Differences between revisions 52 and 54 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 52 as of 2012-11-11 19:40:09
Size: 10218
Editor: abuehl
Comment: fix links
Revision 54 as of 2013-08-26 09:46:34
Size: 268
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Understanding Mercurial =
Mercurial's decentralized development model can be confusing to new users. This page attempts to illustrate some of the basic concepts. See the [[Tutorial]] for step-by-step instructions.


== What's in a repository ==
Mercurial [[Repository|repositories]] contain a [[WorkingDirectory|working directory]] coupled with a store:

digraph G {
 rankdir = LR;
 subgraph cluster_0 {
  label="working directory";
  node [style=filled,color=white];
  edge [style=invis];
  "main.c" -> "main.h" -> ".hgignore" -> ".hgtags";
 subgraph cluster_1 {
  label = "store";
  labelloc = b;
  node [shape=box, style=filled, color=lightgray];
  "rev 0" -> "rev 1" -> "rev 2" -> "rev 3" [dir=back, label="parent"];
 "main.c" -> "rev 2" [ltail=cluster_0, label="parent", labeldistance=5, minlen=2];
The store contains the '''complete''' history of the project. Unlike traditional SCMs, where there's only one central copy of this history, every working directory is paired with a private copy of the history. This allows development to go on in parallel.

The working directory contains a copy of the project's files at a given point in time (eg rev 2), ready for editing. Because [[Tag|tags]] and [[.hgignore|ignored files]] are revision-controlled, they are also included.

== Committing changes ==
When you commit, the state of the working directory relative to its parents is recorded as a new [[ChangeSet|changeset]] (also called a new "[[Revision|revision]]"):

digraph G {
 rankdir = LR
 subgraph cluster_0 {
  label="working directory";
  node [style=filled,color=white];
  edge [style=invis];
  "main.c"-> "main.h" -> ".hgignore" -> ".hgtags"
 subgraph cluster_1 {
  label = "store";
  labelloc = b;
  node [shape=box,style=filled,color=lightgray];
  "rev 0" -> "rev 1" -> "rev 2" -> "rev 3" [dir=back];
  "rev 2" -> "rev 4" [dir=back];
 "rev 2" -> ".hgtags" [dir=back, style=dotted, lhead=cluster_0, label="parent before commit"]
 "rev 4" -> ".hgtags" [dir=back, color=red, lhead=cluster_0, headlabel="commit", labelfontcolor=red ]
Note here that revision 4 is a '''[[Branch|branch]]''' of revision 2, which was the revision in the working directory. Now revision 4 is the working directory's '''parent'''.

== Revisions, changesets, heads, and tip ==
Mercurial groups related changes to multiple files into single atomic [[ChangeSet|changesets]], which are revisions of the whole project. These each get a sequential [[RevisionNumber|revision number]]. Because Mercurial allows distributed parallel development, these revision numbers may disagree between users. So Mercurial also assigns each revision a global [[ChangeSetID|changeset ID]]. Changeset IDs are 40-digit hexadecimal numbers, but they can be abbreviated to any unambiguous prefix, like "e38487".

digraph {
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=record]
   rev0 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 0:838e}"];
   rev1 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 1:34ef}"];
   rev2 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 2:4563}"];
   rev3 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 3:fe56}"];
   rev4 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 4:ac98}"];
   rev5 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 5:0345}"];
   rev6 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 6:19e3 (tip)}"];
   workingdir [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | working directory}"];
   rev0 -> rev1:p1 [dir=back]
   rev1 -> rev2:p1 [dir=back]
   rev1 -> rev3:p1 [dir=back]
   rev2 -> rev4:p1 [dir=back]
   rev3 -> rev4:p2 [dir=back]
   rev4 -> rev5:p1 [dir=back]
   rev4 -> rev6:p1 [dir=back]
   rev6 -> workingdir:p1 [dir=back]
   label="example repository"
Branches and [[Merge|merges]] in the revision history can occur at any point. Each unmerged branch creates a new [[Head|head]] of the revision history. Here, revisions 5 and 6 are heads. Mercurial considers revision 6 to be the [[Tip|tip]] of the repository, the head with the highest revision number. Revision 4 is a [[MergeChangeset|merge changeset]], as it has ''two'' parent changesets (revisions 2 and 3).

== Cloning, making changes, merging, pulling and updating ==
Let's start with a user Alice, who has a repository that looks like:

digraph {
   label="Alice's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> "working dir" [dir=back]
Bob clones this repo, and ends up with a complete, independent, local copy of Alice's store and a clean checkout of the tipmost revision d in his working directory:

digraph {
   label="Bob's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> "working dir" [dir=back]
Bob can now work independently of Alice. He then commits two changes e and f:

digraph {
   label="Bob's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]
Alice then makes her own change g in parallel, which causes her repository store to diverge from Bob's, thus creating a [[Branch|branch]]:

digraph {
   label="Alice's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> g -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   g [color=red]
Bob then pulls Alice's repo to synchronize. This copies all of Alice's changes into Bob's repository store (here, it's just a single change g). Note that Bob's working directory is '''not''' changed by the pull:

digraph {
   label="Bob's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]
   d -> g [dir=back]
   g [color=red, label="g (tip)"]
Because Alice's '''g''' is the newest head in Bob's repository, it's now the '''tip'''.

Bob then does a [[Merge|merge]], which combines the last change he was working on (f) with the tip in his repository. Now, his working directory has two parent revisions (f and g):

digraph {
   label="Bob's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]
   d -> g [dir=back]
   g [color=red]
   f -> "working dir" [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   g -> "working dir" [dir=back, weight=3.0]
After examining the result of the merge in his working directory and making sure the merge is perfect, Bob commits the result and ends up with a new [[MergeChangeset|merge changeset]] h in his store:

digraph {
   label="Bob's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]
   d -> g [dir=back]
   g [color=red]
   f -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   g -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   h -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   h [color=green, label="h (tip)"]
Now if Alice '''pulls''' from Bob, she will get Bob's changes e, f, and h into her store:

digraph {
   label="Alice's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]
   d -> g [dir=back]
   g [color=red]
   f -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   g -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   g -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   h [color=green;label="h (tip)"]
Note that Alice's working directory was not changed by the pull. She has to do an [[Update|update]] to synchronize her working directory to the merge changset h. This changes the parent changeset of her working directory to changeset h and updates the files in her working directory to revision h.

digraph {
   label="Alice's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]
   d -> g [dir=back]
   g [color=red]
   f -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   g -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   h -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   h [color=green, label="h (tip)"]
Now Alice and Bob are fully synchronized again.

== A decentralized system ==
Mercurial is a completely decentralized system, and thus has no internal notion of a central repository. Thus users are free to define their own topologies for sharing changes (see CommunicatingChanges):

digraph {
   Alice -> Central
   Central -> Alice
   Bob -> Central
   Alice -> Bob
   Alice -> Carl
   Carl -> Central
   Bob -> Carl
   Carl -> Bob
   "Carl's Laptop" -> Carl
   Carl -> "Carl's Laptop"
   "Carl's Laptop" -> Central
   Central [style=fill;color=blue;label="Main Public Repo"]
   label="A Mercurial Network"
Unlike a centralized version control system in which experimentation can be disastrous, with a DVCS like Mercurial, you just clone and experiment. If you like the results, push them back, otherwise wipe the cloned repository and try something else.

== What Mercurial can't do ==
Many SVN/CVS users expect to host related projects together in one repository. This is really not what Mercurial was made for, so you should try a different way of working. In particular, this means that you cannot check out only one directory of a repository.

If you absolutely need to host multiple projects in a kind of meta-repository though, you could try the [[Subrepository|Subrepositories]] feature that was introduced with Mercurial 1.3 or the older ForestExtension.

For a hands-on introduction to using Mercurial, see the [[Tutorial]].

[[BrazilianPortugueseUnderstandingMercurial|Brazilian Portuguese]], [[CzechUnderstandingMercurial|Czech]], [[GermanUnderstandingMercurial|Deutsch]], [[FrenchUnderstandingMercurial|Français]], [[ItalianUnderstandingMercurial|Italiano]], [[RussianUnderstandingMercurial|Russian]], [[SpanishUnderstandingMercurial|Spanish]], [[ThaiUnderstandingMercurial|Thai]], [[ChineseUnderstandingMercurial|中文]], [[JapaneseUnderstandingMercurial|日本語]], [[KoreanUnderstandingMercurial|한국어]]
Santa Clara-born Love Peterson is thoroughly hooked on [[http://papervana.com/stress-free-travel-yes-it-possible-7|Spain weather conditions averages,]] gadgets, saltwater aquariums. And finally she is captivated by spending free time together with her nearest mates.

Santa Clara-born Love Peterson is thoroughly hooked on Spain weather conditions averages, gadgets, saltwater aquariums. And finally she is captivated by spending free time together with her nearest mates.

UnderstandingMercurial (last edited 2013-09-02 20:00:50 by WagnerBruna)