Contact Details

Email: md8580 AT SPAM _BARFOO_ FREE bris DOT ac DOT uk)

Alt Email: qwerty360 AT SPAM _FOOBAR_ FREE gmail DOT com

IRC nick: qwerty360

VOIP: sip://markd@ (Warning due to known NAT issues and the difficulty of testing this without a second voip server I cannot guarantee this will work! Please tell me if it doesnt work so that I can try and fix any issues!).

About Me

I am a second year Maths and Computer Science Student at the University of Bristol in the UK.

I have been using open source software (and mercurial) for a while, although so far I have never contributed (something I hope to fix this year). I am interested in doing the Google Summer of Code with mercurial as it has benefited me in the past.

I normally program in C or Java although I am now learning python. (Mostly by playing with Mercurial. If anyone has any suggestions of good projects or resources for learning python they would be much appreciated.)

Google Summer of Code 2010

At the moment I am looking at the 'Better Changeset Discovery' idea. Pending discussion with people who know the code better I have a few ideas/questions/notes already about it. The following covers what I believe is a fairly large scope!:

Some(most) of the following does not consider that a rough protocol has already been designed and appears to be in the process of implementation.
