Differences between revisions 38 and 60 (spanning 22 versions)
Revision 38 as of 2009-07-04 21:14:46
Size: 10249
Editor: abuehl
Comment: mention subrepos
Revision 60 as of 2013-09-02 07:20:39
Size: 392
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Mercurial's decentralized development model can be confusing to new users. This page attempts to illustrate some of the basic concepts.
See the [[Tutorial]] for step-by-step instructions.

[[BrazilianPortugueseUnderstandingMercurial|Brazilian Portuguese]],


== What's in a Repository ==

Mercurial [[Repository|repositories]] contain a [[WorkingDirectory|working directory]] coupled with a store:

digraph G {
 rankdir = LR;
 subgraph cluster_0 {
  label="working directory";
  node [style=filled,color=white];
  edge [style=invis];
  "main.c" -> "main.h" -> ".hgignore" -> ".hgtags";
 subgraph cluster_1 {
  label = "store";
  labelloc = b;
  node [shape=box, style=filled, color=lightgray];
  "rev 0" -> "rev 1" -> "rev 2" -> "rev 3" [dir=back, label="parent"];
 "main.c" -> "rev 2" [ltail=cluster_0, label="parent", labeldistance=5, minlen=2];

The store contains the '''complete''' history of the project. Unlike traditional [[SCM|SCMs]], where there's only one central copy of this history,
every working directory is paired with a private copy of the history. This allows development to go on in parallel.

The working directory contains a copy of the project's files at a given point in time (eg rev 2), ready for editing. Because [[Tag|tags]] and [[.hgignore|ignored files]] are revision-controlled, they are also included.

== Committing Changes ==

When you [[Commit|commit]], the state of the working directory relative to its [[Parent|parents]] is recorded as a new [[ChangeSet|changeset]] (also called a new "[[Revision|revision]]"):

digraph G {
 rankdir = LR
 subgraph cluster_0 {
  label="working directory";
  node [style=filled,color=white];
  edge [style=invis];
  "main.c"-> "main.h" -> ".hgignore" -> ".hgtags"
 subgraph cluster_1 {
  label = "store";
  labelloc = b;
  node [shape=box,style=filled,color=lightgray];
  "rev 0" -> "rev 1" -> "rev 2" -> "rev 3" [dir=back];
  "rev 2" -> "rev 4" [dir=back];
 "rev 2" -> ".hgtags" [dir=back, style=dotted, lhead=cluster_0, label="parent before commit"]
 "rev 4" -> ".hgtags" [dir=back, color=red, lhead=cluster_0, headlabel="commit", labelfontcolor=red ]

Note here that revision 4 is a '''[[Branch|branch]]''' of revision 2, which was the revision in the working directory. Now revision 4 is the working directory's '''parent'''.

== Revisions, Changesets, Heads, and Tip ==

Mercurial groups related changes to multiple files into single atomic [[ChangeSet|changesets]], which are revisions of the whole project.
These each get a sequential [[RevisionNumber|revision number]]. Because Mercurial allows distributed parallel development, these revision numbers may disagree between users. So Mercurial also assigns each revision a global [[ChangeSetID|changeset ID]]. Changeset IDs are 40-digit hexadecimal numbers, but they can be abbreviated to any unambiguous prefix, like "e38487".

digraph {
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=record]
   rev0 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 0:838e}"];
   rev1 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 1:34ef}"];
   rev2 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 2:4563}"];
   rev3 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 3:fe56}"];
   rev4 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 4:ac98}"];
   rev5 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 5:0345}"];
   rev6 [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | rev 6:19e3 (tip)}"];
   workingdir [label="{{<p1> p1 | <p2> p2} | working directory}"];
   rev0 -> rev1:p1 [dir=back]
   rev1 -> rev2:p1 [dir=back]
   rev1 -> rev3:p1 [dir=back]
   rev2 -> rev4:p1 [dir=back]
   rev3 -> rev4:p2 [dir=back]
   rev4 -> rev5:p1 [dir=back]
   rev4 -> rev6:p1 [dir=back]
   rev6 -> workingdir:p1 [dir=back]
   label="example repository"

Branches and [[Merge|merges]] in the revision history can occur at any point. Each unmerged branch creates a new [[Head|head]] of the revision history.
Here, revisions 5 and 6 are heads. Mercurial considers revision 6 to be the [[Tip|tip]] of the repository, the head with the highest revision number.
Revision 4 is a [[MergeChangeset|merge changeset]], as it has ''two'' parent changesets (revisions 2 and 3).

== Cloning, Making Changes, Merging, Pulling and Updating ==

Let's start with a user Alice, who has a repository that looks like:

digraph {
   label="Alice's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> "working dir" [dir=back]

Bob [[Clone|clones]] this repo, and ends up with a complete, independent, local copy of Alice's store
and a clean checkout of the tipmost revision d in his working directory:

digraph {
   label="Bob's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> "working dir" [dir=back]

Bob can now work independently of Alice. He then [[Commit|commits]] two changes e and f:

digraph {
   label="Bob's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]

Alice then makes her own change g in parallel, which causes her repository store to diverge from Bob's, thus
creating a [[Branch|branch]]:

digraph {
   label="Alice's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> g -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   g [color=red]

Bob then [[Pull|pulls]] Alice's repo to synchronize. This copies all of Alice's changes into Bob's repository store
(here, it's just a single change g). Note that Bob's working directory is '''not''' changed
by the pull:

digraph {
   label="Bob's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]
   d -> g [dir=back]
   g [color=red, label="g (tip)"]

Because Alice's '''g''' is the newest head in Bob's repository, it's now the '''tip'''.

Bob then does a [[Merge|merge]], which combines the last change he was working on (f) with the
tip in his repository. Now, his working directory has two parent revisions (f and g):

digraph {
   label="Bob's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]
   d -> g [dir=back]
   g [color=red]
   f -> "working dir" [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   g -> "working dir" [dir=back, weight=3.0]

After examining the result of the merge in his working directory and making sure the merge is
perfect, Bob commits the result and ends up with a new [[MergeChangeset|merge changeset]] h in his

digraph {
   label="Bob's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]
   d -> g [dir=back]
   g [color=red]
   f -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   g -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   h -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   h [color=green, label="h (tip)"]

Now if Alice '''pulls''' from Bob, she will get Bob's changes e, f, and h into her store:

digraph {
   label="Alice's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]
   d -> g [dir=back]
   g [color=red]
   f -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   g -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   g -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   h [color=green;label="h (tip)"]

Note that Alice's working directory was not changed by the pull. She has to do an [[Update|update]] to synchronize
her working directory to the merge changset h. This changes the parent changeset of her working directory to
changeset h and updates the files in her working directory to revision h.

digraph {
   label="Alice's repo"
   rankdir = LR
   node [shape=box]
   a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f [dir=back]
   e [color=blue]
   f [color=blue]
   d -> g [dir=back]
   g [color=red]
   f -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   g -> h [dir=back, weight=3.0]
   h -> "working dir" [dir=back]
   h [color=green, label="h (tip)"]

Now Alice and Bob are fully synchronized again.

== A Decentralized System ==

Mercurial is a completely decentralized system, and thus has no internal notion of a central repository. Thus users are free to define their own topologies for sharing changes (see CommunicatingChanges):

digraph {
   Alice -> Central
   Central -> Alice
   Bob -> Central
   Alice -> Bob
   Alice -> Carl
   Carl -> Central
   Bob -> Carl
   Carl -> Bob
   "Carl's Laptop" -> Carl
   Carl -> "Carl's Laptop"
   "Carl's Laptop" -> Central
   Central [style=fill;color=blue;label="Main Public Repo"]
   label="A Mercurial Network"

Unlike a centralized version control system in which experimentation
can be disastrous, with a DVCS like Mercurial, you just clone and
experiment. If you like the results, push them back, otherwise
wipe the cloned repository and try something else.

== What Mercurial can't do ==

Many SVN/CVS users expect to host related projects together in one repository. This is really not what hg was made for, so you should try a different way of working. This especially means, that you cannot check out only one directory of a repository.

If you absolutely need to host multiple projects in a kind of meta-repository though, you could try the [[subrepos|Subrepositories]] feature that was introduced with Mercurial 1.3 or the older ForestExtension.

For a hands-on introduction to using Mercurial, see the [[Tutorial]].
Obstetrician Damian is hooked on Costa Blanca Holiday ([[http://community.urbansocietyd2r.com/groups/have-better-travel-experiences-with-such-great-tips/|http://community.urbansocietyd2r.com/groups/have-better-travel-experiences-with-Such-great-tips/]]), electronic devices and astronomy. On top of that he favors enjoying an Carolina hurricanes ice-hockey-match positioned in the stadium.

Obstetrician Damian is hooked on Costa Blanca Holiday (http://community.urbansocietyd2r.com/groups/have-better-travel-experiences-with-Such-great-tips/), electronic devices and astronomy. On top of that he favors enjoying an Carolina hurricanes ice-hockey-match positioned in the stadium.

UnderstandingMercurial (last edited 2013-09-02 20:00:50 by WagnerBruna)