Differences between revisions 8 and 9
Revision 8 as of 2008-01-06 18:31:53
Size: 2584
Editor: abuehl
Comment: See also: MultipleHeads
Revision 9 as of 2008-02-10 23:28:49
Size: 2661
Editor: abuehl
Comment: links
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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'''Named branches''' allow assigning persistent symbolic names to branches of development inside a single ["Repository"]. '''Named branches''' allow assigning persistent symbolic names to [:Branch:branches] of development inside a single [:Repository:repository].
Line 4: Line 4:
Calling {{{hg branch}}} without a name shows the current branch name of the ["WorkingDirectory"]. Calling {{{hg branch}}} after a {{{hg init}}} outputs "default", the (reserved) name of the default branch: Calling {{{hg branch}}} without a name shows the current branch name of the [:WorkingDirectory:working directory]. Calling {{{hg branch}}} after a {{{hg init}}} outputs "default", the (reserved) name of the default branch:
Line 11: Line 11:
To begin a branch, set the branch name of the working directory and then ["Commit"] it: To begin a branch, set the branch name of the working directory and then [:Commit:commit] it:
Line 29: Line 29:
From this moment on, all commited ["ChangeSet"]s will get tagged with the supplied branch name. When ["Merge"]ing with another branch, the local branch name takes precedence: From this moment on, all commited [:ChangeSet:changesets] will get [:Tag:tagged] with the supplied branch name. When [:Merge:merging] with another branch, the local branch name takes precedence:
Line 59: Line 59:
Branch names can be used anywhere that ["Tag"] names can, including log, diff, ["Push"], and ["Pull"]. When a branch has multiple ["Head"]s, the ["Tip"]most revision of the branch will be found. Here are some examples: Branch names can be used anywhere that tag names can, including log, diff, [:Push:push], and [:Pull:pull]. When a branch has multiple [:Head:heads], the [:Tip:tipmost] revision of the branch will be found. Here are some examples:
Line 87: Line 87:
See also: MultipleHeads See also: [:MultipleHeads]

Named branches allow assigning persistent symbolic names to [:Branch:branches] of development inside a single [:Repository:repository].

Create a Branch

Calling hg branch without a name shows the current branch name of the [:WorkingDirectory:working directory]. Calling hg branch after a hg init outputs "default", the (reserved) name of the default branch:

$ hg branch

To begin a branch, set the branch name of the working directory and then [:Commit:commit] it:

$ hg branch newfeature
marked working directory as branch newfeature
$ hg branch
$ hg ci -m "start feature branch"
$ hg parents
changeset:   3899:c08bfc770d37
branch:      newfeature
tag:         tip
user:        Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com>
date:        Tue Dec 19 14:20:11 2006 -0600
summary:     start feature branch

Commit Changes to a Branch

From this moment on, all commited [:ChangeSet:changesets] will get [:Tag:tagged] with the supplied branch name. When [:Merge:merging] with another branch, the local branch name takes precedence:

$ hg branch
$ hg in remote
searching for changes
changeset:   3900:3be94ff00829
branch:      main
tag:         tip
parent:      3898:93e5f07baf75
user:        Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com>
date:        Tue Dec 19 14:26:52 2006 -0600
summary:     bug fix

$ hg pull remote
pulling from remote
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
(run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
$ hg merge
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(branch merge, don't forget to commit)
$ hg branch

Branch names can be used anywhere that tag names can, including log, diff, [:Push:push], and [:Pull:pull]. When a branch has multiple [:Head:heads], the [:Tip:tipmost] revision of the branch will be found. Here are some examples:

$ hg branches
main                           3900:3be94ff00829
newfeature                     3899:c08bfc770d37
$ hg log -r main
changeset:   3900:3be94ff00829
branch:      main
tag:         tip
parent:      3898:93e5f07baf75
user:        Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com>
date:        Tue Dec 19 14:26:52 2006 -0600
summary:     bug fix
$ hg in -r main ../bd2
searching for changes
no changes found

Switch between Branches

$ hg update -C main
$ hg update -C newfeature

See also: [:MultipleHeads]

NamedBranches (last edited 2013-12-26 09:53:26 by Tovim)