Differences between revisions 9 and 11 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 9 as of 2010-05-20 07:58:33
Size: 5760
Editor: frank
Revision 11 as of 2011-04-17 07:22:41
Size: 6048
Editor: frank
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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hg p4id [-r REV] [-nip] hg p4id [-r REV] [-c CL] [-nip]
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Shows the most recent P4 changelist known to Mercurial, or the P4 changelist associated with Mercurial revision REV. Shows the most recent or selected P4 changelist known to Mercurial, or the P4 changelist associated with Mercurial revision REV.
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ignorecase = False
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If the '''ignorecase''' option is true then the Perfarce extension ignores all case differences in the p4 depot. Directory and filename case is preserved unless there is a collision. On collisions the name from the Mercurial repository is used.

Perfarce Extension

This extension is not distributed with Mercurial.

Author: Frank Kingswood

Public repository: http://www.kingswood-consulting.co.uk/hg/perfarce

1. Overview

This extension modifies the remote repository handling so that repository paths that resemble

  • p4://p4server[:port]/clientname

cause operations on the named p4 client specification on the p4 server.

The client specification must already exist on the server before using this extension, and the working copy belonging to this client spec must be visible to hg as Root or one of the AltRoots in the client spec. If configuration keep=true then it is possible to share this working copy with local p4 operations.

2. Commands

hg clone [--startrev REV] [-r REV] [p4://server/clientname]

If the source repository name starts with p4:// then this creates the destination repository and pulls all changes from the p4 depot into it. The --startrev and -r options set the first and last p4 changelist to pull. Setting a start revision causes the contents of all files at that changelist to be included in the first converted revision. There must be at least two revisions to clone if --startrev is set. After the clone is complete the Perfarce extension will write a .hg/hgrc file with the p4 address and the configuration options in use.

hg incoming  [p4://server/clientname]

If the source repository name starts with p4:// then this reports changes in the p4 depot that are not yet in the local repository.

hg pull [-r REV] [p4://server/clientname]

If the source repository name starts with p4:// then this imports changes from the p4 depot, automatically creating merges of changelists submitted by hg push. The -r option sets the last p4 changelist to pull. If the perfarce.keep configuration is false then the import does not leave files in the p4 workarea, otherwise the p4 workarea will be updated with the new files.

hg outgoing [p4://server/clientname]

If the destination repository name starts with p4:// then this reports files affected by the revision(s) that are in the local repository but not in the p4 depot.

hg push [-r REV] [--submit] [p4://server/clientname]

If the destination repository name starts with p4:// then this exports changes from the local repository to the p4 depot. If no revision is specified then all changes since the last p4 changelist are pushed. In either case, all revisions to be pushed are folded into a single p4 changelist. Optionally the resulting changelist is submitted to the p4 server, controlled by the --submit option to push, or by the perfarce.submit configuration. If the perfarce.keep configuration is false then after a successful submit the files in the p4 workarea will be deleted.

hg p4id [-r REV] [-c CL] [-nip]

Shows the most recent or selected P4 changelist known to Mercurial, or the P4 changelist associated with Mercurial revision REV. The -n -i and -p options cause the local revision number, the global revision id and the p4 changelist number to be displayed.

hg p4pending [-s]

Shows pending changes, those that have been pushed and possibly submitted, but not yet pulled from p4. If the -s option is given, then the pending changelists are presented in a long format with summaries of the changelist comment.

hg p4submit [-a] [changelist]

Submit a changelist to p4. If the -a option is given then all changes that have been pushed will be submitted.

hg p4revert [-a] [changelist]

Delete a changelist from p4, reverting any file changes. If the -a option is given then all changes that have been pushed but not submitted will be reverted.

3. Configuration

Configure your .hgrc to enable the extension by adding following lines:

perfarce = /path/to/perfarce.py

keep = True
submit = False
tags = True
lowercasepaths = False
ignorecase = False
clientuser = search_regex replacement_string

If the keep option is true (this is default) then the Perfarce extension will keep the p4 workarea updated with the current top of tree in p4. If keep is false then the Perfarce extension does not leave files in the p4 workarea unless it is creating a changelist.

If the submit option is true then Perfarce will automatically submit a changelist when pushing changes to the p4 depot. The default is to create a pending changelist, and let the user review this before submitting, either with p4 submit or hg p4submit.

If the tags option is true (this is the default) then Perfarce will convert p4 labels into Mercurial tags. If tags is false then p4 labels are ignored. This can be used to reduce loading on the p4 server.

If the lowercasepaths option is true then the Perfarce extension forces all directory names received from p4 to lowercase, but leaving filenames unchanged. The default is to preserve directory and file names.

If the ignorecase option is true then the Perfarce extension ignores all case differences in the p4 depot. Directory and filename case is preserved unless there is a collision. On collisions the name from the Mercurial repository is used.

The clientuser option allows for 'cheap' multiuser operation with p4. The option argument is split on the first space into a search regular expression and a replacement string. If the regular expression matches the client spec name of an imported p4 changelist then the username for the changelist is changed to the value of the replacement string after it is capitalized. The replacement string can use regex matches to substitute part of the client spec name.An example could be

clientuser = ([a-z]+)\.([a-z-]+)--[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+ \1 \2 <\1.\2@example.com>

which turns "firstname.lastname--my-client-name" into "Firstname Lastname <firstname.lastname@example.com>"


PerfarceExtension (last edited 2023-04-06 01:29:36 by Hudson Oliveira)