Extension Name

This extension is not distributed with Mercurial.

Author: Klaus Koch

Download site: http://bitbucket.org/kuk42/hgsnap/


snap is a Mercurial extension for storing (big) file snapshots outside a Mercurial repository.

This is useful for files which are either too big, or do not change in small enough deltas to be stored in a source revision system like Mercurial. They would increase the repository size, memory consumption, and run-time.

Read the documentation on the wiki and use

$ hg help snap

to get further information.

The snap extension should work with Mercurial 1.4 and later, however, all unit tests and further development focus on Mercurial 1.6.


Configure your .hgrc to enable the extension by adding following lines:

You enable snap like any other Mercurial extension, simply add


CategoryExtension CategoryExtensionsByOthers