Rafael Martins
Contact Details
Email: rafael AT SPAMFREE rafaelmartins DOT eng DOT br
IRC: rafaelmartins
About me
I'm a Brazilian student of Automation and Control Engineering (in the 4th year, 8th semester) at the Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais, CEFET/MG.
I used to develop Free Software using Python and Mercurial. Almost all my small projects can be found here: http://hg.rafaelmartins.eng.br/
I have some experience writing Mercurial extensions and scripts using the Mercurial API.
Google Summer of Code 2010
I'm considering apply to the 'Partial Cloning' idea. The discussion with Peter Arrenbrecht (parren) is pending yet, so, only after that I'll can be sure of what I'll can do.
I'm not an expert about the Mercurial core, but I think that I'll can do a good work.