Shelve Extension

This extension is not distributed with Mercurial.

Author: TK Soh <>



The shelve extension provides the shelve command to lets you choose which parts of the changes in a working directory you'd like to set aside temporarily, at the granularity of patch hunks. You can later restore the shelved patch hunks using the unshelve command.

The shelve extension has been adapted from Mercurial's RecordExtension.

Compatibility with Mercurial

The latest version of hgshelve requires Mercurial version 1.1 or later. Mercurial users of older version will need to 'downgrade' to older version of hgshelve at changeset ef85a6331d31.


Configure your .hgrc to enable the extension by adding following lines:


or place in your 'hgext' directory and add the following lines:



(this is only a description of the basic usage)

hg shelve

Temporarily stash away changes. You can select the exact hunks of changes you want to shelve.

hg unshelve

Get the changes back into the workdir.

Hunks selection

y - shelve this change
n - skip this change

s - skip remaining changes to this file
f - shelve remaining changes to this file

d - done, skip remaining changes and files
a - shelve all changes to all remaining files
q - quit, shelveing no changes

? - display help
