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Comment: petsc switched to git on bitbucket
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Comment: update pida website
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* [[|Pida]] - a modular IDE written in python | * [[|Pida]] - a modular IDE written in python |
Some Projects that Use Mercurial
The following lists some other projects that use Mercurial as their primary SCM system. Projects using a different SCM may have a synchronized Mercurial repository.
1. 0-9, A/B/C
1d6 roleplaying - free pen-and-paper roleplaying system ( with Python implementation (rpg-1d6).
Abacus Formula Compiler - a spreadsheet (functional computation model) to Java byte code compiler for Excel and OOo Calc
Adium - an open-source multi-protocol instant-messenger client for Mac OS X
Adminton (アドミントン) contains a ton of useful things for admins, e.g. the Logbuch tools.
Argh! - an esoteric programming language.
AsciiDoc - a lightweight markup formater for short documents, articles, books and UNIX man pages
Ccontrol - a utility for taming compiler versions, distcc, ccache etc.
CEGUI - a free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs
crosstool-NG - a (cross-)toolchains generator
CubicWeb - a semantic web application framework (repository)
2. D/E/F/G
Dillo - a fast & light multi-platform browser (repository)
DIVE4elements - a database-supported web application for spatiotemporal analysis of data referring to the 4 elements (earth, water, air, and fire). DIVE is an acronym for Digging, Investigating, Viewing, Exporting. (repositories)
Enano CMS - Highly advanced hybrid wiki CMS system
Enzo - Adaptive mesh refinement simulation code for astrophysics
flpsed - a Postscript and PDF annotator
GeeXboX uShare - A free UPnP A/V Media Server for Linux
gipfel - photogrammetry for mountain images
GraphicsMagick - Portable image processing utilities, libraries, and GUIs.
Globulation 2 - innovative state-of-the-art Real Time Strategy (RTS) game (repository)
gquilt - A GUI wrapper around quilt and Mercurials mq extension.
Growl - an open-source notifications system for Mac OS X
gwsmhg - A PyGTK GUI for managing work spaces using hg and the mq extension.
3. H/I/J/K/L
Hatta Wiki - A wiki engine using Mercurial for storage.
Hedgewars - a turn based strategy, artillery, action and comedy game, featuring the antics of pink hedgehogs with attitude (repository)
hgview - a mercurial interactive history viewer (repository)
- Intel's ACPI team is using Mercurial for Linux kernel development
IcedTea - a harness to build the source code from using Free Software build tools
irccd - an IRC bot written in C++14 and Javascript (repository)
iUI - Javascript micro-framework for creating mobile WebApps with a native iPhone/WebKit look & feel.
JCite - cites Java, Excel and text snippets from tests into documentation (literate testing).
Lemon - Network and graph optimization library
Lguest - The Simple x86 Hypervisor (repository)
libSDL - The Simple DirectMedia Layer library (repositories)
Linux HA - The High-Availability Linux Project (repository)
LinuxTV - V4L (Video for Linux) and DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting)
Repositories of LShift - almost all LShift's projects, both open and closed source
Lugaru - a 3rd person multiplatform action game (repository)
LuxRender - GPL Physically based renderer
4. M/N
Repositories of MBDSYS - various projects, e.g. the VOIP Toolkit verona
MCabber - small Jabber console client for Linux (repository)
medit - The medit text editor (repository)
Mercurial.Net - A C#/.NET class library wrapper for the Mercurial command line client
microformats code/tests is a collection of repositories in use in the microformats community. See using mercurial/hg to share microformats code, tests of 22 Mar 2006
Mlmmj - Mailing List Management Made Joyful (repository)
MMTK - the Molecular Modelling Toolkit, a library for molecular simulations
MoinMoin - a wiki engine implemented in Python - you use it right now
moin-was - authentication plugin for 52°North WAS as provided by Conterra SDI suite
MoNav is a Desktop / Mobile application that offers state-of-the-art fast and exact routing with OpenStreetMap Data.
MonetDB is an open-source columnar database system for high-performance applications. (repositories)
MPT - Matlab toolbox for multi-parametric optimization
mutt - The Mutt mail user agent
NetBeans a Java IDE (Mercurial How-To)
nginx/mod_wsgi a mod_wsgi module for nginx
nsnam - ns-3 project, a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems
NTFS-3G - NTFS driver for Linux with read and write support (FUSE driver).
nginx - nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server, written by Igor Sysoev (repository)
5. O/P/Q
ObjexxSISAME - 3-D structural impact modeling system
Octave - GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations
OGRE - Open Source 3D Graphics Engine (repository)
OPAG website - The Ottawa Python Author's Group website
Openbravo ERP - Web based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).
OpenJDK - better known as Java (repository)
OpenSolaris selected Mercurial as DSCM of choice for ON consolidation (and possibly other consolidations) (wiki)
OpenTom a free development environment for TomTom navigation systems (project wiki)
#openttdcoop - multiple projects by members of the OpenTTD community and others (repositories)
OpenTyrian - a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian
Pacha - A systems configuration management tool. Keeps track of directories in an automated way with Mercurial in the backend.
PasswdSafe - Password Safe port to Android. (repository)
Paste Monkey - A Web 2.0 pastebin developed in CakePHP and jQuery with many advanced features and clean code base.
Plan 9 from User Space- A port of many Plan 9 programs to Unix-like operating systems. (Hg repositories)
Plan 9 from Bell Labs and Inferno Google Summer of Code projects (Hg repositories)
Perdition - Mail Retrieval Proxy (repository)
Pida - a modular IDE written in python
Pidgin - a multi-protocol chat client that works on Windows, Linux, and other UNIX operating systems (main repository)
playground - an online multiplayer game in which the player walks a map and collects objects (repository) - Home of the Pygments syntax coloring library, Jinja template engine, Werkzeug WSGI toolkit, Zine blogging system and other Python web projects
Project Kenai - An integrated suite of services for both project and code hosting (Mercurial and Subversion), as well as developer collaboration.
Prosody IM - a modern XMPP communication server written in Lua (repositories)
Pylons - Pylons is a lightweight web framework emphasizing flexibility and rapid development. (hg access described here)
PyMeta 2 - Python implementation of OMeta 2, a pattern matching (parsing) language based on a variant of PEGs
Python - the Python language core repository switched to Hg (repository)
PyPy - A fast implementation of Python in Python (repository)
py-webcomic is an easily configurable webcomic aggregator (repository)
QTM - Qt 4-based desktop blogging client (repositories at Bitbucket here, see the 1.3 repo)
QuakeNet IRC network - free IRC server and services
6. R/S/T
RabbitMQ - An AMQP messaging server; also related clients, adapters, gateways, transports etc.
RainDoll - An encryption tool with a simple idea: keep it simple. No bells and whistles. Uses Rijndael from .NET.
Rigs of Rods - An open source vehicle simulator based on soft-body physics (repository)
rope - A python refactoring library and IDE
Roundup Issue Tracker - A simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with command-line, web and e-mail interfaces (repository) - Package manager system for Red Hat, SuSE, and others.
RhodeCode - RhodeCode repository serving and browsing application written in pylons.
SAGE - Software for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation
SahrisWiki - New and Improved WikiWiki Engine. Modular and Component orientated in design with an AJAX user interface.
Scapy - a powerful interactive packet manipulation program
Schevo - manage structured data and keep up with its changes
ScientificPython - a collection of Python modules for scientific computing
SCons - a software construction tool that uses Python scripts as configuration files (repository)
Scrapy - a fast high-level screen scraping framework for Python
sip - A C/C++ library bindings generator for Python v2 and v3 (repository)
Slipper - use Mercurial and reStructuredText to back your website
SMBCrawler - command-line utility for listing workgroups, servers and shares
SpringBook - a springbook-based web publishing system (repository)
SWEB - an operating system framework for educational use, developed at Graz University of Technology (repository)
SymPy - a Python library for symbolic mathematics
Škoda Electric - all electric power converter control projects
sudo - a tool to run commands as a different user (repository)
Tahchee repo- a static website build and management system which extends Cheetah
Teseq - Escape sequence illuminator
Textadept - a fast, minimalist, and remarkably extensible cross-platform text editor (repository)
TeXstudio - LaTeX editor
TextWiki Port of PHP TextWiki by Paul M. Jones to Python.
tinycc - a Tiny C Compiler (repository)
TortoiseHg - Mercurial GUI client on Windows (repository)
Transifex - A cross-project localization platform with an easy to use web interface (repository)
Tryton - A three-tier high-level general purpose application platform on top of which is built a business solution (repositories)
7. U/V/W/X/Y/Z
unionfs-fuse - a userspace-based implementation of unionfs (repository)
uptimed - a daemon tracking your best uptimes (repository)
vimperator labs - vimperator (vim-like interface for Firefox), muttator and xumulus (repository)
Virtual Machine Manager - desktop application for managing virtual machines.
Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework - VIFF is a Python framework for secure multi-party computation (repository).
VOTCA - Versatile Object-oriented Toolkit for Coarse-graining Applications (repository).
vcs - Various Version Control System management abstraction layer for Python.
Wget - A utility for downloading content from the Web.
WinMerge 3 WinMerge is an Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows.
W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium
x265 - open source implementation of the H.265/High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) compression standard (repository)
x2x - Use a mouse and keyboard in different X displays and share the clipboard between them.
XEmacs - XEmacs: the next generation of Emacs (repository, XEmacs Mercurial page)
Xidel Internet Tools - A XQuery and JSONiq interpreter; available as Pascal library, command line tool, and webservice
Xine - a free video player (repositories)
Xquared - WYSIWYG/WYSIWYM Extensible XHTML Editor (repository)
YAK, a shopping-cart plugin for WordPress
yt - Analysis and visualization package for astrophysics simulations
ZFS-fuse ZFS file system for linux via fuse (devel blog)
8. See also
MercurialHosting - free hosting of Mercurial repositories
OtherTools - other tools (GUI, IDE etc.) that work with Mercurial - projects using Bazaar - projects using Darcs