Differences between revisions 28 and 271 (spanning 243 versions)
Revision 28 as of 2005-09-09 00:50:38
Size: 2259
Editor: mpm
Revision 271 as of 2012-03-01 16:01:42
Size: 2223
Editor: PaulBoddie
Comment: Apparent spam attempt.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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[http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/mercurial-logo.png] #acl mpm:read,write,delete,revert,admin Known:read,write,delete,revert All:read
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This is a wiki for the ["Mercurial"] ["DistributedSCM"] tool. '''Mercurial''' is a fast, easy to use, distributed [[WikiPedia:Revision_control|revision control tool]] for software developers.
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== Please contribute! == ||'''Tip:''' <<RandomQuote(MercurialTips)>>||
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Contributions are most welcome, but please create a user name for yourself before you edit anything. To do this, click on the "Login" link up in the top right corner of this page and follow the instructions from there. ## Please think twice before adding items here, the first page should stay compact!
== Getting started ==
 * [[Download|Download]] and install Mercurial
 * See [[WhatsNew|what's new]] and read the [[UpgradeNotes|upgrade notes]]
 * [[BeginnersGuides|Beginner's guides]] for new users
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== New to all this stuff? == == Documentation and help ==
 * ''[[MercurialBook|Mercurial: The Definitive Guide]]'', the Mercurial book
 * ManPages, [[FAQ|Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]], and [[TipsAndTricks|tips and tricks]]
 * [[UsingExtensions|Using extensions]] to add optional features like [[GraphlogExtension|graphlog]] or [[MqExtension|MQ]]
 * [[HOWTOs]] explaining some useful ways of using Mercurial
 * Hints for [[PublishingRepositories|publishing repositories]]
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 * Check out the MajorFeatures or jump to the QuickStart
 * ["Download"] the latest source or check for BinaryPackages for your system
 * UnixInstall describes how to install ["Mercurial"] under Linux, Mac``OS X, and Unix variants
 * WindowsInstall describes how to install ["Mercurial"] under Windows
 * ["Tutorial"] for new users (["FrenchTutorial"] and ["SpanishTutorial"] available)
 * ConfigurationOptions describes the options available in the hgrc files
 * OtherTools that work with Mercurial
== Getting support ==
 * Get expert help via [[IRC]] or our [[MailingLists|mailing lists]]
 * Report issues to our [[BugTracker|bug tracker]]
 * Commercial [[Support|support]], training and consulting
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== For CVS refugees == == Further information ==
 * [[Migration|Migration]] from other SCMs
 * A list of [[ProjectsUsingMercurial|projects using Mercurial]]
 * [[OtherTools|Other tools]] that work with Mercurial (IDE integration, GUI clients, etc.)
 * [[MercurialHosting|Hosting]] services for your projects
 * [[Presentations]] and papers about Mercurial
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 * CvsConcepts - translations of ["CVS"] concepts into ["Mercurial"] terms
 * CvsCommands - equivalents of commands provided by ["CVS"]
== Get involved! ==
 * [[ContributingToMercurialWiki|How to edit this wiki]]
 * [[DeveloperInfo|Developer info]] for Mercurial hackers
 * Send us [[Donations|a donation]]!
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== More information == Other Languages: [[FrenchMercurial|Français]], [[JapaneseMercurial|日本語]], [[RussianMercurial|Русский]], [[ThaiMercurial|ภาษาไทย]], [[CzechMercurial|Česky]], [[ChineseMercurial|中文]], [[ChineseTraditionalMercurial|中文(繁體)]]
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 * [:FAQ:Frequently Asked Questions]
 * ConvertingRepositories from other ["SCM"] formats to ["Mercurial"]
 * ["Glossary"] of terms (useful if you're not used to distributed source management)
 * A ["Tag"] is slightly different in ["Mercurial"] than in other ["SCM"] systems
 * WorkingPractices describing several somewhat sane ways to use ["Mercurial"]
 * A list of ["ProjectsUsingMercurial"] and links to their repositories.
 * CommunicatingChanges describes the various ways ["Mercurial"] can exchange changesets
 * PublishingRepositories and ServerInstall describes various ways to make your code visible to the world
 * How to handle MultipleCommitters

== Information for contributors ==

 * The ToDo list and MissingFeatures
 * ContributingChanges
 * ["Design"] - Mercurial's data structures and how it uses them.
 * WhatGoesWhere - the project architecture
 * WireProtocol - the push/pull changegroup protocol
 * OptionNaming - the conventions used to name command-line options

== Links ==

 * [http://www.selenic.com/mercurial Official Mercurial home page]
 * MailingList
 * IRC channel: #mercurial on irc.freenode.net
~- Mercurial and all wiki contents are available under the GNU General Public License v2 (see [[License|license]]) -~


Latest News

Mercurial is a fast, easy to use, distributed revision control tool for software developers.


See 'hg help revisions' for the many ways to specify revisions

Getting started

Documentation and help

Getting support

Further information

Get involved!

Other Languages: Français, 日本語, Русский, ภาษาไทย, Česky, 中文, 中文(繁體)

Mercurial and all wiki contents are available under the GNU General Public License v2 (see license)

Mercurial (last edited 2024-08-26 23:53:13 by PaulBissex)