Differences between revisions 5 and 9 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2005-08-26 01:31:30
Size: 1964
Editor: waste
Revision 9 as of 2005-09-03 20:04:47
Size: 1625
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 $ hg clone http://www.serpentine.com/hg/hello my-hello  $ hg clone http://www.selenic.com/repo/hello my-hello
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['''Note''': sorry, but this isn't a real URL yet, because ["Mercurial"] doesn't yet allow you to ["Serve"] multiple repositories using a single daemon. I'm working on a fix.]

[Until this fix is in place, one can use

 $ hg clone http://selenic.com/hg my-hg-clone

to try things out whith an already working repository. WARNING, this repository is not the smallest thing out there.]

If all goes well, the {{{clone}}} command prints no output. We should now find a directory called {{{my-hello}}} in our current directory:
If all goes well, the {{{clone}}} command prints no output. (It seems like new versions of hg prints some progress -- MadsKiilerich.) We should now find a directory called {{{my-hello}}} in our current directory:
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  hello.c Makefile
 hello.c Makefile

Tutorial - cloning a repository

We have followed TutorialInstall to install ["Mercurial"] already, right? Good!

In ["Mercurial"], we do all of our work inside a ["Repository"]. A ["Repository"] is a directory that contains all of the source files that we want to keep history of, along with complete histories of those source files.

The easiest way to get started with ["Mercurial"] is to use a ["Repository"] that already contains some files and some history.

To do this, we use the clone command. This makes a ["Clone"] of a ["Repository"]; it makes a complete copy of another ["Repository"] so that we will have our own local, private one to work in.

 $ hg clone http://www.selenic.com/repo/hello my-hello

If all goes well, the clone command prints no output. (It seems like new versions of hg prints some progress -- MadsKiilerich.) We should now find a directory called my-hello in our current directory:

 $ ls

Inside the my-hello directory, we'll find some files:

 $ ls my-hello
 hello.c  Makefile

These files are exact copies of the files in the ["Repository"] we just ["Clone"]d.

Note: in ["Mercurial"], each ["Repository"] is self-contained. When you ["Clone"] a ["Repository"], the new ["Repository"] becomes an exact copy of the existing one at the time of the ["Clone"], but subsequent changes in either onewill not show up in the other unless you explicitly transfer them.

At this point, we can start examining some of the history of our new ["Repository"], by continuing to TutorialHistory.

TutorialClone (last edited 2015-10-28 15:22:27 by alishamsulqamar)