Differences between revisions 99 and 300 (spanning 201 versions)
Revision 99 as of 2006-12-10 20:09:59
Size: 3763
Editor: mpm
Revision 300 as of 2024-08-26 23:53:13
Size: 2262
Editor: PaulBissex
Comment: Fixed logo image link
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''Hg'': the chemical symbol for mercury, from the Greek hydrargyrum. '''Mercurial''' is a fast, easy to use, distributed [[WikiPedia:Revision_control|revision control tool]] for software developers.
||'''Tip:''' <<RandomQuote(MercurialTips)>> ||
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''mercurial'': relating to or having characteristics (eloquence, shrewdness, swiftness, thievishness) attributed to the god Mercury.
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''Mercurial'': a fast, lightweight Source Control Management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects.
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== Please contribute! ==
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Contributions are most welcome! Please create a user name for yourself by clicking "Login" in the upper right. Mercurial and all wiki content are available under the [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL]. ## Please think twice before adding items here, the first page should stay compact!
== Getting started ==
 * [[Download]] and install Mercurial
 * See [[WhatsNew|what's new]] and read the [[UpgradeNotes|upgrade notes]]
 * [[BeginnersGuides|Beginner's guides]] for new users
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== Getting Started == == Documentation and help ==
 * ''[[https://book.mercurial-scm.org/|Mercurial: The Definitive Guide]]'', the Mercurial book
 * ManPages, [[FAQ|Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]], and [[TipsAndTricks|tips and tricks]]
 * [[UsingExtensions|Using extensions]] to add optional features like [[PurgeExtension|purge]] or [[RebaseExtension|rebase]]
 * HowTos explaining some useful ways of using Mercurial
 * Hints for [[PublishingRepositories|publishing repositories]]
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 * ["Download"] the latest source or check for '''Download BinaryPackages''' for your system
 * See WhatsNew and read the UpgradeNotes
 * UnixInstall describes how to install Mercurial under Linux, Mac``OS X, and Unix variants
 * WindowsInstall describes how to install Mercurial under Windows
 * A QuickStart for the impatient

== Using Mercurial ==
 * A QuickStart2 for graduates of the above - read before your first commit!
 * ["Tutorial"] for new users (["FrenchTutorial"], ["SpanishTutorial"] , ["JapaneseTutorial"] and ["ChineseTutorial"] available)
 * [:FAQ:Frequently Asked Questions] - FAQ
 * TipsAndTricks
 * [http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/hg.1.html hg(1)], [".hgignore"] and [http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/hgrc.5.html hgrc(5)] manpages and ["TranslatedManPages"]
 * XemacsAndEmacsUsers - Here is a .hgignore that users of XEmacs and Emacs will love
 * WorkingPractices describing several somewhat sane ways to use Mercurial
 * How to handle MultipleCommitters
 * CommunicatingChanges describes the various ways Mercurial can exchange changesets
 * PublishingRepositories and ServerInstall describes various ways to make your code visible to the world
 * NamedBranches gives an introduction to this recent feature

== For refugees from CVS and other systems ==

 * CvsConcepts - translations of ["CVS"] concepts into Mercurial terms
 * CvsCommands - equivalents of commands provided by ["CVS"]
 * ConvertingRepositories from other ["SCM"] formats to Mercurial
 * ["Glossary"] of terms (useful if you're not used to distributed source management)
 * A ["Tag"] is slightly different in Mercurial than in other ["SCM"] systems

== Extensions ==

 * UsingHgk - how to use the GUI repository browser
 * MqExtension - Mercurial Patch Queues
 * UsingBisect - how to use the bisect extension to find bugs
 * TransplantExtension - cherry-picks patches and rebases branches
 * ExtensionHowto - how to write Mercurial extensions

 See CategoryExtension for a more complete list.

== How To ==
 * HgSysTrac - Using hg and trac for Unix system configuration changes management.
== Getting support ==
 * Get expert help via [[IRC]] or our [[MailingLists|mailing lists]]
 * Report issues to our [[BugTracker|bug tracker]]
 * Commercial [[Support|support]], training and consulting
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 * [[Migration]] from other SCMs
 * A list of [[ProjectsUsingMercurial|projects using Mercurial]]
 * [[OtherTools|Other tools]] that work with Mercurial (IDE integration, GUI clients, etc.)
 * [[MercurialHosting|Hosting]] services for your projects
 * [[Presentations]] and papers about Mercurial
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 * MailingLists: == Get involved! ==
 * [[ContributingToMercurialWiki|How to edit this wiki]]
 * [[DeveloperInfo|Developer info]] for Mercurial hackers
 * Send us [[https://www.mercurial-scm.org/donate|a donation]]!
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   general list:
   [http://www.selenic.com/mailman/listinfo/mercurial/ subscriptions],
   [http://www.selenic.com/pipermail/mercurial/ archives],
   and [http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=mercurial&w=2 archive search]
Other Languages: [[FrenchMercurial|Français]], [[JapaneseMercurial|日本語]], [[RussianMercurial|Русский]], [[ThaiMercurial|ภาษาไทย]], [[CzechMercurial|Česky]], [[ChineseMercurial|中文]], [[PortugueseMercurial|Português (Portugal)]],
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   developers list:
   [http://www.selenic.com/mailman/listinfo/mercurial-devel/ subscriptions],
   [http://www.selenic.com/pipermail/mercurial-devel/ archives]

 * [http://selenic.com/mercurial/bugs/ Mercurial bug tracker]
 * ["DeveloperInfo"] for Mercurial hackers
 * IRC channel: #mercurial on irc.freenode.net
 * OtherTools that work with Mercurial
 * A list of ["ProjectsUsingMercurial"] and links to their repositories.
 * A list of ["Presentations"] and other related events.
 * Ideas for Google's SummerOfCode2006.
~-Mercurial and all wiki contents are available under the GNU General Public License v2 (see [[License|license]]) -~


Latest News

Mercurial is a fast, easy to use, distributed revision control tool for software developers.


Use 'hg id -i -r <rev>' to find the changeset id for a given revision or tag

Getting started

Documentation and help

Getting support

Further information

Get involved!

Other Languages: Français, 日本語, Русский, ภาษาไทย, Česky, 中文, Português (Portugal),

Mercurial and all wiki contents are available under the GNU General Public License v2 (see license)

Mercurial (last edited 2024-08-26 23:53:13 by PaulBissex)