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= Other Tools that work with Mercurial = #pragma section-numbers 2
= Other Tools =
Information about other t
ools that work with Mercurial.
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 * [hgct http://www.cyd.liu.se/~freku045/gct] is a GUI-based commit tool
 * [tailor http://www.darcs.net/DarcsWiki/Tailor] is a tool for converting between SCMs
 * hgitk is a port of the gitk history browser and can be found in contrib
 * scripts to use git-viz with Mercurial can be found in contrib

== Graphical user interfaces ==
 * TortoiseHg - OS-level Mercurial integration on Windows (similar to TortoiseSVN), Linux (stand-alone or with Nautilus integration)
 * HgkExtension - A port of the gitk history browser, included by default with Mercurial (requires Tcl/Tk 8.4 or later)
 * [[http://pmpu.sharesource.org/|Push Me Pull You]] - A !PyQt4-based GUI for DVCS (focused around the flow of incoming and outgoing changesets)
 * [[http://www.genunix.org/wiki/index.php/gPyFm|gPyFm]] - A PyGTK-based Mercurial adaptation of the !TeamWare filemerge application
 * [[http://qct.sourceforge.net/|qct]] - A GUI-based commit tool, designed for portability (see also: QctExtension)
 * [[http://meld.sf.net/|meld]] - A GUI diff, merge and commit tool with plugin-based SCM support
 * [[http://diffuse.sf.net/|Diffuse]] - A graphical merge and comparison tool with Mercurial support
 * [[http://hg-diff.sourceforge.net/|hg-diff]] - A GUI program to browse and compare mercurial revisions.
 * [[http://repo.or.cz/w/hgct.git|hgct]] - A GUI-based commit tool (last updated on 2007-01-24)
 * [[http://www.robotbattle.com/gtools/|gtools]] - A PyGTK-based commit tool
 * [[http://gquilt.sourceforge.net/|gquilt]] - A PyGTK-based wrapper for quilt and mq
 * [[http://gwsmhg.sourceforge.net/|gwsmhg]] - A PyGTK-based work space manager using hg and mq
 * [[http://software.jessies.org/scm/|SCM]] - A cross-platform GPL front-end to revision control systems (currently unavailable due to !BitKeeper license restrictions)
 * [[http://www.logilab.org/project/hgview|hgview]] - gtk or qt4 replacement for hgk (website currently down - hgview is available on Debian or Ubuntu with apt-get install hgview. [[http://bitbucket.org/yuja/hgview/wiki/Home|source code mirror on bitbucket]])
 * [[http://www.bitbucket.org/bfrog/cutehg/wiki|CuteHg]] - A super fast, easy to install extension for mercurial that provides dialogs that make basic operations more convenient.
 * [[http://www.newsupaplex.pp.ru/hgwin_news_eng.html|HgWin]] - A GUI-based tool similar to hgtk (requires .NET Framework v3.5 SP1 or higher)
 * [[http://code.google.com/p/hgexplorer/|HgExplorer]] - A GUI-based tool written in C++/Qt4
 * [[http://easyhg.org/|EasyMercurial]] - A simple, user-friendly cross-platform client, originally based on HgExplorer, designed with new users and straightforward setups in mind

=== Mac-native GUIs ===
 * [[http://jasonfharris.com/machg|MacHg]] - A multithreaded, fast, fully featured Mercurial client for Mac OS X 10.6+.
 * [[http://bitbucket.org/snej/murky/wiki/|Murky]] - A GUI Mercurial client for Mac OS X 10.5+.
 * [[http://jwwalker.com/pages/macmerc.html|MacMercurial]] - A GUI front end for common Mercurial operations (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)
 * [[http://www.sourcetreeapp.com|SourceTree]] - Fast & friendly client for both Mercurial and Git on Mac OS X 10.6+ (commercial)

== IDE and editor integration ==
 * [[http://sublime-text-community-packages.googlecode.com/svn/pages/Mercurial.html|Mercurial for SublimeText]] - A plugin available for [[http://www.sublimetext.com|Sublime Text]]
 * [[http://bitbucket.org/guillermooo/sublimehg|SublimeHg]] - Issue commands to Mercurial from Sublime Text 2.
 * [[http://www.goldenhammers.com/merclipse|merclipse]] - Another Mercurial plugin for Eclipse
 * [[http://javaforge.com/project/HGE|MercurialEclipse]] - An open source Mercurial plugin, originally cloned from MercurialEclipse, but adding lots of major enhancements to support enterprise use
 * [[http://www.javaforge.com/project/CBES|codeBeamer Eclipse Studio]] - Open source Eclipse plugin that integrates Mercurial and [[http://www.eclipse.org/mylyn/|Mylyn]], enabling offline work, increasing flexibility and mobility ([[http://blogs.intland.com/main/entry/20100506|announcement]])
 * [[http://www.netbeans.org/|NetBeans]] - A popular IDE with [[http://wiki.netbeans.org/wiki/view/MercurialVersionControl|built-in Mercurial support]]
 * [[http://www.bitbucket.org/viacoban/hg4idea/wiki/|hg4idea]] - IntelliJ IDEA [[http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=3370|plugin]] for Mercurial
 * [[http://code.google.com/p/mercurialidea/|MercurialIdea]] - Integration of Mercurial for IntelliJ IDEA
 * [[http://visualhg.codeplex.com/|VisualHG]] - Mercurial plugin for MS Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010. Uses TortoiseHg as backend.
 * [[http://mercurialtoolbar.codeplex.com/|Mercurial Toolbar]] - Mercurial toolbar plugin for MS Visual Studio 2010, akin to the GitExtensions plugin. Uses TortoiseHg as backend.
 * [[http://www.newsupaplex.pp.ru/hgscc_news_eng.html|HgSccPackage]] - Mercurial plugin for MS Visual Studio 2008/2010. Uses mercurial command line client as backend.
 * [[http://pida.co.uk/|PIDA]] - PIDA is an integrated development environment with built-in Mercurial support
 * [[http://eric-ide.python-projects.org/|Eric]] - A Python IDE with Mercurial support
 * [[http://www.selenic.com/hg/index.cgi/file/tip/contrib/mercurial.el|contrib/mercurial.el]] - hg-mode for Emacs and Xemacs
 * EmacsVcMode - Built-in support for Mercurial in Emacs 22.3 and higher
 * [[http://wiki.gnuarch.org/xtla#DVC|DVC]] - Emacs integration for DVCS
 * VimVcsPlugin - Plugin for several VCS with included Mercurial support
 * [[Aurum]] - Plugin that provides integration between Vim and Mercurial
 * [[http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Bundles/Mercurial.tmbundle/|Mercurial bundle]] - Mercurial support for the [[http://macromates.com/|TextMate]] editor
 * [[https://es.fbk.eu/people/griggio/ahg.html|ahg]] - An Emacs front-end for the Mercurial SCM, aimed at simplicity and ease of use

== Project support ==
 * [[http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/wiki/TracMercurial|TracMercurial]] - Provides Mercurial integration for Trac (see HgSysTrac)
 * [[http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/HgTimelinePlugin|HgTimeline]] - Another plugin for supporting multiple Mercurial repositories inside Trac
 * [[http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRAEXT/Mercurial+Plugin|JIRA Mercurial Plugin]] - A Mercurial plugin for Atlassian's JIRA
 * [[http://maven.apache.org/|Maven]] - Maven is a software project management and comprehension with [[http://maven.apache.org/scm/mercurial.html|built-in Mercurial support]]
 * [[http://www.viewtier.com/products/parabuild/index.htm|Parabuild]] - A Continuous Integration and release management system with built-in support for Mercurial
 * [[http://www.redmine.org/|Redmine]] - A flexible project management web application with built-in Mercurial support
 * [[http://review-board.org/|ReviewBoard]] - Support Mercurial out-of-the-box (see also the [[http://blogma.de/posts/2008/apr/07/reviewboard-extension-mercurial/|reviewboard extension]])
 * [[http://hudson.gotdns.com/wiki/display/HUDSON/Mercurial+Plugin|Hudson Mercurial plugin]] - Provides Mercurial support for [[https://hudson.dev.java.net/|Hudson]]
 * [[http://www.emforge.org|EmForge]] - workflow-based project management solution has support for Mercurial repositories (see [[http://www.emforge.org/project/MercurialSupport|Mercurial Support]] for details)
 * [[http://www.indefero.net|InDefero]] - Clone of Google Code with Mercurial (also Git/Subversion) code browser, wiki, issue tracking and more
 * [[http://bitbucket.org/tawm/mercurial-recipe/|MercurialRecipe]] - zc.buildout recipe for cloning and/or pulling a Mercurial repository (also available through the [[http://pypi.python.org/pypi/MercurialRecipe/|Cheeseshop]])
 * [[http://www.intland.com/products/cb/overview.html|codeBeamer]] - Collaborative ALM solution with Mercurial integration
 * BugzillaExtension - Automatically updating comments of bugzilla bugs when there's a reference to a bug id inside changesets

== Interoperability ==
 * [[http://progetti.arstecnica.it/tailor|tailor]] - A tool for converting between SCMs
 * [[http://pypi.python.org/pypi/hgsvn/|hgsvn]] - A set of scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial

== Miscellaneous ==
 * [[http://rope.sf.net/|Rope]] - A python refactoring library (file and folder changes in a project that uses Mercurial are handled)
 * [[http://www.logilab.org/projects/devtools|devtools]] - A set of development tools used at Logilab
 * [[http://bitbucket.org/gldnspud/slipper|Slipper]] - Lets you use Mercurial and reStructuredText to back your website
 * [[http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~maw48/hotwire-hg/|Hotwire Hg Plugin]] - For the [[http://hotwire-shell.org/|Hotwire]] object-oriented hypershell
 * [[http://ant4hg.free.fr|ant4hg]] - ANT tasks for mercurial
 * [[http://www.intland.com/products/cb-mr/overview.html|codeBeamer Managed Repository]] - Dead simple repository- and access control management for Mercurial
 * [[http://code.google.com/p/hgdotnet|hg.Net]] - A .Net 2.0 class library that provides asynchronous Mercurial access for your applications
 * [[http://msbuildhg.codeplex.com/|MSBuild Mercurial Tasks]] - The integration of Mercurial into MSBuild, the Microsoft build solution used by Visual Studio
 * [[http://bitbucket.org/zerkms/hgassist/wiki/Home|HgAssist]] - A tool that notifies you of incoming and outgoing changes in your repositories, written with .net 4.0 and published under GPL
 * [[http://www.scm-manager.org|SCM-Manager]] - Web based repository and permission management for Mercurial, Subversion and Git.
 * [[https://bitbucket.org/nedmech/hgprebackup|HgPreBackup]] - A script application to maintain copies of repositories to be used by backup software. This allows backups to be made without the backup software competing for ownership of the active repositories.

== See also ==
 * RepositoryConversion - Many more tools for repository conversion/interoperability are listed here


Other Tools

Information about other tools that work with Mercurial.

1. Graphical user interfaces

  • TortoiseHg - OS-level Mercurial integration on Windows (similar to TortoiseSVN), Linux (stand-alone or with Nautilus integration)

  • HgkExtension - A port of the gitk history browser, included by default with Mercurial (requires Tcl/Tk 8.4 or later)

  • Push Me Pull You - A PyQt4-based GUI for DVCS (focused around the flow of incoming and outgoing changesets)

  • gPyFm - A PyGTK-based Mercurial adaptation of the TeamWare filemerge application

  • qct - A GUI-based commit tool, designed for portability (see also: QctExtension)

  • meld - A GUI diff, merge and commit tool with plugin-based SCM support

  • Diffuse - A graphical merge and comparison tool with Mercurial support

  • hg-diff - A GUI program to browse and compare mercurial revisions.

  • hgct - A GUI-based commit tool (last updated on 2007-01-24)

  • gtools - A PyGTK-based commit tool

  • gquilt - A PyGTK-based wrapper for quilt and mq

  • gwsmhg - A PyGTK-based work space manager using hg and mq

  • SCM - A cross-platform GPL front-end to revision control systems (currently unavailable due to BitKeeper license restrictions)

  • hgview - gtk or qt4 replacement for hgk (website currently down - hgview is available on Debian or Ubuntu with apt-get install hgview. source code mirror on bitbucket)

  • CuteHg - A super fast, easy to install extension for mercurial that provides dialogs that make basic operations more convenient.

  • HgWin - A GUI-based tool similar to hgtk (requires .NET Framework v3.5 SP1 or higher)

  • HgExplorer - A GUI-based tool written in C++/Qt4

  • EasyMercurial - A simple, user-friendly cross-platform client, originally based on HgExplorer, designed with new users and straightforward setups in mind

1.1. Mac-native GUIs

  • MacHg - A multithreaded, fast, fully featured Mercurial client for Mac OS X 10.6+.

  • Murky - A GUI Mercurial client for Mac OS X 10.5+.

  • MacMercurial - A GUI front end for common Mercurial operations (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)

  • SourceTree - Fast & friendly client for both Mercurial and Git on Mac OS X 10.6+ (commercial)

2. IDE and editor integration

3. Project support

4. Interoperability

  • tailor - A tool for converting between SCMs

  • hgsvn - A set of scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial

5. Miscellaneous

  • Rope - A python refactoring library (file and folder changes in a project that uses Mercurial are handled)

  • devtools - A set of development tools used at Logilab

  • Slipper - Lets you use Mercurial and reStructuredText to back your website

  • Hotwire Hg Plugin - For the Hotwire object-oriented hypershell

  • ant4hg - ANT tasks for mercurial

  • codeBeamer Managed Repository - Dead simple repository- and access control management for Mercurial

  • hg.Net - A .Net 2.0 class library that provides asynchronous Mercurial access for your applications

  • MSBuild Mercurial Tasks - The integration of Mercurial into MSBuild, the Microsoft build solution used by Visual Studio

  • HgAssist - A tool that notifies you of incoming and outgoing changes in your repositories, written with .net 4.0 and published under GPL

  • SCM-Manager - Web based repository and permission management for Mercurial, Subversion and Git.

  • HgPreBackup - A script application to maintain copies of repositories to be used by backup software. This allows backups to be made without the backup software competing for ownership of the active repositories.

6. See also


OtherTools (last edited 2022-01-03 05:56:32 by DanKurtz)