Mercurial 5.0 release

This is an overview of the 5.0 release.

1. New Features

1.1. Python 3 Support (Beta)

Mercurial 5.0 has beta level support for running on Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7. The Mercurial distribution itself and all extensions bundled with it should work on these Python versions.

To use Mercurial with Python 3, invoke with a Python 3 interpreter or set the PYTHON variable to a Python 3 interpreter when invoking the Makefile. e.g. python3.7 install or make install-home PYTHON=python3.7.

3rd party extensions will likely need to be ported to support running on Python 3 and attempts to run many existing extensions with a Python 3 powered Mercurial will result in extension loading failures. See the Python3 page for more.

While the Mercurial test suite has a >99% pass rate when running with Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7, we anticipate that there are still many Python 3 bugs lingering in Mercurial. Please report Python 3 issues using the instructions at BugTracker.

If you package Mercurial or distribute it to users, we do not recommend making Python 3 the default at this time.

Python 3 is not yet very well tested on Windows and there are likely several more lingering issues on Windows compared to Linux, macOS, and other UNIX-like platforms.

1.2. Updated Windows Installers

Windows installer packaging has been transitioned away from ad-hoc processes employed on individual contributors' personal machines to occurring in reproducible infrastructure driven by code in the Mercurial repository itself. This transition should enable Windows packaging and releasing to be more reliable and reproducible.

As part of this transition, there are changes to the Windows installers.

1.2.1. Inno Setup .exe Installer Changes

2. New Experimental Features

3. Other Notable Features

4. Other Improvements

5. Bug Fixes

6. Backwards Compatibility Changes

7. Internal API Changes

Release5.0 (last edited 2019-05-19 23:08:58 by MattHarbison)