Nicolas Dumazet -- NicDumZ

contact: nicdumz {guesswhat} {"" % "gsoc"[0]}

22, currently working in Tokyo.

I entered the Mercurial community after a successful Google Summer of Code, in 2009. I significantly improved the InotifyExtension, and ported it to Mac OS.

I am now a crew member.

For nostalgia, my GSoC application can still be found here.

GSoC students

Please contact me if you have any questions on how is a GSoC for Mercurial like. Go ahead, don't be shy, don't be afraid: I will gladly reply and help as much as I can. Honest questions such as "do you think that yyy will be an good mentor for me?" are acceptable too ;P

Just do not be that lazy student that asks me the-most-answered-question on google-summer-of-code-discuss.
