Differences between revisions 11 and 12
Revision 11 as of 2013-02-25 19:58:22
Size: 1237
Editor: EricHopper
Revision 12 as of 2013-02-25 20:00:42
Size: 1237
Editor: EricHopper
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'''This extension should be considered deprecated as the CIA service is dead and never coming back.''' ''' /!\ This extension should be considered deprecated as the CIA service is dead and never coming back.'''
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The hgcia extension can be used to send change notifications to the [[http://cia.navi.cx/|CIA service]].
It can be used as either an incoming or a changegroup hook.
The hgcia extension can be used to send change notifications to the [[http://cia.navi.cx/|CIA service]]. It can be used as either an incoming or a changegroup hook.

HGCIA Extension

This extension is distributed with Mercurial.

/!\ This extension should be considered deprecated as the CIA service is dead and never coming back.

Author: Brendan Cully


The hgcia extension can be used to send change notifications to the CIA service. It can be used as either an incoming or a changegroup hook.


Configure your .hgrc to enable the extension by adding following lines:

hgext.hgcia =

# your registered CIA user name
user = foo
# the name of the project in CIA
project = foo
# the module or subproject (optional)
#module = foo
# Append a diffstat to the log message (optional)
#diffstat = False
# Use a custom template (optional)
#template = {url}/rev/{node|short}\n{desc}-- {diffstat}
# The URL of the CIA notification service (optional)
#url = http://cia.navi.cx/
# print message instead of sending it (optional)
#test = False

# one of these:
changegroup.cia = python:hgext.hgcia.hook
#incoming.cia = python:hgext.hgcia.hook

# If you want hyperlinks (optional)
#baseurl = http://server/path/to/repo


HgciaExtension (last edited 2017-03-19 17:59:57 by JunWu)