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## Y
 * [[http://yt-project.org/|yt]] - Analysis and visualization package for astrophysics simulations

Some Projects that Use Mercurial

The following lists some other projects that use Mercurial as their primary SCM system. Projects using a different SCM may have a synchronized Mercurial repository.

1. 0-9, A/B/C

  • Abacus Formula Compiler - a spreadsheet (functional computation model) to Java byte code compiler for Excel and OOo Calc

  • Adium - an open-source multi-protocol instant-messenger client for Mac OS X

  • Adminton (アドミントン) contains a ton of useful things for admins, e.g. the Logbuch tools.

  • Argh! - an esoteric programming language.

  • AsciiDoc - a lightweight markup formater for short documents, articles, books and UNIX man pages

  • Ccontrol - a utility for taming compiler versions, distcc, ccache etc.

  • CEGUI - a free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs

  • crosstool-NG - a (cross-)toolchains generator

  • CubicWeb - a semantic web application framework (repository)

2. D/E/F/G

  • Dillo - a fast & light multi-platform browser (repository)

  • DIVE4elements - a database-supported web application for spatiotemporal analysis of data referring to the 4 elements (earth, water, air, and fire). DIVE is an acronym for Digging, Investigating, Viewing, Exporting. (repositories)

  • Enano CMS - Highly advanced hybrid wiki CMS system

  • Enzo - Adaptive mesh refinement simulation code for astrophysics

  • flpsed - a Postscript and PDF annotator

  • GeeXboX uShare - A free UPnP A/V Media Server for Linux

  • gipfel - photogrammetry for mountain images

  • GraphicsMagick - Portable image processing utilities, libraries, and GUIs.

  • Globulation 2 - innovative state-of-the-art Real Time Strategy (RTS) game (repository)

  • gquilt - A GUI wrapper around quilt and Mercurials mq extension.

  • Growl - an open-source notifications system for Mac OS X

  • gwsmhg - A PyGTK GUI for managing work spaces using hg and the mq extension.

3. H/I/J/K/L

  • Hatta Wiki - A wiki engine using Mercurial for storage.

  • Hedgewars - a turn based strategy, artillery, action and comedy game, featuring the antics of pink hedgehogs with attitude (repository)

  • hgview - a mercurial interactive history viewer (repository)

  • Intel's ACPI team is using Mercurial for Linux kernel development
  • IcedTea - a harness to build the source code from http://openjdk.java.net using Free Software build tools

  • irccd - an IRC bot written in C++14 and Javascript (repository)

  • iUI - Javascript micro-framework for creating mobile WebApps with a native iPhone/WebKit look & feel.

  • JCite - cites Java, Excel and text snippets from tests into documentation (literate testing).

4. M/N

  • NetBeans a Java IDE (Mercurial How-To)

  • nginx/mod_wsgi a mod_wsgi module for nginx

  • nsnam - ns-3 project, a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems

  • NTFS-3G - NTFS driver for Linux with read and write support (FUSE driver).

  • nginx - nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server, written by Igor Sysoev (repository)

5. O/P/Q

  • QTM - Qt 4-based desktop blogging client (repositories at Bitbucket here, see the 1.3 repo)

  • QuakeNet IRC network - free IRC server and services

6. R/S/T

  • RainDoll - An encryption tool with a simple idea: keep it simple. No bells and whistles. Uses Rijndael from .NET.

  • Roundup Issue Tracker - A simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with command-line, web and e-mail interfaces (repository)

  • RhodeCode - RhodeCode repository serving and browsing application written in pylons.

  • ScientificPython - a collection of Python modules for scientific computing

  • SCons - a software construction tool that uses Python scripts as configuration files (repository)

  • sip - A C/C++ library bindings generator for Python v2 and v3 (repository)

  • Škoda Electric - all electric power converter control projects

  • sudo - a tool to run commands as a different user (repository)

7. U/V/W/X/Y/Z

  • WinMerge 3 WinMerge is an Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows.

  • wmii window manager improved 2

  • W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium

8. See also


ProjectsUsingMercurial (last edited 2025-02-10 16:58:48 by DrinkyBird)