Differences between revisions 51 and 53 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 51 as of 2008-04-02 22:04:59
Size: 4544
Editor: abuehl
Comment: mercurial -> Mercurial, minor tweaks
Revision 53 as of 2008-05-20 22:19:49
Size: 4590
Editor: GuidoOstkamp
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== ClearCase ==

 * ClearCaseConversion - some ideas
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Converting Repositories

Your first option should probably be the ConvertExtension bundled with Mercurial. It supports branches, incremental imports, and a few other nice features, and is maintained by the Mercurial authors. It currently only understands CVS, subversion, Darcs and git.

Otherwise, the following tools may be useful.


1. Arch / TLA / Baz 1.5

The ConvertExtension supports GNU Arch since (df659eb23360, 0.9.5+)

Other tools for Arch conversion can be found at ArchConversion.

2. Bazaar?

  • ["Tailor"] - a generic conversion tool.

3. ClearCase

4. CVS

Multiple convertors exist for converting from CVS to Mercurial:

You can also convert from Mercurial to CVS:

5. Darcs

The ConvertExtension supports Darcs.

An older sample Darcs conversion script is available in the contrib/ directory of the Mercurial source.

Also see ["Tailor"].

6. Git

See GitConversion (incremental).

7. Subversion

The ConvertExtension included in Mercurial 0.9.5 can import Subversion trees. It uses the Subversion API, so it can speak any Subversion repository access protocol.

Examples and details about Subversion interoperability can be found in WorkingWithSubversion.

Converters that work on local repositories or data (faster, if this is an option for you):

Converters that work on remote repositories:

Syncing tools:

  • [http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/hgsvn hgsvn] allows you to work on SVN checkouts using Mercurial (mirroring all SVN history in a local Mercurial repository on which you can also do local development). It is useful for managing private branches, submitting patches to project maintainers, have fast local operations instead of slow remote "svn up/log/blame", etc. Also useful as "one-shot" conversion tool if you just remove all the svn directories ("find . -name '.svn' |xargs rm -r") afterwards.

  • SubversionToMercurialSync (like hgsvn, but more primitive)

8. Perforce

[http://hg.omnifarious.org/~hopper/p4_to_hg p4_to_hg]

This utility can actually keep two repositories in sync.

Currently, it's slapped together and built to serve my particular needs, but it could probably be modified into something more general. It currently makes no attempt to do anything with Perforce's ability to track branches or the movement of changesets from branch to branch. -- EricHopper 2005-09-27 06:31:03

9. Bitkeeper

Because of the threatening behavior of Larry McVoldemort of Bitmover, no Bitkeeper conversion tools have been made publically available. See GenericConversion for details on building your own repository conversion tool.

10. TeamWare

Very experimental conversion script available if you can find nothing better:


11. Other systems

["Tailor"] is a conversion tool that can do simple conversions from a variety of systems. See GenericConversion for details on building your own repository conversion tool.


RepositoryConversion (last edited 2020-07-05 13:34:51 by MarcinKasperski)