=== FileMerge on Mac OS X === To configure merge to use !FileMerge on Mac OS X, you can use the same {{{opendiff-w}}} script as described in ExtdiffExtension: {{{ #!/bin/sh # opendiff returns immediately, without waiting for FileMerge to exit. # Piping the output makes opendiff wait for FileMerge. opendiff "$@" | cat }}} Make sure the script has executable permission, and is located in your {{{$PATH}}}. Add the following to your [[.hgrc]] file: {{{ [merge-tools] filemerge.executable = /full/path/to/opendiff-w filemerge.args = $local $other -ancestor $base -merge $output }}} The command "hg merge" will now use !FileMerge to resolve its conflicts. === See also === * ExtdiffExtension ---- CategoryMac