Differences between revisions 9 and 11 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 9 as of 2010-10-20 18:59:53
Size: 3321
Editor: mpm
Revision 11 as of 2010-12-31 00:15:19
Size: 3765
Editor: BrendanCully
Comment: Fuller description of roundup bot behavior
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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{i} Commits summaries containing '(issueNNNN)' will automatically move issues to the testing state. {i} There is a hook installed on an hourly mirror of main that causes HgBot to update the BugTracker according to changelog commit messages. Summaries containing '(issueNNNN)' will automatically move issues to the testing state. References to `issueNNNN` in the body of the message will create references in that issue to the changeset. You can also explicitly write `closes issueNNN` or `fixes issueNNN` to move the bug into testing, or `see issueNNN` or `addressesNNN` to create a reference in the issue.
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== See also ==

 * WritingTests

Managing Bugs

How to do bug triage on the BugTracker.

/!\ This page is intended for developers.

1. Definitions

1.1. Status levels:

  • Unread - no one's ever responded to this bug (bad)
  • Deferred - we've decided not to deal with this problem now
  • Chatting - we're discussing a solution
  • Need-eg - we need more information to progress
  • In-progress - a partial fix exist or fix exists but isn't yet integrated
  • Testing - a patch is merged, but poster has not confirmed it works, or it didn't reach the main repo yet
  • Done-cbb - (could be better or couldn't be bothered) not perfect, but we've done as much as we're going to do
  • Resolved - problem is fixed or was not a bug

1.2. Priorities

  • critical - data loss or security issue
  • urgent - bug that's blocking development or is a regression
  • bug - bug that's not blocking development
  • feature - it's not a bug, it's a feature
  • wish - would be nice

2. How to do triage

2.1. Handling Individual Bugs

  • Get diagnostics first, give suggestions later (see Advice)

  • Respond to new bugs as quickly as possible, especially where more info would be useful
  • Make sure its priority is set appropriately
  • Make sure its title is useful (ie convert commands should mention the backend)
  • Add appropriate developers to nosey
  • Add appropriate topics
  • If it is a common issue, mark it as a duplicate
  • Bugs that have long been fixed in main should be marked resolved
  • Bugs that have been marked 'testing' can be marked resolved after two weeks if the user doesn't confirm earlier
  • Bugs that have recently accepted patches should be marked testing
  • Bugs with active work, including patches that aren't in main should be marked in progress
  • Bugs that require more info from the user should be marked need-eg
  • Bugs that remain in the need-eg state for an extended period may be closed
  • Features and wishes that have been decided against should move to done-cbb

{i} There is a hook installed on an hourly mirror of main that causes HgBot to update the BugTracker according to changelog commit messages. Summaries containing '(issueNNNN)' will automatically move issues to the testing state. References to issueNNNN in the body of the message will create references in that issue to the changeset. You can also explicitly write closes issueNNN or fixes issueNNN to move the bug into testing, or see issueNNN or addressesNNN to create a reference in the issue.

2.2. Marking Duplicates

  • Choose whichever bug is resolved (or has a clear description) as the master
  • Set superseder on the duplicate to point to the master, add a note, and set the bug as resolved
  • If the master is not resolved, copy the nosy list from the duplicate and add a message pointing back to 'issueXXX'

2.3. Reducing Backlog

  • Close out bugs that have been in testing and need-eg state too long
  • Similarly, check if bugs marked in-progress are really in-progress
  • Sort open issues by priority and activity - here is a triage and a unloved query

  • Degrade long-standing bugs to features and features to wishes where appropriate

3. See also

CategoryBugs CategoryDeveloper CategoryProcess

ManagingBugs (last edited 2015-03-11 18:18:47 by mpm)