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Revision 170 as of 2013-03-18 19:50:24
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Editor: KevinBullock
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= Other Tools that work with Mercurial = #pragma section-numbers 2
= Other Tools =
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 * [hgct http://www.cyd.liu.se/~freku045/gct] is a GUI-based commit tool
 * [tailor http://www.darcs.net/DarcsWiki/Tailor] is a tool for converting between SCMs
 * hgitk is a port of the gitk history browser and can be found in contrib
 * scripts to use git-viz with Mercurial can be found in contrib
Information about other tools that work with Mercurial.


== Graphical user interfaces ==
 * TortoiseHg - OS-level Mercurial integration on Windows (similar to TortoiseSVN), Linux (stand-alone or with Nautilus integration)
 * [[http://gquilt.sourceforge.net/|gquilt]] - A PyGTK-based wrapper for quilt and mq
 * [[http://gwsmhg.sourceforge.net/|gwsmhg]] - A PyGTK-based work space manager using hg and mq
 * [[http://www.newsupaplex.pp.ru/hgwin_news_eng.html|HgWin]] - A GUI-based tool similar to hgtk (requires .NET Framework v3.5 SP1 or higher)
 * [[http://easyhg.org/|EasyMercurial]] - A simple, user-friendly cross-platform client, originally based on !HgExplorer, designed with new users and straightforward setups in mind
 * [[http://code.google.com/p/hgtui/|hgtui]] - A TUI-based tool written in Python
 * [[http://www.syntevo.com/smartgithg/index.html|SmartGit/Hg]] - A solid cross-platform client for Mercurial, Git and SVN (free for non-commercial use)

=== Mac-native GUIs ===
 * [[http://jasonfharris.com/machg|MacHg]] - A multithreaded, fast, fully featured Mercurial client for Mac OS X 10.6+.
 * [[http://jwwalker.com/pages/macmerc.html|MacMercurial]] - A GUI front end for common Mercurial operations (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)
 * [[http://www.sourcetreeapp.com|SourceTree]] - Fast & friendly client for both Mercurial and Git on Mac OS X 10.6+ (commercial)

=== History browsers ===
 * HgkExtension - A port of the gitk history browser, included by default with Mercurial (requires Tcl/Tk 8.4 or later)
 * [[http://www.logilab.org/project/hgview|hgview]] - qt4 or curse replacement for hgk (available on Debian or Ubuntu with apt-get install hgview)
 * [[http://hg-diff.sourceforge.net/|hg-diff]] - A GUI program to browse and compare mercurial revisions.

=== GUI diff/merge tools ===
 * [[http://meld.sf.net/|meld]] - A GUI diff, merge and commit tool with plugin-based SCM support
 * [[http://diffuse.sf.net/|Diffuse]] - A graphical merge and comparison tool with Mercurial support

=== Commit tools ===
 * [[http://qct.sourceforge.net/|qct]] - A GUI-based commit tool, designed for portability (see also: QctExtension)

== IDE and editor integration ==
=== IDEs with built-in support ===
 * [[http://www.netbeans.org/|NetBeans]] - A popular IDE with [[http://wiki.netbeans.org/wiki/view/MercurialVersionControl|built-in Mercurial support]]
 * [[http://www.activestate.com/komodo-ide|Komodo IDE]] - A multi-platform, feature-rich IDE with integrated Mercurial source code control
 * [[http://eric-ide.python-projects.org/|Eric]] - A Python IDE with Mercurial support

=== Eclipse ===
 * MercurialEclipse - An open source Mercurial plugin for Eclipse
 * [[http://www.javaforge.com/project/CBES|codeBeamer Eclipse Studio]] - Open source Eclipse plugin that integrates Mercurial and [[http://www.eclipse.org/mylyn/|Mylyn]], enabling offline work, increasing flexibility and mobility ([[http://blogs.intland.com/main/entry/20100506|announcement]])

=== MS Visual Studio ===
 * [[http://mercurialtoolbar.codeplex.com/|Mercurial Toolbar]] - Mercurial toolbar plugin for MS Visual Studio 2010, akin to the !GitExtensions plugin. Uses TortoiseHg as backend.
 * [[http://www.newsupaplex.pp.ru/hgscc_news_eng.html|HgSccPackage]] - Mercurial plugin for MS Visual Studio 2008/2010. Uses mercurial command line client as backend.
 * [[http://visualhg.codeplex.com/|VisualHG]] - Mercurial plugin for MS Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010. Uses TortoiseHg as backend.

=== IntelliJ IDEA ===
 * [[http://www.bitbucket.org/viacoban/hg4idea/wiki/|hg4idea]] - IntelliJ IDEA [[http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=3370|plugin]] for Mercurial
 * [[http://code.google.com/p/mercurialidea/|MercurialIdea]] - Integration of Mercurial for IntelliJ IDEA

=== Emacs ===
 * [[http://www.selenic.com/hg/index.cgi/file/tip/contrib/mercurial.el|contrib/mercurial.el]] - hg-mode for Emacs and Xemacs
 * EmacsVcMode - Built-in support for Mercurial in Emacs 22.3 and higher
 * [[http://wiki.gnuarch.org/xtla#DVC|DVC]] - Emacs integration for DVCS
 * [[https://es.fbk.eu/people/griggio/ahg.html|ahg]] - An Emacs front-end for the Mercurial SCM, aimed at simplicity and ease of use

=== VIM ===
 * VimVcsPlugin - Plugin for several VCS with included Mercurial support
 * [[Aurum]] - Plugin that provides integration between Vim and Mercurial

=== SublimeText ===
 * [[http://sublime-text-community-packages.googlecode.com/svn/pages/Mercurial.html|Mercurial for SublimeText]] - A plugin available for [[http://www.sublimetext.com|Sublime Text]]
 * [[http://bitbucket.org/guillermooo/sublimehg|SublimeHg]] - Issue commands to Mercurial from Sublime Text 2.

=== TextMate ===
 * [[http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Bundles/Mercurial.tmbundle/|Mercurial bundle]] - Mercurial support for the [[http://macromates.com/|TextMate]] editor

== Project support ==
 * [[http://trac.edgewall.com/wiki/TracMercurial|TracMercurial]] - Provides Mercurial integration for Trac (see HgSysTrac)
 * [[http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/HgTimelinePlugin|HgTimeline]] - Another plugin for supporting multiple Mercurial repositories inside Trac
 * [[http://help.targetprocess.com/integration_api/mercurial|TargetProcess Mercurial Plugin]] - Mercurial integration for [[http://www.targetprocess.com/|TargetProcess]] Agile Project Management software
 * [[http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRAEXT/Mercurial+Plugin|JIRA Mercurial Plugin]] - A Mercurial plugin for Atlassian's JIRA
 * [[http://maven.apache.org/|Maven]] - Maven is a software project management and comprehension with [[http://maven.apache.org/scm/mercurial.html|built-in Mercurial support]]
 * [[http://www.viewtier.com/products/parabuild/index.htm|Parabuild]] - A Continuous Integration and release management system with built-in support for Mercurial
 * [[http://www.redmine.org/|Redmine]] - A flexible project management web application with built-in Mercurial support
 * [[http://review-board.org/|ReviewBoard]] - Support Mercurial out-of-the-box (see also the [[http://blogma.de/posts/2008/apr/07/reviewboard-extension-mercurial/|reviewboard extension]])
 * [[http://hudson.gotdns.com/wiki/display/HUDSON/Mercurial+Plugin|Hudson Mercurial plugin]] - Provides Mercurial support for [[https://hudson.dev.java.net/|Hudson]]
 * [[http://www.emforge.org|EmForge]] - workflow-based project management solution has support for Mercurial repositories (see [[http://www.emforge.org/project/MercurialSupport|Mercurial Support]] for details)
 * [[http://www.indefero.net|InDefero]] - Clone of Google Code with Mercurial (also Git/Subversion) code browser, wiki, issue tracking and more
 * [[http://bitbucket.org/tawm/mercurial-recipe/|MercurialRecipe]] - zc.buildout recipe for cloning and/or pulling a Mercurial repository (also available through the [[http://pypi.python.org/pypi/MercurialRecipe/|Cheeseshop]])
 * [[http://www.intland.com/products/cb/overview.html|codeBeamer]] - Collaborative ALM solution with Mercurial integration
 * BugzillaExtension - Automatically updating comments of bugzilla bugs when there's a reference to a bug id inside changesets
 * [[http://hglabhq.com/|HgLab]] - a Mercurial source control management system for Windows with push and pull servers, repository browser and a whole slew of other goodies.

== Interoperability ==
 * [[http://progetti.arstecnica.it/tailor|tailor]] - A tool for converting between SCMs
 * [[http://pypi.python.org/pypi/hgsvn/|hgsvn]] - A set of scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial
 * [[http://hg-git.github.com/|Hg-Git]] - The Hg-Git plugin can convert commits/changesets losslessly from one system to another, so you can push via a Mercurial repository and another Mercurial client can pull it.

== Miscellaneous ==
 * [[http://rope.sf.net/|Rope]] - A python refactoring library (file and folder changes in a project that uses Mercurial are handled)
 * [[http://www.logilab.org/projects/devtools|devtools]] - A set of development tools used at Logilab
 * [[http://bitbucket.org/gldnspud/slipper|Slipper]] - Lets you use Mercurial and reStructuredText to back your website
 * [[http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~maw48/hotwire-hg/|Hotwire Hg Plugin]] - For the [[http://hotwire-shell.org/|Hotwire]] object-oriented hypershell
 * [[http://ant4hg.free.fr|ant4hg]] - ANT tasks for mercurial
 * [[http://www.intland.com/products/cb-mr/overview.html|codeBeamer Managed Repository]] - Dead simple repository- and access control management for Mercurial
 * [[http://code.google.com/p/hgdotnet|hg.Net]] - A .Net 2.0 class library that provides asynchronous Mercurial access for your applications
 * [[http://msbuildhg.codeplex.com/|MSBuild Mercurial Tasks]] - The integration of Mercurial into MSBuild, the Microsoft build solution used by Visual Studio
 * [[http://bitbucket.org/zerkms/hgassist/wiki/Home|HgAssist]] - A tool that notifies you of incoming and outgoing changes in your repositories, written with .net 4.0 and published under GPL
 * [[http://www.scm-manager.org|SCM-Manager]] - Web based repository and permission management for Mercurial, Subversion and Git.
 * [[https://bitbucket.org/nedmech/hgprebackup|HgPreBackup]] - A script application to maintain copies of repositories to be used by backup software. This allows backups to be made without the backup software competing for ownership of the active repositories.
 * [[http://hg.codeviking.com/hgcp|hgcp]] - Copy and move files between repositories.
 * [[http://inedo.com/buildmaster/overview|BuildMaster]] - platform to manage the build-release-deploy cycle of all of the applications from source control through production, tightly integrates with existing toolsets, and allows for a tremendous amount of extensibility. Integrates with Mercurial.

== See also ==

 * RepositoryConversion - Many more tools for repository conversion/interoperability are listed here


Other Tools

Information about other tools that work with Mercurial.

1. Graphical user interfaces

  • TortoiseHg - OS-level Mercurial integration on Windows (similar to TortoiseSVN), Linux (stand-alone or with Nautilus integration)

  • gquilt - A PyGTK-based wrapper for quilt and mq

  • gwsmhg - A PyGTK-based work space manager using hg and mq

  • HgWin - A GUI-based tool similar to hgtk (requires .NET Framework v3.5 SP1 or higher)

  • EasyMercurial - A simple, user-friendly cross-platform client, originally based on HgExplorer, designed with new users and straightforward setups in mind

  • hgtui - A TUI-based tool written in Python

  • SmartGit/Hg - A solid cross-platform client for Mercurial, Git and SVN (free for non-commercial use)

1.1. Mac-native GUIs

  • MacHg - A multithreaded, fast, fully featured Mercurial client for Mac OS X 10.6+.

  • MacMercurial - A GUI front end for common Mercurial operations (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)

  • SourceTree - Fast & friendly client for both Mercurial and Git on Mac OS X 10.6+ (commercial)

1.2. History browsers

  • HgkExtension - A port of the gitk history browser, included by default with Mercurial (requires Tcl/Tk 8.4 or later)

  • hgview - qt4 or curse replacement for hgk (available on Debian or Ubuntu with apt-get install hgview)

  • hg-diff - A GUI program to browse and compare mercurial revisions.

1.3. GUI diff/merge tools

  • meld - A GUI diff, merge and commit tool with plugin-based SCM support

  • Diffuse - A graphical merge and comparison tool with Mercurial support

1.4. Commit tools

  • qct - A GUI-based commit tool, designed for portability (see also: QctExtension)

2. IDE and editor integration

2.1. IDEs with built-in support

2.2. Eclipse

2.3. MS Visual Studio

  • Mercurial Toolbar - Mercurial toolbar plugin for MS Visual Studio 2010, akin to the GitExtensions plugin. Uses TortoiseHg as backend.

  • HgSccPackage - Mercurial plugin for MS Visual Studio 2008/2010. Uses mercurial command line client as backend.

  • VisualHG - Mercurial plugin for MS Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010. Uses TortoiseHg as backend.

2.4. IntelliJ IDEA

2.5. Emacs

  • contrib/mercurial.el - hg-mode for Emacs and Xemacs

  • EmacsVcMode - Built-in support for Mercurial in Emacs 22.3 and higher

  • DVC - Emacs integration for DVCS

  • ahg - An Emacs front-end for the Mercurial SCM, aimed at simplicity and ease of use

2.6. VIM

  • VimVcsPlugin - Plugin for several VCS with included Mercurial support

  • Aurum - Plugin that provides integration between Vim and Mercurial

2.7. SublimeText

2.8. TextMate

3. Project support

  • TracMercurial - Provides Mercurial integration for Trac (see HgSysTrac)

  • HgTimeline - Another plugin for supporting multiple Mercurial repositories inside Trac

  • TargetProcess Mercurial Plugin - Mercurial integration for TargetProcess Agile Project Management software

  • JIRA Mercurial Plugin - A Mercurial plugin for Atlassian's JIRA

  • Maven - Maven is a software project management and comprehension with built-in Mercurial support

  • Parabuild - A Continuous Integration and release management system with built-in support for Mercurial

  • Redmine - A flexible project management web application with built-in Mercurial support

  • ReviewBoard - Support Mercurial out-of-the-box (see also the reviewboard extension)

  • Hudson Mercurial plugin - Provides Mercurial support for Hudson

  • EmForge - workflow-based project management solution has support for Mercurial repositories (see Mercurial Support for details)

  • InDefero - Clone of Google Code with Mercurial (also Git/Subversion) code browser, wiki, issue tracking and more

  • MercurialRecipe - zc.buildout recipe for cloning and/or pulling a Mercurial repository (also available through the Cheeseshop)

  • codeBeamer - Collaborative ALM solution with Mercurial integration

  • BugzillaExtension - Automatically updating comments of bugzilla bugs when there's a reference to a bug id inside changesets

  • HgLab - a Mercurial source control management system for Windows with push and pull servers, repository browser and a whole slew of other goodies.

4. Interoperability

  • tailor - A tool for converting between SCMs

  • hgsvn - A set of scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial

  • Hg-Git - The Hg-Git plugin can convert commits/changesets losslessly from one system to another, so you can push via a Mercurial repository and another Mercurial client can pull it.

5. Miscellaneous

  • Rope - A python refactoring library (file and folder changes in a project that uses Mercurial are handled)

  • devtools - A set of development tools used at Logilab

  • Slipper - Lets you use Mercurial and reStructuredText to back your website

  • Hotwire Hg Plugin - For the Hotwire object-oriented hypershell

  • ant4hg - ANT tasks for mercurial

  • codeBeamer Managed Repository - Dead simple repository- and access control management for Mercurial

  • hg.Net - A .Net 2.0 class library that provides asynchronous Mercurial access for your applications

  • MSBuild Mercurial Tasks - The integration of Mercurial into MSBuild, the Microsoft build solution used by Visual Studio

  • HgAssist - A tool that notifies you of incoming and outgoing changes in your repositories, written with .net 4.0 and published under GPL

  • SCM-Manager - Web based repository and permission management for Mercurial, Subversion and Git.

  • HgPreBackup - A script application to maintain copies of repositories to be used by backup software. This allows backups to be made without the backup software competing for ownership of the active repositories.

  • hgcp - Copy and move files between repositories.

  • BuildMaster - platform to manage the build-release-deploy cycle of all of the applications from source control through production, tightly integrates with existing toolsets, and allows for a tremendous amount of extensibility. Integrates with Mercurial.

6. See also

CategoryTools CategoryWiki

OtherTools (last edited 2022-01-03 05:56:32 by DanKurtz)