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 * September 9th: Talk at [[http://www.ch-open.ch/events/obl/2010.html|Open Business Lunch Berne]] by MartinGeisler ([[http://bitbucket.org/mg/mercurial-talk/downloads/chopen-2010-09-09.pdf|slides]]).

 * September 6th: Interview with Matt Mackall: [[http://blogs.msdn.com/b/codeplex/archive/2010/09/06/codeplex-com-donates-25-000-to-mercurial-project.aspx|CodePlex.com donates $25,000 to Mercurial project]]

Various events and presentations with talks around/about Mercurial

2010 Events

2009 Events

2008 Events

2007 Events

2006 Events

2005 Events

Presentations (last edited 2019-05-08 18:56:17 by aayjaychan)