Differences between revisions 100 and 108 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 100 as of 2006-12-10 20:12:07
Size: 3753
Editor: mpm
Revision 108 as of 2006-12-19 21:22:52
Size: 2236
Editor: mpm
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Please contribute! == == Getting Started ==
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Contributions are most welcome! Please create a user name for yourself by clicking "Login" in the upper right. Mercurial and all wiki content are available under the [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL].

== Getting Started ==
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 * UnixInstall describes how to install Mercurial under Linux, Mac``OS X, and Unix variants
 * WindowsInstall describes how to install Mercurial under Windows
 * UnixInstall and WindowsInstall for installing from source
 * UnderstandingMercurial and ["Tutorial"] for new users
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 * A QuickStart2 for graduates of the above - read before your first commit!
 * ["Tutorial"] for new users (["FrenchTutorial"], ["SpanishTutorial"] , ["JapaneseTutorial"] and ["ChineseTutorial"] available)
 * [:FAQ:Frequently Asked Questions] - FAQ
 * TipsAndTricks
 * [http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/hg.1.html hg(1)], [".hgignore"] and [http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/hgrc.5.html hgrc(5)] manpages and ["TranslatedManPages"]
 * XemacsAndEmacsUsers - Here is a .hgignore that users of XEmacs and Emacs will love
 * WorkingPractices describing several somewhat sane ways to use Mercurial
 * How to handle MultipleCommitters
 * CommunicatingChanges describes the various ways Mercurial can exchange changesets
 * PublishingRepositories and ServerInstall describes various ways to make your code visible to the world
 * NamedBranches gives an introduction to this recent feature
 * ManPages, [:FAQ:Frequently Asked Questions], and TipsAndTricks
 * ["Extensions"] - add optional features like mq, hgk, bisect, etc.
 * ["HOWTOs"] explain some useful ways of using Mercurial
 * [http://selenic.com/mercurial/bugs/ Mercurial bug tracker]
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== For refugees from CVS and other systems == == For refugees from other SCMs ==
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 * CvsConcepts - translations of ["CVS"] concepts into Mercurial terms
 * CvsCommands - equivalents of commands provided by ["CVS"]
 * ConvertingRepositories from other ["SCM"] formats to Mercurial
 * ["Glossary"] of terms (useful if you're not used to distributed source management)
 * A ["Tag"] is slightly different in Mercurial than in other ["SCM"] systems

== Extensions ==

 * UsingHgk - how to use the GUI repository browser
 * MqExtension - Mercurial Patch Queues
 * UsingBisect - how to use the bisect extension to find bugs
 * TransplantExtension - cherry-picks patches and rebases branches
 * ExtensionHowto - how to write Mercurial extensions

 See CategoryExtension for a more complete list.

== How To ==
 * HgSysTrac - Using hg and trac for Unix system configuration changes management.
 * CvsInfo - info for CVS users
 * RepositoryConversion from other SCM formats to Mercurial
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 * [http://selenic.com/mercurial/bugs/ Mercurial bug tracker]
 * ["
DeveloperInfo"] for Mercurial hackers
 * DeveloperInfo for Mercurial hackers
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 * Ideas for Google's SummerOfCode2006.
== Please contribute! ==

Contributions are most welcome! Please create a user name for yourself by clicking "Login" in the upper right. Mercurial and all wiki content are available under the [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL].



Hg: the chemical symbol for mercury, from the Greek hydrargyrum.

mercurial: relating to or having characteristics (eloquence, shrewdness, swiftness, thievishness) attributed to the god Mercury.

Mercurial: a fast, lightweight Source Control Management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects.

Getting Started

Using Mercurial

For refugees from other SCMs

Further information

Please contribute!

Contributions are most welcome! Please create a user name for yourself by clicking "Login" in the upper right. Mercurial and all wiki content are available under the [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL].

Mercurial (last edited 2024-08-26 23:53:13 by PaulBissex)