Tags in Mercurial

hg tag

hg tags

A tag is a symbolic identifier for a [:ChangeSet:changeset]. It can contain any characters except ":" (colon), "\r" (Carriage Return) or "\n" (Line Feed).

Mercurial has two kinds of tag.

1. How do tags work in Mercurial?

Tags work slightly differently in Mercurial than most revision systems. The design attempts to meet the following requirements:

Thus Mercurial stores tags as a file in the [:WorkingDirectory:working dir]. This file is called .hgtags and consists of a list of [:ChangeSetID:changeset IDs] and their corresponding tags. To add a tag to the system, simply add a line to this file and then commit it for it to take effect. The hg tag command will do this for you and hg tags will show the currently effective tags.

Note that because tags refer to changeset IDs and the changeset ID is effectively the sum of all the contents of the repository for that change, it is impossible in Mercurial to simultaneously commit and add a tag. Thus tagging a revision must be done as a second step.

2. What if I want to just keep local tags?

You can use "hg tag" command with an option -l or --local. This will store the tag in the file .hg/localtags, which will not be distributed or versioned. The format of this file is identical to the one of .hgtags and the tags stored there are handled the same.

3. How do tags work with multiple heads?

The tags that are in effect at any given time are the tags specified in each [:Head:head], with heads closer to the [:Tip:tip] taking precedence. Local tags override all other tags.

See also: [:MultipleHeads]

4. What if multiple lines with different revisions use the same tag name in .hgtags?

Only the last line where the tag appears is taken into account. The behavior is identical when this happens in .hg/localtags.

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