Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2009-05-12 11:44:22
Size: 657
Comment: Note about crew requirement, some other nits.
Revision 3 as of 2009-05-19 19:31:01
Size: 657
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
No differences found!


This extension is not distributed with Mercurial.

Author: Dirkjan Ochtman

Download site: http://bitbucket.org/djc/jinja2-templater/


This extension allows you to use Jinja2's templating syntax in templates for Mercurial (should work for command line and hgweb alike).

The extension requires a very recent snapshot of Mercurial, d8c5a7f25a40 or later. Report any issues on Bitbucket, please.


Configure your .hgrc to enable the extension by adding following lines:

jinja2 = ~/src/jinja2ext/jinja2templater.py


Jinja2Extension (last edited 2012-02-15 22:17:52 by ks3095497)