Differences between revisions 55 and 65 (spanning 10 versions)
Revision 55 as of 2013-08-30 13:48:29
Size: 3488
Editor: rcl
Revision 65 as of 2013-09-02 12:59:33
Size: 751
Editor: JacelynWi
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#language ja
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|| {{http://www.selenic.com/hg-logo/logo-droplets-200.png}} ||<<Include(Mercurial/NewsItems)>> ||

'''Mercurial''' は、ソフト開発者のための高速で使いやすい分散 [[http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E3%82%B7%E3%82%B9%E3%83%86%E3%83%A0|バージョン管理ツール]] です。

||'''Tip:''' <<RandomQuote(MercurialTips)>>||

## ここに何か足すときはもう一度よく考えてみて。最初のページはコンパクトでないとね!
## (訳注)というかこれは翻訳なので何か追加するならまず原文にした方がいいでしょう。
== 始める ==
 * Mercurial を [[JapaneseDownload|ダウンロード]] してインストール
 * [[WhatsNew|what's new]] と [[UpgradeNotes|upgrade notes]] をチェック
 * 新規ユーザーのための [[JapaneseBeginnersGuides|初心者向けガイド]]

== ドキュメントとヘルプ ==
 * ''[[MercurialBook|Mercurial: The Definitive Guide]]'', the Mercurial book ([[http://foozy.bitbucket.org/hgbook-ja/index.ja.html|日本語訳]])
 * [[TranslatedManPages#Japanese|ManPagesの翻訳]]と[[JapaneseFAQ|Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]]、[[JapaneseTipsAndTricks|便利なワザ]]
 * [[JapaneseUsingExtensions|エクステンションを使う]] - [[GraphlogExtension|glog]]や[[JapaneseMqExtension|mq]]といったオプションの機能を追加します
 * [[JapaneseHOWTOs|"HOWTOs"]] - Mercurialの便利な使い方を説明します
 * [[PublishingRepositories|リポジトリを公開する]] 時のヒント

== サポートを受ける ==
 * [[IRC]] と [[MailingLists|mailing lists]] でエキスパートからのヘルプを
 * [[BugTracker|bug tracker]] に問題を報告
 * 商用 [[Support|サポート]] 、トレーニングとコンサルティング

== 更なる情報源 ==
 * 他の SCM から [[Migration|移行する]]
 * [[ProjectsUsingMercurial|Mercurialを採用しているプロジェクト]] のリスト
 * Mercurial とともに使える [[OtherTools|他のツール]] (IDE インテグレーション、 GUI クライアントなど。)
 * [[MercurialHosting|ホスティング]] サービスでプロジェクトを運用
 * Mercurial についての [[Presentations|プレゼンテーション]] とレポート

## ここに何か足すときはもう一度よく考えてみて。最初のページはコンパクトでないとね!
== 参加しよう! ==
 * [[ContributingToMercurialWiki|この Wiki を編集するには]]
 * Mercurial ハッカーのための [[DeveloperInfo|開発情報]]
 * [[http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/donations.html|寄付]] を送ろう!

== 日本語の情報 ==
 * [[JapaneseFAQ|よくある質問]]
 * [[CategoryJapanese|日本語ページ一覧]]
 * [[JapaneseDocuments|日本語ドキュメントリスト]]
 * [[http://groups.google.com/group/mercurial-ja|mercurial-ja]]: 日本語コミュニティ

Other Languages: [[Mercurial|English]], [[FrenchMercurial|Français]], [[JapaneseMercurial|日本語]], [[RussianMercurial|Русский]], [[ThaiMercurial|ภาษาไทย]], [[ChineseMercurial|中文]]

~- Mercurial と Wiki の内容はすべて GNU General Public License v2 の下に利用できます。 ([[License|license]] 参照) -~

You should cling to your revenue unless you're totally certain that the used vehicle you are looking over is worth it. Used vehicles can be wrecks in disguise so you need to be cautious about which vehicle you select at the end of your search. Unless you are genuinely satisfied with the look of a automobile, do not even consider paying for it.<<BR>>
You should purchase a used automobile that will enable you pay minimal insurance fees. Vehicle insurance also extends to used vehicles as well. So bear that in mind the next time you go out to try to find a used automobile.<<BR>>
To work out precisely how I got a free car valuation, have a look at this web-site about [[http://www.sell-mycar.co/sell-car.php|value my car free]].

You should cling to your revenue unless you're totally certain that the used vehicle you are looking over is worth it. Used vehicles can be wrecks in disguise so you need to be cautious about which vehicle you select at the end of your search. Unless you are genuinely satisfied with the look of a automobile, do not even consider paying for it.

You should purchase a used automobile that will enable you pay minimal insurance fees. Vehicle insurance also extends to used vehicles as well. So bear that in mind the next time you go out to try to find a used automobile.

To work out precisely how I got a free car valuation, have a look at this web-site about value my car free.

JapaneseMercurial (last edited 2016-10-28 13:33:02 by YuyaNishihara)