Differences between revisions 48 and 51 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 48 as of 2012-04-18 19:40:30
Size: 3208
Editor: mink
Comment: Fix typo in "List etiquette" section
Revision 51 as of 2013-08-26 09:41:49
Size: 246
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Mailing Lists =
{i} No subscription is necessary to post - just send an email!


== List etiquette ==
 1. Please be polite to other participants - Mercurial is a friendly community
 1. Please don't drop cc:s from replies or bcc: the list
 1. Please keep discussions on-list, as responses to your questions may help other people
 1. Please check list archives - your question may already be answered!
 1. Please include relevant [[BugTracker#Helpful_Information_to_include_in_your_description|helpful information]]
 1. Please don't cc: lists for other SCMs
 1. Please don't top post - put your reply underneath the message you are replying to.
 1. Please read our [[Advice|suggestions for giving advice]]

/!\ Do not post through Google Groups, as doing so breaks the above rules and makes extra work for the moderator [[http://mercurial.markmail.org/thread/7s23jgvl5gk2d57h|(Reference)]]

Please think twice about cross-posting your questions on !StackOverflow -- !StackOverflow is not where you go when you want to reach the the Mercurial community. You should instead use the mailinglists described here or our [[IRC|IRC channel]].

== The Mercurial list ==
The general mailing list. Busy, but has a high signal-to-noise ratio:

 * Send mail to mercurial@selenic.com
 * [[http://www.selenic.com/mailman/listinfo/mercurial/|Subscribe here]]
 * [[http://www.selenic.com/pipermail/mercurial/|Mailing list archives]], searchable on [[http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.mercurial.general/|Gmane]], [[http://mercurial.markmail.org/search/list:com.selenic.mercurial|MarkMail]], [[http://marc.info/?l=mercurial&w=2|marc.info]] and [[http://mercurial.808500.n3.nabble.com/General-f789605.html|nabble.com]]

== The Mercurial-Devel list ==
The developer mailing list. Created in October 2006:

 * Send mail to mercurial-devel@selenic.com
 * [[http://www.selenic.com/mailman/listinfo/mercurial-devel/|Subscribe here]]
 * [[http://www.selenic.com/pipermail/mercurial-devel/|Mailing list archives]], searchable on [[http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.mercurial.devel/|Gmane]], [[http://mercurial.markmail.org/search/list:com.selenic.mercurial-devel|MarkMail]] and [[http://marc.info/?l=mercurial-devel&w=2|marc.info]]

== The Mercurial-Packaging list ==
This is a low-bandwidth list for people who build distribution packages of Mercurial to coordinate releases and also discuss packaging-specific issues. If you maintain a package of Mercurial or a related third-party tool, you should subscribe to this list.

Subscribe here: http://selenic.com/mailman/listinfo/mercurial-packaging

== The Mercurial-Consulting list ==
This list is for discussion amongst people doing commercial Mercurial development, training, and support. It's also a forum to contact people if you are looking for commercial assistance. Also see the [[Support]] page.

Subscribe here: http://selenic.com/mailman/listinfo/mercurial-consulting

== Other languages ==
 * Japanese: http://groups.google.com/group/mercurial-ja

== See also ==
 * How to [[DrawingTextDAGs|draw history diagrams in text]]

Santa Maria-born Buena Hill is addicted to [[http://dksinger.tk/blogs/entry/Discover-what-You-Need-To-Know-About-Travel-2013-07-28|Costa Blanca weather,]] rc planes, running. And lastly, she is enthralled by spending time with her best friends.

Santa Maria-born Buena Hill is addicted to Costa Blanca weather, rc planes, running. And lastly, she is enthralled by spending time with her best friends.

MailingLists (last edited 2020-05-05 11:52:01 by Pierre-YvesDavid)