Differences between revisions 234 and 235
Revision 234 as of 2010-10-17 20:11:56
Size: 2702
Editor: mpm
Revision 235 as of 2010-10-17 20:48:45
Size: 2548
Editor: mpm
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * [[BeginnersGuides|beginner's guides]]  * [[BeginnersGuides|Beginner's guides]] for new users
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== Using Mercurial ==
 * The book '''''[[MercurialBook|Mercurial: The Definitive Guide]]''''' ([[http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/|HTML]], [[http://hg.serpentine.com/mercurial/book|source]])
== Documentation and help ==
 * ''[[MercurialBook|Mercurial: The Definitive Guide]]'', the Mercurial book
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 * MercurialHosting lists public hosting services for your [[Repository|repositories]]
 * PublishingRepositories provides guidance on sharing repositories yourself (and offering web-based repository browsing)
 * OtherTools that work with Mercurial (IDE integration, GUI clients, etc.)
 * Hints for [[PublishingRepositories|publishing repositories]]
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 * [[IRC]] channel: #mercurial on [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#mercurial|irc.freenode.net]]
 * Our [[MailingLists|mailing lists]] and [[BugTracker|bug tracker]]
 * Commercial [[Support|support]] and consulting
 * Get expert help via [[IRC]]
* Report issues to our [[BugTracker|bug tracker]]
 * Ask questions on our [[MailingLists|mailing lists]]
 * Commercial [[Support|support]], training and consulting
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 * [[Migration|migration]] from other SCMs  * [[Migration|Migration]] from other SCMs
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 * OtherTools that work with Mercurial (IDE integration, GUI clients, etc.)
 * MercurialHosting lists public hosting services for your [[Repository|repositories]]


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Mercurial is a cross-platform, distributed revision control tool for software developers. It runs on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and most Unix like systems. Mercurial is dedicated to speed and efficiency with a sane user interface. It's free open source software, available under the GNU General Public License version 2 (see License).

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Mercurial (last edited 2024-08-26 23:53:13 by PaulBissex)