Differences between revisions 13 and 80 (spanning 67 versions)
Revision 13 as of 2007-04-14 17:30:44
Size: 8180
Comment: so you have someone to blame for the previous openSUSE additions ;-)
Revision 80 as of 2013-08-28 17:42:50
Size: 3247
Editor: WeldonWer
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Publishing Repositories with hgwebdir.cgi =

== Introduction ==

Well, we have a certain setup with subversion. I'd like to reproduce it using Mercurial.

== Pre-requisites ==

The installed software is:
 * A webserver that can run CGI scripts such as apache2 (apache2, apache2-common, apache2-mpm-prefork, apache2-utils) or lighttpd
  * But it is not necessary (see below)
 * some version of mercurial (mine was 0.9 taken from Debian/unstable)
 * python:
   * Ubuntu/Edgy comes with python 2.4
   * you will need python2.4-dev package as well
 * sudo (in general, I prefer sudo to su)

== Getting proper Mercurial ==

The whole point was to try pull/push over http. So the following was done (I'm
a real newbie for hg, so please bear with me :)):
$ cd working-directory
$ hg clone http://selenic.com/hg/
$ cd hg
$ python setup.py build
$ sudo python setup.py install

This should work for every linux with python. But for rpm based systems it is better for administrative reasons to use it.
You can find some via [BinaryPackages]. I got mine like this:

$ cd download-directory
$ wget http://repos.opensuse.org/devel:/tools:/scm/openSUSE_10.2/x86_64/mercurial-0.9.3-3.1.x86_64.rpm
$ sudo rpm -ihv mercurial-0.9.3-3.1.x86_64.rpm

== Directory Structure ==

Create the necessary directories:
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/hg/repos
$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/hg

It's usually a good idea to keep special directories out of the tree served by apache, but for security reasons on openSUSE the cgi scripts only work within the document root. So for openSUSE, which uses user/group wwwrun/www instead of www-data/www-data and does not allow write acces to cgi directories for anyone but the apache user it is
$ sudo mkdir -p /srv/www/htdocs/hg/repos
$ sudo chown -R wwwrun:www /srv/www/htdocs/hg/repos
$ sudo chmod 755 /srv/www/htdocs/hg

== Preparing the config ==

$ cat > /tmp/hgweb.config
repos/ = repos/
$ sudo -u www-data cp /tmp/hgweb.config /var/hg
$ rm /tmp/hgweb.config

For openSUSE, replace the sudo line above with
$ sudo -u wwwrun cp /tmp/hgweb.config /srv/www/htdocs/hg

== Two possibilities ==
You can either use a separate webserver such as Apache or lighttpd, or use the webserver built into hg.

=== Using Apache or lighttpd with the hgwebdir.cgi script ===

==== Putting the right stuff in place ====

Put the script in place (remember, we are still in that `working-directory/hg` :)):
$ sudo -u www-data cp hgwebdir.cgi /var/hg
$ sudo -u www-data chmod +x /var/hg/hgwebdir.cgi

And again, some changes for openSUSE
$ sudo -u wwwrun cp /usr/share/doc/packages/mercurial/hgwebdir.cgi /srv/www/htdocs/hg
$ sudo -u wwwrun chmod +x /srv/www/htdocs/hg/hgwebdir.cgi

==== Configuring apache ====

Ok, now it's time for apache (see at the end of this paragraph for the openSUSE way of doing this).

First of all, do not really change the config of apache directly:
$ sudo mkdir /etc/apache2/hg

Create the config with the following contents (e.g by using `sudo vim /etc/apache2/hg/main.conf`):
ScriptAliasMatch ^/hg(.*) /var/hg/hgwebdir.cgi$1

<Directory /var/hg>
  Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

  AllowOverride None

This config says that we are going to serve our repositories through '<yourhost>/hg/'.

Now make it really available, by changing your favourite site in `/etc/apache2/sites-enabled`.
For this experiment I used `/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default`:
  Include /etc/apache2/hg/main.conf

Make sure that everything is OK:
$ sudo apache2ctl configtest
Syntax is OK

Restart your web server:
$ sudo apache2ctl stop
$ sudo apache2ctl start

Check if it works by directing your browser to `<yourhost>/hg/`

For openSUSE, just put this in /etc/apache2/conf.d/hg.conf

ScriptAliasMatch ^/hg(.*) /srv/www/htdocs/hg/hgwebdir.cgi$1

<Directory /srv/www/htdocs/hg>
  Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

  AllowOverride None

and run

sudo rcapache2 reload

if this does not complain about config errors you should be done.

==== Configuring lighttpd ====

Ok, now it's time for lighttpd (no openSUSE specifics, because I dont use it).

You can either update the existing /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf file, or create /etc/lighttpd.conf/hg.conf and include that file from lighttpd.conf.

First, you need to check if mod_rewrite and mod_cgi are enabled in the config file, and add them to server.modules if they haven't already been added:
server.modules += ( "mod_cgi" )
server.modules += ( "mod_rewrite" )

Next, configure rewrite rules that map URLs to the hgwebdir.cgi script.
With the following added to your config file, URLs starting with either hg or mercurial will map to hgwebdir.cgi:
url.rewrite-once = (
  "^/hg([/?].*)?$" => "/hgwebdir.cgi$1",
   "^/mercurial([/?].*)?$" => "/hgwebdir.cgi$1"

Then, configure a URL match that invokes hgwebdir.cgi:
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/hgwebdir.cgi([/?].*)?$" {
      server.document-root = "/var/hg/"
      cgi.assign = ( ".cgi" => "/usr/bin/python" )

Make sure that everything is OK:
$ sudo lighttpd -t -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
Syntax OK

Restart the web server:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart

Check if it works by directing your browser to `<yourhost>/hg/` or `<yourhost>/mercurial/`

=== Standalone ===

Simply run
sudo -u www-data hg serve --webdir-conf /var/hg/hgweb.config
and enjoy this speedy method of serving multiple repos. It should be faster than using Apache.

== You are done ==


== Final Bits ==

No openSUSE specifics here. You should know the differences by now (apache user and doc path).

=== Create a new repository ===

$ sudo -u www-data hg init /var/hg/repos/<repository-name>

=== Provide more information about it ===

Add the following to the `/var/hg/repos/<repository-name>/.hg/hgrc` file:
contact = Bilbo Baggins # Whom to contact, plain text,
                              # no fancy stuff
description = My precious! # Nice description what this is about,
                              # you can include HTML (like <a>)

=== Allow pushing to the repository ===

By default, nobody is allowed pushing.

To allow pushing to everybody, add the following line to the `/var/hg/repos/<repository-name>/.hg/hgrc` file:
allow_push = *

To allow only selected users to push changes, add the following line to the `/var/hg/repos/<repository-name>/.hg/hgrc` file:
allow_push = frodo, sam

These are virtual users (for instance, as defined using a .htpasswd file), and not real system users.

=== Deny pushing to the repository ===

Most likely you will want to use it together with `allow_push = *`. If you want allow pushing to everybody, but a selected list of people, add the following line to the `/var/hg/repos/<repository-name>/.hg/hgrc` file:
deny_push = saruman

=== Allow pushing only over a non-secure channel ===

(I still need to check how it works :) )

By default, pushes are allowed only over https. If you are certain and do not want to enforce https for pushes, add the following line to the `/var/hg/repos/<repository-name>/.hg/hgrc` file:
push_ssl = false

=== Customize the look ===

Add the following to the `/var/hg/repos/<repository-name>/.hg/hgrc` file:
style = gitweb # looks cleaner from my point of
                            # view :)
allow_archive = gz zip bz2 # If you think people should be able
                            # to download snapshots as .tar.gz,
                            # .zip, .tar.bz2 respectively

== Disclaimer ==

Well, it works (worked) for me. Please do not hesitate to update this page to
include small bits I've forgotten or just plainly am not aware of.
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1.Criminal Offense <<BR>>
That describes small occurrences like getting a parking ticket, or being offered for around dashing to significant offenses like driving while intoxicated. A major role is played by traffic violations for making you look like a top danger motorist. Occasionally the insurer may also offer you a notice of cancellation of coverage. Be certain in order to avoid such any and all violations as it could make it difficult not to only spend but actually uncover an ensure who'll acknowledge your application for an insurance policy. <<BR>>
2.Your Spouse <<BR>>
Many partners will apply to the same insurer to own both their automobiles covered. This is usually done to simply help the likelihood of a discount and produce the process easier by dealing with a single insurer. However many owners have now been amazed to find that their spouse has a poor driving record solely after doing this and it has triggered a rise in place of discount on their insurance. Before making this type of transfer, be upfront about your document whilst not to detrimentally affect your companion. <<BR>>
3.The New Car Has A Negative Ranking <<BR>>
Many people get thrilled at the outlook of a brand new auto and become stunned once they start to see the insurance charges it attracts. When insurance companies establish charges, in addition they go through the amount of states created according to automobile product and produce. Predicated on this analysis, selected automobiles will entice large charges while other will get reduced fee. It is crucial that you find out the status on a vehicle before making a buy to observe how it'll affect your insurance quality ranges. These evaluations may also vary from year to year based on automobile business studies therefore don't be astonished in case a manufacturing downside that penetrates up a year later and is producing mishaps brings t your charges being hiked, see [[http://coolcarinsurancequotes.tumblr.com/|alberta auto insurance]]. <<BR>>
Most of the time, you might not be in a position to do any such thing concerning the walk in automobile insurance charges you are enduring. You may possibly nonetheless have the ability to enhance a decline by looking at reductions you could request or affect. Discounts on adding antitheft units and taking defensive driving classes can help to bring down your fee to its preceding stage. Be sure to talk to your insurance representative about your possibilities and furthermore accomplish an on the web assessment with other insurance corporations to make certain you are obtaining the greatest package for your overall scenario.

Many people are often surprised once they see that their motor insurance price has gone on rebirth. It's crucial to know about the particular causes that can just take they to be avoided by steps and guide up to such an scenario. A hike in your price can easily see you pay hundreds of bucks more. Even when you do seek out an alternative insurer, you may find that exactly the same factors utilized by recent insurer can effect the others. Listed here are a couple of worries your insurer considers in identifying your car insurance costs.

1.Criminal Offense

That describes small occurrences like getting a parking ticket, or being offered for around dashing to significant offenses like driving while intoxicated. A major role is played by traffic violations for making you look like a top danger motorist. Occasionally the insurer may also offer you a notice of cancellation of coverage. Be certain in order to avoid such any and all violations as it could make it difficult not to only spend but actually uncover an ensure who'll acknowledge your application for an insurance policy.

2.Your Spouse

Many partners will apply to the same insurer to own both their automobiles covered. This is usually done to simply help the likelihood of a discount and produce the process easier by dealing with a single insurer. However many owners have now been amazed to find that their spouse has a poor driving record solely after doing this and it has triggered a rise in place of discount on their insurance. Before making this type of transfer, be upfront about your document whilst not to detrimentally affect your companion.

3.The New Car Has A Negative Ranking

Many people get thrilled at the outlook of a brand new auto and become stunned once they start to see the insurance charges it attracts. When insurance companies establish charges, in addition they go through the amount of states created according to automobile product and produce. Predicated on this analysis, selected automobiles will entice large charges while other will get reduced fee. It is crucial that you find out the status on a vehicle before making a buy to observe how it'll affect your insurance quality ranges. These evaluations may also vary from year to year based on automobile business studies therefore don't be astonished in case a manufacturing downside that penetrates up a year later and is producing mishaps brings t your charges being hiked, see alberta auto insurance.

Most of the time, you might not be in a position to do any such thing concerning the walk in automobile insurance charges you are enduring. You may possibly nonetheless have the ability to enhance a decline by looking at reductions you could request or affect. Discounts on adding antitheft units and taking defensive driving classes can help to bring down your fee to its preceding stage. Be sure to talk to your insurance representative about your possibilities and furthermore accomplish an on the web assessment with other insurance corporations to make certain you are obtaining the greatest package for your overall scenario.

HgWebDirStepByStep (last edited 2018-11-26 18:38:58 by JordiGH)