing changes and performing diffs using the vimdiff system. It was later extended to support other VCS software, including Mercurial (since version 1.99.31 posted on 21 July 2009).
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Bob Hiestand has developed a [[http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=90|vim plugin]] useful for manipulating files controlled by CVS, SVN and SVK within VIM, including committing changes and performing diffs using the vimdiff system.
A [[http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1898|Mercurial (and sccs) backend]] were then provided by Vladimir Marek.

After installing the plugin and backend, you may use the following main mappings and commands :
 * ''':VCSCommit''' (<Leader>cc mapping)
 * ''':VCSAdd''' (<Leader>ca mapping)
 * ''':VCSVimDiff''' (<Leader>cv mapping)
After installing the plugin, you may use it to add, remove, commit, annotate, view older versions, changes (as a diff or in a vimdiff split) of files; update directory state and view log.
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 * --([[http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1898|vim mercurial backend plugin (id 1898)]])-- no longer needed

Vim and Mercurial

Nowadays there is a number of plugins for interaction with mercurial. Here is the description of the VCSCommand plugin, you may find other on the page with OtherTools list.

Vim, VCSCommand and Mercurial

Bob Hiestand has developed a vim plugin useful for manipulating files controlled by CVS, SVN and SVK within VIM, including committing changes and performing diffs using the vimdiff system. It was later extended to support other VCS software, including Mercurial (since version 1.99.31 posted on 21 July 2009).

After installing the plugin, you may use it to add, remove, commit, annotate, view older versions, changes (as a diff or in a vimdiff split) of files; update directory state and view log.

VimVcsPlugin (last edited 2014-04-22 17:36:37 by LudovicChabant)