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Revision 65 as of 2011-07-12 18:55:06
Size: 11082
Editor: mpm
Revision 66 as of 2011-07-12 19:20:50
Size: 11074
Comment: already complex enough, no need to make it more complicated :)
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As this feature solves a complex complex problem and is quite young, there are a number of rough edges: As this feature solves a complex problem and is quite young, there are a number of rough edges:


Automatic management of nested repositories from other sources. See also Mercurials built-in help on subrepos.

1. Introduction

Subrepositories is a feature that allows you to treat a collection of repositories as a group. This will allow you to clone, commit to, push, and pull projects and their associated libraries as a group.

This feature was introduced in a preliminary form in Mercurial 1.3 and has been improved steadily since then. There are still some commands that lack proper support for sub-repositories, but we will fix them as we come across them and as we figure out how to best make them subrepo-aware.

For those used to Subversion, this concept is closest to what you can achieve with Subversion directories marked with the svn:externals property. Mercurial 1.5 has support for using Subversion repositories as subrepos. Mercurial 1.8 also has support for git.

2. Basic usage

2.1. Start

To start using subrepositories, you need two repositories, a main repo and a nested repo:

$ hg init main
$ cd main
$ hg init nested

Next we'll mark the directory 'nested' as a Mercurial subrepository by creating an entry for it in the special '.hgsub' file.

$ echo nested = nested > .hgsub
$ hg add .hgsub

On the left hand side of the assignment is the path in our working dir, and the right hand side specifies the source to pull from. This functionality is cross platform so Windows users have to use '/' as the path separator.

The source of a Mercurial repository can either be a relative or absolute path or a URL. Trivial relative paths (where the source path is the same as the working dir path) will ensure that the subrepositories always can be found 'in place'. That is generally recommended. Other relative paths can for example be used if the subrepositories can't be hosted 'in place', for example because of limitations of a central repository or hosting service. A consequence of using such non-trivial relative paths is that clones can't be cloned. URLs and absolute paths can be useful if the subrepository is hosted centrally without utilizing any DVCS workflows and thus never should be re-cloned. URLs can also be used for external resources, but note that it in that case might be a better idea to use a local distributed mirror and use a trivial relative path instead.

Note that subpaths can be used to redefine source paths locally.

The type of the subrepository can be specified in square brackets before the source. The default is '[hg]'.

Here we're simply going to define the Mercurial subrepository 'nested' to pull from 'nested' using a path relative to main. This says 'anyone who can find our main repo can find the nested repo just by tacking nested onto that path'.

Note that the nested repository must actually exist for the line in .hgsub to do anything. For instance, if rather than creating a local nested repository you attempt to link to a pre-existing remote one, you must ALSO clone that repository:

$ echo nested = https://example.com/nested/repo/path > .hgsub
$ hg add .hgsub
$ hg clone https://example.com/nested/repo/path nested

If you intend to track something other than the current revision of the default branch this is also the time when you would update the subrepo to the desired revision.

Now let's add some files to nested, and add them.

$ echo test > nested/foo
$ hg -R nested add nested/foo
$ hg -R nested commit --message "Initial commit."

2.1.1. SVN subrepositories

As of version 1.5, Mercurial can also support other repository types for your subrepo. For example, if you wanted a subrepo that referred to a Subversion repository, you would do something like this:

$ echo 'nested = [svn]https://example.com/nested/trunk/path' >.hgsub
$ hg add .hgsub
$ svn co https://example.com/nested/trunk/path nested

2.1.2. Git subrepositories

As of version 1.8, Mercurial supports git subrepositories:

$ echo 'nested = [git]git://example.com/nested/repo/path.git' > .hgsub
$ hg add .hgsub
$ git clone git://example.com/nested/repo/path.git nested

2.2. Committing

When we commit, Mercurial will attempt to create a consistent snapshot of the state of the entire project and its subrepos. It does this by first attempting to commit in all modified subrepos and then recording the state of all subrepos. (Commit includes subrepositories by default because it is intended to create an atomic snapshot of the tree that you presumably built and tested before committing.)

$ hg ci -mtest
committing subrepository nested

{i} Subrepo states are stored in a '.hgsubstate' file that is managed automatically by Mercurial.

Note that the same commit message will be used recursively over all subrepositories. Note also that hg status by default not will recurse into subrepositories, so hg commit might commit more than hg status shows. Commits with subrepositories must thus be done very carefully, especially in repositories where the subrepos have different policies or where the history of the individual repositories also should make sense in other contexts. Recursive commits can be disabled with the local ui.commitsubrepos configuration setting introduced in Mercurial 1.8.

2.3. Update

Whenever Mercurial encounters a changeset containing subrepos, it will attempt to pull the specified subrepos and update them to the appropriate state:

$ cd ..
$ hg clone main main2
updating working directory
pulling subrepo nested
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ cat main2/nested/foo

Subrepos may also contain their own subrepos and Mercurial will recurse as necessary.

2.4. Push

Mercurial will automatically attempt to first push all subrepos of the current repository when you push. This will ensure new changesets in subrepos are available when referenced by top-level repositories.

2.5. Pull

Notably, the 'pull' command is by default not recursive. This is because Mercurial won't know which subrepos are required until an update to a specific changeset is requested. The update will pull the requested subrepositories and changesets on demand. To get pull and update in one step, use 'pull --update'.

Note that this matches exactly how 'pull' works without subrepositories, considering that subrepositories lives in the working directory:

  • 'hg pull' gives you the upstream changesets but doesn't affect your working directory.

  • 'hg update' updates the contents of your working directory (both in the top repo and in all subrepos)

It might be a good idea to always pull with --update if you have any subrepositories. That will generally ensure that updates not will miss any changesets and that update thus not will cause any pulls.

2.6. Synchronizing in subrepositories

Subrepos don't automatically track the latest changeset of their sources. Instead, they are updated to the changeset that corresponds with the changeset checked out in the top-level changeset. This is so developers always get a consistent set of compatible code and libraries when they update.

Thus, updating subrepos is a manual process. Simply run 'hg pull' and 'hg up' in the target subrepo, test in the top-level repo, then commit in the top-level repo to record the new combination. The onsub extension can be used to automate that.

2.7. Delete

To remove a subrepo from the parent repo, you must delete the subrepo definition from the '.hgsub' file at the top level of the parent repo. Once you do this, the subrepo tree will show up as a set of unknown files when you run hg status, and you can delete the files.

3. Recommendations

3.1. Use a thin shell repository to manage your subrepositories

The most obvious way to construct a project using subrepositories is:

project/  # your main project repository
  lib/    # your shared library as a nested subrepository

This tends to be suboptimal for a variety of reasons:

  • overly-strict tracking of relationship between project/ and lib/
  • impossible to check or push project/ if lib/ source repo becomes unavailable
  • lack of well-defined support for recursive diff, log, and status
  • recursive nature of commit surprising

The recommended structure is of this form:

build/      # thin master repo to manage build environment
  project/  # your main project as a subrepo
  lib/      # your shared library as a sibling subrepo

Here, all repositories containing 'real' code have no subrepositories of their own (ie they are leaf nodes). They can thus be treated as completely ordinary repositories and a developer can largely ignore the additional complexities of subrepositories. Work can continue in these repositories even if their siblings become unavailable. Recursive commits in build/ are only needed to synchronize changes between siblings and to tag releases.

3.2. Use 'trivial' subrepo paths where possible

Mercurial accepts both complex and absolute subrepo paths but these may cause a variety of issues:

  • Absolute URLs are subject to change and may make old versions of the project difficult to reconstruct
  • Relative paths of the form "foo = ../foo" will not generally allow clones to be cloned
  • Paths containing drive letters, UNC paths, backslashes, or other Windows-isms will generally not be portable

The most reliable scheme to have all subrepos paths be of the form:

foo = foo

where the source and target are both the same simple directory name.

{i} On hgweb servers, it will be useful to use symlinks or duplicate path entries to allow shared libraries to appear in multiple places.

4. Caveats

As this feature solves a complex problem and is quite young, there are a number of rough edges:

  • Some commands require a -S or --subrepos switch to operate on subrepos (available since Mercurial 1.7)

  • Many commands are not aware of subrepos
  • Update/merge currently can't remove subrepositories entirely as that might lose local-only changes
  • There's no support for merging across renaming/moving subrepos
  • Collisions between normal files and subrepos are not handled
  • Subrepository pulls are always delayed until needed by an update
  • pull -r will not filter revisions pulled in subrepositories

  • Push similarly ignores URLs and revision filters
  • Commit doesn't propagate some flags like -A to subrepos

5. See Also

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Subrepository (last edited 2019-05-24 05:05:05 by AntonShestakov)