
This page is primarily intended for developers of Mercurial.

A plan for light weight branching/categorization what would work with other Mercurial principle and actual DVCS idea.

Still a very early prototype stage.


Mercurial have been struggling for year to define a nice way to handle 'topic' branch (also called 'feature' branch) especially when it come to exchange them with other people (eg: for pull request).


The main challenges to get such feature right are:

- Life cycle:

- Distributed system:

- Tracking/Target:

- Clearly defined set of changes:

- Anonymous branching:


Assign topics to non-public changesets. A topic is like a named branch, in that it is a label on a changeset (the initial prototype even stores the topic in the extra area in the changeset), but that topics just disappear when the change moves to public phase.

Problem solved

What Topic solves

Bookmarks are a clone of git's refs, which seems to work more poorly in Mercurial than they do in Git, in part because the synchronization parts of bookmarks aren't really done. Adding the remaining functionality to bookmarks has been challenging, and seems to be adding a lot of conceptual complexity around configuration of the synchronization mechanism that AugieFackler finds frustrating.

The current implementation also makes it possible to say "what patches did I do while working on topic issue1234", which might be nice.

What Topic may solve

(Use case that exists but it is not clear if Topic should try to solve them)

What Topic do not solve

(Use case we know belong to other feature)

Open Question

CategoryDeveloper and CategoryNewFeatures