This is a wiki for the ["Mercurial"] ["DistributedSCM"] tool.
Please contribute!
Contributions are most welcome, but please create a user name for yourself before you edit anything. To do this, click on the "Login" link up in the top right corner of this page and follow the instructions from there.
New to all this stuff?
Check out the MajorFeatures
["Download"] the latest source or check for BinaryPackages for your system
UnixInstall describes how to install ["Mercurial"] under Linux, MacOS X, and Unix variants
WindowsInstall describes how to install ["Mercurial"] under Windows
Using Mercurial
A QuickStart for the impatient
["Tutorial"] for new users (["FrenchTutorial"] and ["SpanishTutorial"] available)
[:FAQ:Frequently Asked Questions]
[http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/hg.1.html hg(1)] and [http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/hgrc.5.html hgrc(5)] manpages
WorkingPractices describing several somewhat sane ways to use ["Mercurial"]
How to handle MultipleCommitters
CommunicatingChanges describes the various ways ["Mercurial"] can exchange changesets
PublishingRepositories and ServerInstall describes various ways to make your code visible to the world
For refugees from CVS and other systems
CvsConcepts - translations of ["CVS"] concepts into ["Mercurial"] terms
CvsCommands - equivalents of commands provided by ["CVS"]
ConvertingRepositories from other ["SCM"] formats to ["Mercurial"]
- ["Glossary"] of terms (useful if you're not used to distributed source management)
- A ["Tag"] is slightly different in ["Mercurial"] than in other ["SCM"] systems
Information for contributors
Tips for ContributingChanges
The ToDo list and MissingFeatures
- ["Design"] - Mercurial's data structures and how it uses them.
WhatGoesWhere - the project architecture
WireProtocol - the push/pull changegroup protocol
OptionNaming - the conventions used to name command-line options
[http://www.selenic.com/mercurial Official Mercurial home page]
- IRC channel: #mercurial on irc.freenode.net
OtherTools that work with Mercurial
A list of ["ProjectsUsingMercurial"] and links to their repositories.