Differences between revisions 52 and 117 (spanning 65 versions)
Revision 52 as of 2006-12-27 19:13:04
Size: 18929
Editor: 89
Comment: fix diffstat hook script
Revision 117 as of 2008-03-29 00:14:23
Size: 5367
Editor: abuehl
Comment: including index of tips on separate pages in table
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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(see also ["FAQ"]) #pragma section-numbers 3
= Tips and Tricks =
''(see also [:FAQ], [wiki:Self:CategoryTipsAndTricks CategoryTipsAndTricks])''
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= Basic =

=== Search history for keywords ===

{{{hg log}}} has a keyword search feature that scans commit filenames, users, and descriptions:

$ hg log -k bug -k manifest.py
changeset: 2857:18cf5349a361
user: Alexis S. L. Carvalho <alexis@cecm.usp.br>
date: Sat Aug 12 08:53:23 2006 -0300
summary: Fix some bugs introduced during the manifest refactoring

changeset: 1650:f2ebd5251e88
user: Peter van Dijk <peter@dataloss.nl>
date: Sun Jan 29 00:18:52 2006 +0100
summary: changed template escape filter, added urlescape filter; audited all templates for insertion bugs; added note to manifest.py about newlines in filenames

changeset: 1451:54e4b187f69c
user: Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com>
date: Tue Oct 25 22:15:44 2005 -0700
summary: Remove old manifest diff code, it's now buggy


Note: hgweb's search box will also scan for keywords, tags, revisions, or changeset IDs.
|| [[TableOfContents]] || [[Include(/Index)]] ||
Line 33: Line 8:
Line 35: Line 9:
Line 37: Line 10:
hg rm -f  # remove it
hg rm -f # remove it
Line 42: Line 14:

It is possible to store a default push URL that will be used when you type just "hg push". Edit .hg/hgrc and add something like :
It is possible to store a default [:Push:push] URL that will be used when you type just "hg push". Edit .hg/hgrc and add something like:
Line 51: Line 22:
Line 54: Line 24:
 * http://selenic.com/hg/rss-log/
 * http://selenic.com/hg/rss-log/tip/mercurial/hgweb/hgweb_mod.py
Line 58: Line 28:
If you want to create web links to [:Tag:tagged] or [:Tip:tip] versions of a [:Repository:repository] or a file, you can do so like this:
Line 59: Line 30:
If you want to create web links to tagged or tip versions of a repository or a file, you can do so like this:  * http://selenic.com/hg/archive/tip.tar.gz
 * http://selenic.com/hg/archive/0.9.3.zip
 * http://selenic.com/hg/raw-file/tip/COPYING
 * http://selenic.com/hg/raw-file/0.9.3/COPYING
Line 61: Line 35:
=== Configuring Mercurial ===
See in [wiki:mercurial.ini].
Line 66: Line 38:
=== Create a bundle of all changes ===

The best way to create a compressed version of a repository is with a '''bundle'''. It will be significantly smaller than a tarball or a zip file. To include all revisions, simply specify the '''null''' base:
=== Abbreviate command options ===
It is possible to abbreviate command options:
Line 71: Line 41:
$ hg bundle --base null project.hg

=== Looking inside bundle files ===

Bundle files may contain either all or some of the changesets in a repository. To view a partial bundle, you must have a repository containing
the bundle's base changesets. Then you can ''overlay'' the bundle on top of the repo like so:

$ cd repo
$ hg in bundle.hg # view the changesets added by the bundle
$ hg -R bundle.hg log # view the log of repo+bundle
$ hg -R bundle.hg diff -R tip # compare the working dir to the bundle's tip
$ hg -R bundle.hg cat -r tip foo.txt # extract a particular file
hg revert --no-b
hg revert --no-backup
Line 88: Line 46:

Add the following to .hgignore:
Add the following to [:.hgignore]:
Line 97: Line 54:

Line 101: Line 57:
Line 112: Line 67:
The same thing, but for a tagged release: The same thing, but for a [:Tag:tagged] release:
Line 127: Line 82:

To make these work, replace the {{{ls -l}}} with the command you wish to execute (ie. {{{rm}}}).  You can also tweak the parameters passed to {{{hg status}}} to filter by something other than unknown files (see {{{hg help status}}}).
To make these work, replace the {{{ls -l}}} with the command you wish to execute (ie. {{{rm}}}). You can also tweak the parameters passed to {{{hg status}}} to filter by something other than unknown files (see {{{hg help status}}}).
Line 134: Line 88:
The above command requires a current version of GNU grep.  If you don't have one, you can use the following: The above command requires a current version of GNU grep. If you don't have one, you can use the following:
Line 139: Line 93:
= Intermediate =

=== using rsync to 'push' and 'pull' ===

This script will perform a pull from an rsync path:
=== Generating color diff output with extdiff and colordiff ===
You can use the [:ExtdiffExtension:extdiff extension] to get colorized diff output. If you've enabled the extension and have colordiff installed, the following [:.hgrc:hgrc] snippet will create a new {{{cdiff}}} command:
Line 146: Line 97:
cd `hg root`
rm -rf .hg/rsync
hg clone -U . .hg/rsync # make an approximate copy to rsync over
rsync -ae ssh $1/.hg .hg/rsync # rsync over our copy
hg pull .hg/rsync # pull from our copy
rm -rf .hg/rsync
# suppress noisy extdiff header message
cdiff = -q

cmd.cdiff = colordiff
opts.cdiff = -uprN
Line 155: Line 106:
Use like this: === Using config substitution and the [DEFAULT] section of hgrc ===
The `hgrc` manpage gives a passing description of the `[DEFAULT]` section header but gives no notion of how one might use this (or the possible caveats). Here's an example:
Line 157: Line 109:
$ rsyncpull user@server:repo/foo
pulling from .hg/rsync
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 57 changesets with 153 changes to 65 files
(run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
 * `%(NAME)s` is substituted in configuration values if `NAME` is defined in the current section
 * Names defined in the `[DEFAULT]` section appear in all other configuration sections (unless overridden in a particular section)
 * In most sections, names not specifically used are ignored however...
 * The `[extensions]` will attempt to load any names in it has extensions
 * Putting a name in `[DEFAULT]` usually breaks the configuration as the name is likely not a valid extension
 * Placing a name under `[DEFAULT]` requires that you keep the `[extensions]` section from trying to load it.

Here's an example of the usage:

HOME = /home/myuser

ignore.mine = %(HOME)s/.hgignore.mine
style = %(HOME)s/.hg-styles/hg-map-cmdline.color

dotfiles = %(HOME)s/

# Avoid the [DEFAULT] extension bug
HOME = !
Line 168: Line 134:
Similarly, we can push with a script like this: === Using FileMerge.app/opendiff as the diff program (OS X) ===
The Developer Tools for OS X provide the excellent graphical diff program "File``Merge.app". The provided command-line wrapper "opendiff" for "File``Merge.app" will not work with ExtdiffExtension. Instead, use the script [http://ssel.vub.ac.be/ssel/internal:fmdiff fmdiff] which wraps "File``Merge.app" so that it responds like the usual diff program. Once fmdiff is in your path, just add the below to your .hgrc file
hgext.extdiff =
Line 170: Line 140:
cmd.opendiff = fmdiff
and use
Line 171: Line 145:
cd `hg root`
rm -rf .hg/rsync
hg clone -U . .hg/rsync
rsync -ae ssh $1/.hg .hg/rsync
hg push .hg/rsync
rsync -ae ssh .hg/rsync $1/.hg
rm -rf .hg/rsync
$ hg opendiff ...
Line 181: Line 148:
<!> This push script ignores locking issues - don't use it for pushing to a repository with multiple writers!

=== pruning dead branches ===

If you've got a dead branch you'd like to eliminate from the list of heads, you can do a 'no-op merge' to remove it:

$ hg update -C tip # jump to one head
$ hg merge otherhead # merge in the other head
$ hg revert -a -r tip # undo all the changes from the merge
$ hg commit -m "eliminate other head" # create new tip identical to the old

=== generate a diff between two repositories ===

Usually, you can use the {{{-p}}} option to either {{{incoming}}} or {{{outgoing}}}. Example:

cd /path/to/repo1
hg incoming -p /path/to/repo2

Sometimes you may want a single diff. There are a number of ways to do this. We'll describe two:

a) The clone method

The basic idea is to use a cheap temporary clone to do the work. If the diff is agreeable, you can then pull from your temporary clone.

MYTIP=`hg tip --template "rev"`
hg clone -U . tmp # make a temporary clone with no working directory
hg -R tmp pull http://remoterepo # pull the remote changes into the temporary repo
hg -R tmp diff -r $MYTIP -r tip #
rm -rf tmp

b) The bundle method

MYTIP=`hg tip --template "{rev}"`
hg in -q --bundle tmp.hg http://remoterepo && hg -R tmp.hg diff -r $MYTIP -r tip

This grabs a bundle of incoming changes then overlays the bundle on your current repo to generate the diff.
If the diff is agreeable, you can unbundle the repo to make the changes permanent.

=== Adding a commit message template ===

Mercurial calls a user-defined program to edit commit messages. If
that program returns false, the commit is aborted.

Here's an example patch for hgeditor that adds a user-defined template to the commit message:

diff -r 33988aaa1652 hgeditor
--- a/hgeditor Sun Dec 17 22:16:57 2006 -0600
+++ b/hgeditor Tue Dec 19 08:08:57 2006 -0600
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ HGTMP="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/hgeditor.$RANDOM.$

-cat "$1" > "$HGTMP/msg"
+cat `hg root`/.commit-template > "$HGTMP/msg"
+cat "$1" >> "$HGTMP/msg"

 MD5=$(which md5sum 2>/dev/null) || \

Validating that the commit message is correct can either be done by hgeditor or enforced by a precommit hook.
Line 252: Line 149:
Line 265: Line 161:
=== See diffs when editing commit message with VIM === You can also use the extdiff extension to call GNU diff from Mercurial.
Line 267: Line 163:
Make a private copy of the 'hgeditor' script provided with mercurial and replace the call to the editor with following command:

vim "+e $HGTMP/diff" '+set buftype=help filetype=diff' "+vsplit $HGTMP/msg" || exit $?

This will start up VIM in vertical split mode with commit message in the left pane and diff in the right pane. The {{{buftype=help}}} setting for diff window tells vim to exit when all other windows are closed, so when you write and quit the log with {{{:x}}} ({{{:wq}}} - they are equivalent), vim exits. If you have syntax highlight set up, the diff will be properly highlighted.

This setting is suitable for wide terminals. If you have a narrow terminal, you may want to replace the {{{+vsplit}}} above with {{{+split}}} or add {{{nowrap}}} to the {{{+set}}}.

=== See diffstat of pulled changes ===

Place the following script (named "pull-diffstat" here) somewhere in your $PATH:

test -n "$HG_NODE" || exit 0
TIP=`hg tip --template '{node|short}'`
REV=`hg log -r $HG_NODE --template '{rev}'`
test -n "$REV" -a $REV -ne 0 || exit 0
PREV=`expr $REV - 1`
PARENT=`hg log -r $PREV --template '{node|short}'`
echo "diffstat for $PARENT to $TIP"
hg diff -r $PARENT -r tip | diffstat

Add a changegroup entry to the [hooks] section of hgrc:

changegroup = pull-diffstat

Now you will see a diffstat of the new changes to your repo every time you do "hg pull".

=== Accessing ssh controlled repositories from a Windows Client ===

NOTE: The following works for cases when the private keys are not Password phrase encrypted.

 1. Grab {{{putty.exe}}} and {{{plink.exe}}} from [http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ PuTTY] website.
 2. Connect to remote ssh host over ssh using PuTTY once and have PuTTY save it's key as a known host.
 3. Add the following to the {{{[ui]}}} section of your {{{~/Mercurial.ini}}} file {{{
ssh=/path/to/plink.exe -ssh -i "/path/to/your/private/key"
 4. Profit!!!

''This didn't work for me with the latest windows version, maybe because I'm using key authentication with a passphrase. I got cygwin ssh to work though. Follow the instructions for this on [wiki:Self:WindowsInstall#head-f68270c2de0d123382f73ef2fa702084831bffb6 WindowsInstall ssh help].'' -- krupan [[DateTime(2006-12-15T22:13:42Z)]]

To get your passphrase-locked SSH keys to work properly under PuTTY, you'll need to go through the following steps.

 1. Download {{{putty.exe}}}, {{{puttygen.exe}}}, {{{pageant.exe}}}, and {{{plink.exe}}} from the [http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ PuTTY website]. You may want {{{pscp.exe}}} as well if you plan to do SCP, but it's not necessary for running Mercurial.
 2. Copy your SSH private key onto your Windows machine.
 3. PuTTY uses its own private format for SSH private keys, so you'll need to convert your private key. Run {{{puttygen.exe}}} and choose {{{Import key}}} from the {{{Conversions}}} menu.
 4. Import your private key; enter its passphrase when prompted.
 5. Change the key comment to something meaningful.
 6. Click the {{{Save private key}}} button and save the .PPK file somewhere.
 7. Run {{{pageant.exe}}}. The pageant icon (a computer wearing a hat) will show up in the status tray.
 8. Right-click the pageant icon and choose {{{Add Key}}}.
 9. Choose the .PPK file you saved earlier and type in its passphrase.
 10. Follow steps 2 & 3 above: connect to the remote host, save its key, and edit your {{{Mercurial.ini}}} file.
 11. Enjoy your newly-secure SSH authentication on Windows!

  -- RobinMunn

Note that {{{pageant.exe}}} caches your unlocked key in memory, which could conceivably make its way into your swap file. Be aware of the security implications of that fact. (For example, if your computer is ever stolen, it would be wise to consider that SSH key compromised and change it as soon as possible).

= Advanced =

=== Keyword expansion according to file revision ===

(also see KeywordPlan)

This is an example on how you can achieve filewise keyword expansion (similar
to CVS) with an [encode] filter and the pretxncommit-hook. Comes in handy
when you want to keep track of different file revisions in the same

For demonstration we use just one keyword: "Hg".

 * {{{$Hg$}}}

It will be expanded by the script "hgpretxncommit.sh" (see below) to:

 * {{{$Hg: <basename of file>,v <short hash> <date> $}}}

You need an [encode] filter that "reverts" the expansion in your hgrc.

Simple example hgrc for a repository containing python files:

*.py = sed 's/[$]Hg[^$]*[$]/\$Hg\$/'
pretxncommit = hgpretxncommit.sh

In "hgpretxncommit.sh" you have to tweak the $excl variable according
to your needs. The script doesn't look at files matching $excl.

set -e
test $? -eq 0 -a -n "$HG_NODE" || exit 1
isodate=`hg tip --template='{date|isodate}'`
for f in `hg status --modified --added --no-status \
    | grep --invert-match "$excl" 2>/dev/null`; do
    sed -i~ -e "s!\([$]Hg\)[^$]*[$]!\1: $bn,v $cset $isodate \$!" "$f"
exit $?

=== upgrading a repository to revlogng in place ===

Here's a quick and dirty script to upgrade a mercurial repository in place.
Note: the current undo information will be lost.

function upgradehg () (
  if test -n "$1"
    local repo="$1"
    local tmprepo="$1".tmp
    local repo="."
    local tmprepo="../hgupgrade.tmp"

  set -e
  hg clone --pull -U "$repo" "$tmprepo"
  cp "$repo"/.hg/{hgrc,dirstate} "$tmprepo"/.hg
  mv "$repo"/.hg "$repo"/.hg.orig
  mv "$tmprepo"/.hg "$repo"/.hg
  rmdir "$tmprepo"
  echo "Upgrade complete. A backup of your original repository is now in $repo/\.hg.orig"

=== Concatenating multiple changeset into one changeset. ===

Suppose you have a repository with a number of changesets which you
want to combine into a single changeset.

This can be done as follows using only the basic operations of
mercurial, namely clone, push, pull.

For simplicity, let us assume that the repository in question has a
single head, and you want to combine the last k revisions into a
single revision.

For concreteness, let us call the base revision R, and the ending
revision R+k.

Let us furthermore assume the repository has no local changes.

The strategy is to take advantage of mercurial's support for
repositories with more than one head. What we do is create a branch
whose root revision is R and which consists of just one changeset
(actually it can be multiple changesets, the principle is the same,
but for simplicity let us assume one).

Diagramatically, this looks like:

digraph {
  rankdir = BT;
  node [shape=box];
  "working directory" -> R [label="1. update"];
  R -> "R+1" -> "R+2";
  "R+2" -> "R+k" [style=dashed];
  "working directory" -> "R+k" [color=red label="2. revert"];
  "working directory" [shape=ellipse];

digraph {
  rankdir = BT;
  node [shape=box];
  "working directory" -> "R+k (concatenated)" [color=red label="3. commit"];
  "working directory" -> R [style=invis];
  R -> "R+k (concatenated)";
  R -> "R+1" -> "R+2";
  "R+2" -> "R+k" [style=dashed];
  "working directory" [shape=ellipse];

digraph {
  rankdir = BT;
  node [shape=box];
  "working directory" -> R [style=invis];
  "working directory" -> "R+k (concatenated)" [color=red label="4. clone -r tip"]
  R -> "R+k (concatenated)"
  "working directory" [shape=ellipse label="cloned working directory"]

The procedure is as follows.

 1. hg update R
    This updates the working directory to revision R. Specifically, this
    means that the contents of the working directory are changed to that
    of revision R, and that R becomes the parent of the working directory.

 2. hg revert -r tip
    This reverts the working directory revert to its contents at tip.
    Since the parent of the working directory is still R, this means that
    the combined contents of all changesets between R and R+k show up as
    the modifications in the working directory.

 3. hg ci -m "Combined changesets between R and R+k"
    At this point, committing these modifications will create a changeset
    containing all combined changesets between revisions R and R+k.

 4. hg clone -r tip oldrepo newrepo
    This assumes you want to get rid of your individual changesets
    (which are a dangling branch in oldrepo) and just keep the combined
    changeset. newrepo will now just have the combined changeset.

=== Recreate hardlinks between two mercurial repositories ===

When repositories are cloned locally, their data files will be hardlinked so that they only use the space of a single repository. Unfortunately, subsequent pulls into either repository will break hardlinks for any files touched by the new changesets, even if both repositories end up pulling the same changes. Here's a quick and dirty way to recreate those hardlinks and reclaim that wasted space:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os, sys

class ConfigError(Exception): pass

def usage():
    print """relink <source> <destination>
    Hard-link files from source to destination"""

class Config:
    def __init__(self, args):
        if len(args) != 3:
            raise ConfigError("wrong number of arguments")
        self.src = os.path.abspath(args[1])
        self.dst = os.path.abspath(args[2])
        for d in (self.src, self.dst):
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, '.hg')):
                raise ConfigError("%s: not a mercurial repository" % d)

    cfg = Config(sys.argv)
except ConfigError, inst:
    print str(inst)

seplen = len(os.path.sep)
relinked = 0
savedbytes = 0
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(cfg.src, '.hg')):
    relpath = dirpath[len(cfg.src) + seplen:]
    for filename in filenames:
        if not (filename.endswith('.i') or filename.endswith('.d')):
        src = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
        tgt = os.path.join(cfg.dst, relpath, filename)
            ts = os.stat(tgt)
        except OSError:
        ss = os.stat(src)
        if ss.st_ino == ts.st_ino:
        if ss.st_dev != ts.st_dev:
            raise Exception('Source and destination are on different devices')
        if ss.st_size != ts.st_size:
        sfp = file(src)
        tfp = file(tgt)
        sin = sfp.read(CHUNKLEN)
        while sin:
            tin = tfp.read(CHUNKLEN)
            if sin != tin:
            sin = sfp.read(CHUNKLEN)
        if sin:
            os.rename(tgt, tgt + '.bak')
            os.link(src, tgt)
            print 'Relinked %s' % os.path.join(relpath, filename)
            relinked += 1
            savedbytes += ts.st_size
            os.remove(tgt + '.bak')
        except OSError, inst:
            print '%s: %s' % (tgt, str(inst))

print 'Relinked %d files (%d bytes reclaimed)' % (relinked, savedbytes)
=== Handling binary files ===
as stated in BinaryFiles, you need to have a tool which manages binary merge. Joachim Eibl's new kdiff3 version ships a version qt4 version (on windows called "kdiff3-QT4.exe") which recognizes binary files. Pressing "cancel" and "do not save" leaves you with the version of the file you have currently in the filesystem. See also on CvsConcepts.

Tips and Tricks

(see also [:FAQ], [wiki:CategoryTipsAndTricks CategoryTipsAndTricks])



1. Undo an "hg add"

hg revert # take out of source control
hg rm -f # remove it

2. Save a push URL so that you don't need to enter it each time

It is possible to store a default [:Push:push] URL that will be used when you type just "hg push". Edit .hg/hgrc and add something like:

default-push = ssh://hg@example.com/path

3. Track changes to a repository with RSS

You can track changes to projects and individual files with RSS feeds from hgweb. Here are some examples:

If you want to create web links to [:Tag:tagged] or [:Tip:tip] versions of a [:Repository:repository] or a file, you can do so like this:

5. Configuring Mercurial

See in [wiki:mercurial.ini].

6. Abbreviate command options

It is possible to abbreviate command options:

hg revert --no-b
hg revert --no-backup

7. Ignore files from Emacs/XEmacs

Add the following to [:.hgignore]:

syntax: glob

syntax: regexp

8. Make a clean copy of a source tree, like CVS export

hg clone source export
rm -rf export/.hg

or using the archive command

cd source
hg archive ../export

The same thing, but for a [:Tag:tagged] release:

hg clone --noupdate source export-tagged
cd export-tagged
hg update mytag
rm -rf .hg

or using the archive command

cd source
hg archive -r mytag ../export-tagged

9. One liner to remove unknown files with a pattern

To make these work, replace the ls -l with the command you wish to execute (ie. rm). You can also tweak the parameters passed to hg status to filter by something other than unknown files (see hg help status).

hg status -nu0 | grep -z pattern | xargs -0r ls -l

The above command requires a current version of GNU grep. If you don't have one, you can use the following:

hg status -nu | grep pattern | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0r ls -l

10. Generating color diff output with extdiff and colordiff

You can use the [:ExtdiffExtension:extdiff extension] to get colorized diff output. If you've enabled the extension and have colordiff installed, the following [:.hgrc:hgrc] snippet will create a new cdiff command:

# suppress noisy extdiff header message
cdiff = -q

cmd.cdiff = colordiff
opts.cdiff = -uprN

11. Using config substitution and the [DEFAULT] section of hgrc

The hgrc manpage gives a passing description of the [DEFAULT] section header but gives no notion of how one might use this (or the possible caveats). Here's an example:

  • %(NAME)s is substituted in configuration values if NAME is defined in the current section

  • Names defined in the [DEFAULT] section appear in all other configuration sections (unless overridden in a particular section)

  • In most sections, names not specifically used are ignored however...
  • The [extensions] will attempt to load any names in it has extensions

  • Putting a name in [DEFAULT] usually breaks the configuration as the name is likely not a valid extension

  • Placing a name under [DEFAULT] requires that you keep the [extensions] section from trying to load it.

Here's an example of the usage:

    HOME = /home/myuser
    ignore.mine = %(HOME)s/.hgignore.mine
    style = %(HOME)s/.hg-styles/hg-map-cmdline.color
    dotfiles = %(HOME)s/
    # Avoid the [DEFAULT] extension bug
    HOME = !

12. Using FileMerge.app/opendiff as the diff program (OS X)

The Developer Tools for OS X provide the excellent graphical diff program "FileMerge.app". The provided command-line wrapper "opendiff" for "FileMerge.app" will not work with ExtdiffExtension. Instead, use the script [http://ssel.vub.ac.be/ssel/internal:fmdiff fmdiff] which wraps "FileMerge.app" so that it responds like the usual diff program. Once fmdiff is in your path, just add the below to your .hgrc file

hgext.extdiff =

cmd.opendiff =  fmdiff

and use

$ hg opendiff ...

13. hg diff does not support -foo option like gnu diff does

I use the following bash function to put the diff options I like most

hgdi ()
  for i in `hg status -marn "$@"`
    diff -ubwd <(hg cat "$i") "$i"

You can also use the extdiff extension to call GNU diff from Mercurial.

14. Handling binary files

as stated in BinaryFiles, you need to have a tool which manages binary merge. Joachim Eibl's new kdiff3 version ships a version qt4 version (on windows called "kdiff3-QT4.exe") which recognizes binary files. Pressing "cancel" and "do not save" leaves you with the version of the file you have currently in the filesystem. See also on CvsConcepts.

TipsAndTricks (last edited 2016-12-05 11:14:36 by ArneBab)