#acl mpm:read,write,delete,revert,admin Known:read,write,delete,revert All:read || {{https://iconape.com/wp-content/png_logo_vector/mercurial-logo.png}} ||<> || '''Mercurial''' is a fast, easy to use, distributed [[WikiPedia:Revision_control|revision control tool]] for software developers. ||'''Tip:''' <> || ## Please think twice before adding items here, the first page should stay compact! == Getting started == * [[Download]] and install Mercurial * See [[WhatsNew|what's new]] and read the [[UpgradeNotes|upgrade notes]] * [[BeginnersGuides|Beginner's guides]] for new users == Documentation and help == * ''[[https://book.mercurial-scm.org/|Mercurial: The Definitive Guide]]'', the Mercurial book * ManPages, [[FAQ|Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]], and [[TipsAndTricks|tips and tricks]] * [[UsingExtensions|Using extensions]] to add optional features like [[PurgeExtension|purge]] or [[RebaseExtension|rebase]] * HowTos explaining some useful ways of using Mercurial * Hints for [[PublishingRepositories|publishing repositories]] == Getting support == * Get expert help via [[IRC]] or our [[MailingLists|mailing lists]] * Report issues to our [[BugTracker|bug tracker]] * Commercial [[Support|support]], training and consulting == Further information == * [[Migration]] from other SCMs * A list of [[ProjectsUsingMercurial|projects using Mercurial]] * [[OtherTools|Other tools]] that work with Mercurial (IDE integration, GUI clients, etc.) * [[MercurialHosting|Hosting]] services for your projects * [[Presentations]] and papers about Mercurial == Get involved! == * [[ContributingToMercurialWiki|How to edit this wiki]] * [[DeveloperInfo|Developer info]] for Mercurial hackers * Send us [[https://www.mercurial-scm.org/donate|a donation]]! Other Languages: [[FrenchMercurial|Français]], [[JapaneseMercurial|日本語]], [[RussianMercurial|Русский]], [[ThaiMercurial|ภาษาไทย]], [[CzechMercurial|Česky]], [[ChineseMercurial|中文]], [[PortugueseMercurial|Português (Portugal)]], ~-Mercurial and all wiki contents are available under the GNU General Public License v2 (see [[License|license]]) -~