Managing Bugs

How to do bug triage on the BugTracker.

/!\ This page is intended for developers.

1. Definitions

1.1. Status levels:

1.2. Priorities

2. How to do triage

2.1. Handling individual bugs

{i} There is a hook installed on an hourly mirror of main that causes HgBot to update the BugTracker according to changelog commit messages. Summaries containing '(issueNNNN)' will automatically move issues to the testing state. References to issueNNNN in the body of the message will create references in that issue to the changeset. You can also explicitly write closes issueNNN or fixes issueNNN to move the bug into testing, or see issueNNN or addressesNNN to create a reference in the issue.

2.2. Dealing with third-party issues

If the third-party project is large enough to have its own BTS:

For smaller projects, we'll allow using our BTS to track issues if the maintainer is a known BTS user:

For any other projects:

2.3. Dealing with patches on the BTS

We don't accept patches on the BTS:

So when someone adds a patch to the BTS (which already contains a link to ContributingChanges next to the attach button!), do the following immediately so the patch doesn't sit in limbo for years:

2.4. Marking Duplicates

2.5. Reducing Backlog

3. See also

CategoryBugs CategoryDeveloper CategoryProcess