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Hook Examples
Getting started writing hooks can be tricky, especially in-process (Python) hooks. On the one hand, writing hooks is a good way to learn your way around Mercurial's internals. But if you don't already know those internals, getting your hooks working is hard work. Hence this page, which contains documented hook code based on real-world hooks. (I'm going to assume that you have a working knowledge of Python here. You don't need to be an expert, but please work through a tutorial or two before trying to write Mercurial hooks.)
Note that MercurialApi is the best available documentation for the internal APIs that you will most commonly use writing hooks. If anything in here seems unclear, pop over to MercurialApi to see if there is a better explanation there.
General notes
Of note:
all hooks will take ui, repo,hooktype -- that's a very common pattern in Mercurial code (core, extensions, hooks, whatever)
I don't care what other arguments Mercurial passes to my hook, so I just declare **kwargs so it can pass anything it likes
use repo[None] to get a changectx object representing the working dir, i.e. what is about to be committed
use ui.warn() to print an error message to the user (unfortunately there is no ui.error() -- generally Mercurial code just raises util.Abort on fatal error)
hooks use the peculiar convention of returning a true value to indicate failure. This is weird, but 1) it's consistent with external hooks, which return non-zero to indicate failure (the usual convention for child processes on Unix) and 2) it means that falling off the end of a hook (implicitly returning None) is success
Precommit: disallow bad branch
Say you have local policy that states branches must be named like major.minor-branch, e.g. 1.0-branch or 1.1-branch. You don't want developers creating new branches willy-nilly, because that can cause a mess. You can enforce this with a precommit hook:
import re
def precommit_badbranch(ui, repo, **kwargs):
branch = repo[None].branch()
branch_re = re.compile(r'\d+\.\d+-branch$')
if not branch_re.match(branch):
ui.warn('invalid branch name %r (use <major>.<minor>-branch)\n')
return True
return False
Precommit: disallow bad branch and bad merge
If you have a strong convention for branch names like the above, it enables an additional sanity check: don't allow backwards merges. Imagine what would happen if someone accidentally merged 1.1-branch to 1.0-branch when they meant to do the reverse. Bad idea. So let's take advantage of our branch name convention to figure out which branch is later, and only allow merges from earlier to later branches.
First, we need to factor out the code that parses a branch name:
_branch_re = re.compile(r'(\d+)\.(\d+)-branch$')
def _parse_branch(branch):
"""Parse branch (a string) and return a tuple of ints. Raise
ValueError if branch is not a valid branch name according to local
match = _branch_re.match(branch)
if not match:
raise ValueError('invalid branch name %r '
'(use <major>.<minor>-branch)\n')
return tuple(map(int, match.group(1, 2)))
Return a tuple of ints makes branchs trivially comparable: 1.9-branch becomes (1, 9), 1.10-branch becomes (1, 10), and (1, 9) < (1, 10).
Now, one big hook to enforce both bits of policy. (This also disallows another strange type of merge that I discovered while writing the hook. Whether you want to disallow it is your business, of course.)
def precommit_badbranch_badmerge(ui, repo, parent1=None, parent2=None, **kwargs):
branch = repo[None].branch()
branch = _parse_branch(branch)
except ValueError, err:
ui.warn('%s\n' % err)
return True
if not parent2:
# Not merging: nothing more to check.
return False
# parent1 and parent2 are both existing changesets, so assume that
# their branch names are valid. If that's not the case, we'll blow
# up with a ValueError here. If you're trying to enforce new policy
# on a repo with existing branch names, this will have to be more
# flexible.
target_branch = _parse_branch(repo[parent1].branch())
source_branch = _parse_branch(repo[parent2].branch())
# This could happen if someone does
# hg update 1.1-branch
# hg branch 1.2-branch
# hg merge 1.0-branch
# which is a strange thing to do. So disallow it.
if target_branch != branch:
ui.warn('merging to a different branch from first parent '
'is just weird: please don\'t do that\n')
return True
# Check for backwards merge.
if source_branch > target_branch:
ui.warn('invalid backwards merge from %r to %r\n'
% (source_branch, target_branch))
return True
return False
pretxncommit/pretxnchangegroup: Enforce commit message rules
Often commit messages follow conventions, most notably referring to a bug/issue number in their description. Since we can't enforce hooks for all distributed clones because hooks don't transfer, we have to enforce it on a known-good (central) repository. Thus, we have to write a pretxnchangegroup hook. Since fixing a bunch of commit messages at push time is a big headache requiring mq, we'll also define a pretxncommit hook that well-behaved developers can use to enforce rules at commit time. These hooks are defined as python in-process hooks to get portability between Windows and Linux, as well as to get nice error messages because in-process hooks can use the ui.warn() method.
You must define checkMessage() to define the rule and printUsage() to explain the rule to the user. Given some work, the two methods could be combined into a more generic method, but that is an exercise left to the developer.
import re
def checkCommitMessage(ui, repo, **kwargs):
Checks a single commit message for adherence to commit message rules.
To use add the following to your project .hg/hgrc for each
project you want to check, or to your user hgrc to apply to all projects.
pretxncommit = python:path/to/script/enforce-message.py:checkCommitMessage
hg_commit_message = repo['tip'].description()
if(checkMessage(hg_commit_message) == True):
return True
return False
def checkAllCommitMessage(ui, repo, node, **kwargs):
Checks all inbound changeset messages from a push for adherence to the commit message rules.
pretxnchangegroup = python:path/to/script/enforce-message.py:checkAllCommitMessage
for rev in xrange(repo[node].rev(), len(repo)):
message = repo[rev].description()
if(checkMessage(message) == True):
ui.warn("Revision "+str(rev)+" commit message:["+message+"] does not adhere to commit message rules\n")
return True
return False
Generic pretxncommit/pretxnchangegroup Hook
Many of the hooks you'll be writing are pretxncommit/pretxnchangegroup. Here is a general framework for that type of hook.
In python
#!/usr/bin/env python
def hook(ui, repo, hooktype, node=None, source=None, **kwargs):
if hooktype not in ['pretxnchangegroup', 'pretxncommit']:
ui.write('Hook should be pretxncommit/pretxnchangegroup not "%s".' % hooktype)
return 1
for rev in xrange(repo[node], len(repo)):
for file in repo[rev].files():
#if (error):
# ui.write("\nERROR: Some criteria not met.\n\n")
# return 1
return 0
In bash
revs=$(hg log -r "$HG_NODE:tip" --template '{rev} ') #Intentional space after {rev}
for rev in $revs
files=$(hg log -r $rev --template '{files}')
#Above will include discards. So you cannot 'hg cat' them all. So you may want
# files=$(hg log -r $rev --template '{file_mods} {file_adds}')
branch=$(hg log -r $rev --template '{branch}')
for file in $files
#You do not want to check file contents with 'hg cat' here; it is too slow.
#If you need to check file contents, write a native python hook.
#if [ error ] ; then
# echo "ERROR: Some criteria not met."
# exit 1
exit $rc
pretxnchangegroup: enforce the stable branch to contains only merge commits on the server
If your company policy is to allow only merge on the stable branch, this hook is for you.
Note that it allows the first commit (the one after hg branch). This might be abused. A possible improvement would be to only allow this single commit if the stable branch does not exists yet.
from mercurial.node import bin, nullid
from mercurial import util
def hook(ui, repo, node, **kwargs):
n = bin(node)
start = repo.changelog.rev(n)
end = len(repo.changelog)
failed = False
for rev in xrange(start, end):
n = repo.changelog.node(rev)
ctx = repo[n]
p = ctx.parents()
if ctx.branch() == 'stable' and len(p) == 1:
if p[0].branch() != 'stable':
# commit that creates the branch, allowed
ui.warn(' - changeset %s on stable branch and is not a merge !\n'
% (ctx))
failed = True
if failed:
ui.warn('* Please strip the offending changeset(s)\n'
'* and re-do them, if needed, on another branch!\n')
return True
pretxnchangegroup: export pushed changes
This hook can be used to set up a server that allows pushes via HTTP for everybody, but which unconditionally rejects pushes and so doesn't modify actual history. Instead, it may expose incoming changesets as patches (mailing them or showing in a web interface). This could be used to ease contributing changes to a project.
$HG export -o '%h-%m.patch' -r "$HG_NODE:$HG_NODE_LAST"
echo 'Thanks for patches!'
exit 1
Another way may be to write bundle files for easier acceptance process (since they can be just pulled from), but it requires another repo: project repo contains canonical history and doesn't allow HTTP pushes, and project-push allows pushes for everybody and has this pretxnchangegroup hook:
$HG bundle -r "$HG_NODE:$HG_NODE_LAST" incoming.hg /path/to/canonical/repo/project
exit 1