This page is primarily intended for developers of Mercurial.
Revset null/wdir Plan
How to handle null and wdir() in revset?
1. Status of revset functions
A list of revset functions and operators sorted by category.
(TODO: add current/expected behavior of wdir())
works as expected
not determined, but seems correct
not determined, but seems wrong or unsure
1.1. Set
- common set operation or intersection with computed set
should have no problem with null and wdir()
but several functions use None (= wdir()) for different meanings
Predicate |
null |
not x |
x and y |
x or y |
x - y |
all() |
bundle() |
first(set, [n]), limit(...) |
hidden() |
last(set, [n]) |
outgoing([path]) |
remote([id [,path]]) |
reverse(set) |
1.2. Ancestor / Descendant
operation that interacts with DAG or revlog
wdir() can't live in it
null sometimes goes wrong because p2() = null
Predicate |
null |
x::y |
x^n, x^ |
x^ |
x~n |
ancestor(*changeset) |
ancestors(set) |
branchpoint() |
children(set) |
descendants(set) |
follow() |
follow(file) |
heads(set) |
merge() |
only(set, [set]) |
p1([set]) |
p2([set]) |
parents([set]) |
roots(set) |
1.3. Arithmetic
- integer comparison, increment or decrement
null should work, but wdir() can't because of None
Predicate |
null |
x:y |
max(set) |
min(set) |
sort(set[, [-]key...]) key=rev |
1.4. Changectx attribute
filter by ctx attributes
should have no problem with null and wdir()
Predicate |
null |
author(string), user(string) |
closed() |
converted([id]) |
date(interval) |
desc(string) |
destination([set]) |
extra(label, [value]) |
grep(regex) |
keyword(string) |
matching(revision [, field]) |
origin([set]) |
sort(set[, [-]key...]) key!=rev |
1.5. File status / manifest
filter by match, etc.
should have no problem with null and wdir()
Predicate |
null |
adds(pattern) |
contains(pattern) |
file(pattern) |
modifies(pattern) |
removes(pattern) |
subrepo([pattern]) |
1.6. Misc revision data
- filter by miscellaneous data that requires a real revision
tend to crash by wdir()
Predicate |
null |
bisect(string) |
bookmark([name]) |
branch(string) |
branch(set) |
bumped() |
divergent() |
draft() |
extinct() |
filelog(pattern) |
head() |
named(namespace) |
obsolete() |
public() |
secret() |
tag([name]) |
unstable() |
1.7. Trivial identifier / wrapper
Predicate |
null |
id(string) |
present(set) |
rev(number) |
2. Status of commands
partially implemented
not yet finished
(TODO: commands that should reject wdir(), subrepo, largefiles?)
Command |
Default |
wdir |
annotate |
p1 |
archive |
p1 |
cat |
p1 |
diff |
p1:wdir |
export |
p1 |
files |
wdir |
grep |
tip:0 |
identify |
wdir |
locate |
wdir |
log |
tip:0 |
parents |
wdir |
status |
wdir |
See also 0e41f110e69e
3. Expected behavior
General guidelines (from 4691)
null should not appear in the general case
- We need a simple and consitent rules for it to appear
- It must not be an implementation hell revset side
- It should be simple enough to support it when writing revset in extension
We want similar rules for wdir()
null should not survive combination (and) with anything.
1) The following include null in the result - "null" - "null + 2" - "null::" (probably) - "::null" (probably) 2) the following does not includes it - "null and (::2)" - "null and date(-9001)" - "null and all()" (replaces null by any of the variant in (1)) "all()" could maybe take and argument to accept null.
null should work just like other revisions once appeared
- "null and (:2)" -> () # because :2 = 0:2 - "null and (::2)" -> (null,) - "null and date(-100000)" -> (null,) - "null and all()" -> () # if all() = 0:tip or (null) # if all() = everything in sets (like "and true") - "wdir() and draft()" -> (wdir,)
4. Possible use cases
(TODO: I don't have good example in mind)
hg log -Gr ":wdir() and branch(name)" to show DAG of the specified branch including working directory
hg log -r "wdir():0 and modifies(pattern)"
5. Possible implementation
how null and wdir() appear in set:
fullreposet allows us to populate a set containing null and wdir() only if specified (d2de20e1451f, backed out by e16456831516)
this magic should be disabled once fullreposet is evaluated
.filter() -> spanset().filter()
None is itchy:
map None to len(repo) or INT_MAX
always integer in set: repo[len(repo)] -> wctx, but wctx.rev() -> None
- use integer representation only in revset: wrap result by a proxy set
that converts between None and len(repo)
will allow us to handle wdir as contiguous revision
but it is likely to hide bugs
is constant, which will cause less bugs
but it can't appear in spanset, will require more special cases
- changelog, rbc, etc.
null should be handled in the same way as regular revisions because changelog knows it.
but wdir() isn't. what should we do?
ff... hash:
have to exist in base-16 trie (nodetree) so that short ff... hash can be resolved correctly.
but nodetree uses INT_MAX for nullrev.
6. See also