Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2012-09-29 23:34:16
Size: 1501
Editor: cpc21-cmbg15-2-0-cust35
Revision 3 as of 2012-09-29 23:38:06
Size: 1765
Editor: cpc21-cmbg15-2-0-cust35
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If the command completes, the local and remote repositories will contain the same changesets (except those marked as secret).
The command is made of 3 actions each of which is atomic and dependent on the previous: pull, merge, push.

=== Technical Details ===

Sync Extension

This extension is not distributed with Mercurial.

Author: Graham Helliwell Co-author: Chris Moore

Web page: https://bitbucket.org/GrahamHelliwell/hg-sync

Repository: https://bitbucket.org/GrahamHelliwell/hg-sync


The sync extension provides a useful option for users making changes unlikely to conflict with other repository users, for example Technical Authors and Graphical Designers in an otherwise developer-only project. The intended workflow with the tool is: sync, change, commit, sync. If the command completes, the local and remote repositories will contain the same changesets (except those marked as secret). The command is made of 3 actions each of which is atomic and dependent on the previous: pull, merge, push.

Technical Details

The sync command pulls from remote. If there are local-only committed changes, they are merged (and the merge is committed). Then a push is performed. This is a non-atomic command such that pulled changes remain if later parts fail.


To install the extension, first download the crecord archive from the site above, and extract it to a folder where you prefer to keep extensions (e.g. $HOME/hgext).

Configure your .hgrc file to enable the extension by adding following lines:


#The following line is a list of toolbar tool names separated by spaces.
workbench.custom-toolbar = sync

#Define the sync tool
sync.icon = path/to/hg-sync.svg
sync.command = hg sync
sync.label = sync
sync.showoutput = True
sync.tooltip = Pull incoming changes, update/merge and push outgoing changes


SyncExtension (last edited 2012-10-02 22:40:37 by cpc21-cmbg15-2-0-cust35)