Email: <in3xes AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>

IRC Nick: inXs_

About Me:

- Student at IIT in India. Mathematics is my major.

- Fan of C, Python, Haskell. You can find some of my small projects on Github. -

- Love solving mathematics problems by programming. Solutions for the problems in Project Euler. Solved in python.

- Experienced user of git. Comfortable with Bazaar.

- Find me on Twitter

Google Summer of Code-2010

I am interested in "Parent delta". I can also work on conversion tools. But I am mainly focusing on Parent Delta Plan.

A word about project:

Mercurial calculates diffs against previous revision rather than parent. In some cases this implementation is space inefficient, and it is more sensible to store deltas against parent. This project is about implementing Parent Delta Plan. This implementation changes the structure of revlogs, so wire protocol has to be extended to allow backward compatibility.



TO DO(Tentative): Major:

Changes in revlog:

parent delta is implemented better compression can be achieved but, may have to compromise with number of seeks.

Changes in wire protocol:

About Me:

am a Linux enthusiast. Interested in open source. I have been learning C,Python. Some of my projects can be found on github ( ). I have never got opportunity to contribute to open source. GSoC would be stepping stone for that.

Contact Information:



Changes in revlog structure: [Total 3 weeks]

Changes in wire protocol:[Total 3 to 3 1/2 weeks]

Link to my GSoC application on
