Differences between revisions 1 and 4 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2008-08-20 07:29:34
Size: 553
Editor: abuehl
Comment: new page
Revision 4 as of 2008-12-31 17:40:56
Size: 712
Editor: peter kovac
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Rebase extension ==
'''This extension is expected to be distributed along with Mercurial releases'''
== Rebase Extension ==
'''This extension is distributed along with Mercurial releases (starting with 1.1)'''
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The rebase extension is '''not''' compatible with Mercurial release 1.0.2 (see http://www.selenic.com/pipermail/mercurial/2008-September/021154.html).

Rebase Extension

This extension is distributed along with Mercurial releases (starting with 1.1)

Author: Stefano Tortarolo

See RebaseProject for usage details.

The rebase extension is currently (as of 2008-08-20) available from the tip of the main development branch of Mercurial and is thus contained in the [http://www.selenic.com/mercurial-snapshot.tar.gz hourly snapshot].

The rebase extension is not compatible with Mercurial release 1.0.2 (see http://www.selenic.com/pipermail/mercurial/2008-September/021154.html).


Enable the extension in the configuration file (.hgrc):

hgext.rebase = 


RebaseExtension (last edited 2017-03-28 19:44:56 by SietseBrouwer)