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 * [[http://hg.shortcircuit.net.au/sahriswiki/|SahrisWiki]] - New and Improved !WikiWiki Engine. Modular and Component orientated in design with an AJAX user interface.

Some Projects that Use Mercurial

The following lists some other projects that use Mercurial as their primary SCM system. Projects using a different SCM may have a synchronized Mercurial repository.

1. 0-9, A/B/C

  • Abacus Formula Compiler - a spreadsheet (functional computation model) to Java byte code compiler for Excel and OOo Calc

  • Adium - an open-source multi-protocol instant-messenger client for Mac OS X

  • Adminton (アドミントン) contains a ton of useful things for admins, e.g. the Logbuch tools.

  • Argh! - an esoteric programming language.

  • AsciiDoc - a lightweight markup formater for short documents, articles, books and UNIX man pages

  • Ccontrol - a utility for taming compiler versions, distcc, ccache etc.

  • CEGUI - a free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs

  • crosstool-NG - a (cross-)toolchains generator

  • CubicWeb - a semantic web application framework (repository)

2. D/E/F/G

  • Dillo - a fast & light multi-platform browser (repository)

  • DIVE4elements - a database-supported web application for spatiotemporal analysis of data referring to the 4 elements (earth, water, air, and fire). DIVE is an acronym for Digging, Investigating, Viewing, Exporting. (repositories)

  • Enano CMS - Highly advanced hybrid wiki CMS system

  • Enzo - Adaptive mesh refinement simulation code for astrophysics

  • flpsed - a Postscript and PDF annotator

  • GeeXboX uShare - A free UPnP A/V Media Server for Linux

  • gipfel - photogrammetry for mountain images

  • GraphicsMagick - Portable image processing utilities, libraries, and GUIs.

  • Globulation 2 - innovative state-of-the-art Real Time Strategy (RTS) game (repository)

  • gquilt - A GUI wrapper around quilt and Mercurials mq extension.

  • Growl - an open-source notifications system for Mac OS X

  • gwsmhg - A PyGTK GUI for managing work spaces using hg and the mq extension.

3. H/I/J/K/L

  • Hatta Wiki - A wiki engine using Mercurial for storage.

  • Hedgewars - a turn based strategy, artillery, action and comedy game, featuring the antics of pink hedgehogs with attitude (repository)

  • hgview - a mercurial interactive history viewer (repository)

  • Intel's ACPI team is using Mercurial for Linux kernel development
  • IcedTea - a harness to build the source code from http://openjdk.java.net using Free Software build tools

  • irccd - an IRC bot written in C++14 and Javascript (repository)

  • iUI - Javascript micro-framework for creating mobile WebApps with a native iPhone/WebKit look & feel.

  • JCite - cites Java, Excel and text snippets from tests into documentation (literate testing).

4. M/N

  • NetBeans a Java IDE (Mercurial How-To)

  • nginx/mod_wsgi a mod_wsgi module for nginx

  • nsnam - ns-3 project, a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems

  • NTFS-3G - NTFS driver for Linux with read and write support (FUSE driver).

  • nginx - nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server, written by Igor Sysoev (repository)

5. O/P/Q

  • QTM - Qt 4-based desktop blogging client (repositories at Bitbucket here, see the 1.3 repo)

  • QuakeNet IRC network - free IRC server and services

6. R/S/T

  • RainDoll - An encryption tool with a simple idea: keep it simple. No bells and whistles. Uses Rijndael from .NET.

  • Roundup Issue Tracker - A simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with command-line, web and e-mail interfaces (repository)

  • RhodeCode - RhodeCode repository serving and browsing application written in pylons.

  • Scapy - a powerful interactive packet manipulation program

  • Schevo - manage structured data and keep up with its changes

  • ScientificPython - a collection of Python modules for scientific computing

  • SCons - a software construction tool that uses Python scripts as configuration files (repository)

  • Scrapy - a fast high-level screen scraping framework for Python

  • sip - A C/C++ library bindings generator for Python v2 and v3 (repository)

  • Slipper - use Mercurial and reStructuredText to back your website

  • SMBCrawler - command-line utility for listing workgroups, servers and shares

  • SpringBook - a springbook-based web publishing system (repository)

  • SWEB - an operating system framework for educational use, developed at Graz University of Technology (repository)

  • SymPy - a Python library for symbolic mathematics

  • Škoda Electric - all electric power converter control projects

  • sudo - a tool to run commands as a different user (repository)

7. U/V/W/X/Y/Z

  • YAK, a shopping-cart plugin for WordPress

  • yt - Analysis and visualization package for astrophysics simulations

8. See also


ProjectsUsingMercurial (last edited 2025-02-10 16:58:48 by DrinkyBird)