Differences between revisions 16 and 18 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 16 as of 2007-04-26 22:13:57
Size: 2644
Editor: charlus
Comment: hgsvn
Revision 18 as of 2007-04-29 20:40:39
Size: 3258
Editor: ip24-170-192-111
Comment: convert-repo patch queue
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * SubversionToMercurialSync
(need info)
 * SubversionToMercurialSync (need info)
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 * [http://hg.rosdahl.net/yasvn2hg yasvn2hg] - yet another SVN to HG converter. Handles branches, tags and file copies/renames. Calls the svn client for each changeset, so it's not very fast. Direct links: [http://hg.rosdahl.net/yasvn2hg/raw-file/tip/yasvn2hg yasvn2hg program], [http://hg.rosdahl.net/yasvn2hg/raw-file/tip/README README file].
 * [http://dingoskidneys.com/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi/queue-convert-svn/] - Patch queue against Mercurial. Patches create a convert-repo hacked to support SVN as a source. Uses the SVN API, making it at least ten time faster than any system that use the SVN command line.


Arch / TLA / Baz 1.5

Tools for Arch conversion can be found at ArchConversion.


  • ["Tailor"] - a generic conversion tool.


Because of the threatening behavior of Bitmover, no Bitkeeper conversion tools have been made publically available. See GenericConversion for details on building your own repository conversion tool.


Multiple convertors exist for converting from CVS to Mercurial:

  • ["convert-repo"] - the development version of Mercurial includes a CVS converter
  • ["Tailor"] - a generic conversion tool
  • ["cvs20hg"] - a fast CVS to Mercurial converter
  • [http://hg.beekhof.net/hg/cvs-import hg-cvs-import] (need info)


A sample Darcs conversion script is available in the contrib/ directory of the Mercurial source.

For a more accurate conversion, which preserves Darcs information on renames and some information on tags, use ["Tailor"].


See GitConversion.



[http://hg.omnifarious.org/~hopper/p4_to_hg p4_to_hg]

This utility can actually keep two repositories in sync.

Currently, it's slapped together and built to serve my particular needs, but it could probably be modified into something more general. It currently makes no attempt to do anything with Perforce's ability to track branches or the movement of changesets from branch to branch. -- EricHopper 2005-09-27 06:31:03

Other systems

["Tailor"] is a conversion tool that can do simple conversions from a variety of systems. See GenericConversion for details on building your own repository conversion tool.

RepositoryConversion (last edited 2020-07-05 13:34:51 by MarcinKasperski)