#pragma section-numbers 2 = GPG extension = '''This extension is currently being distributed along with Mercurial.''' ''Author: Benoit Benissot'' <> == Overview == This extension allows for signing of Mercurial revisions, checking them or listing of signed [[ChangeSet|changesets]]. == Configuration == Configure your ''`.hgrc`'' to enable the extension by adding following lines: {{{ [extensions] hgext.gpg= }}} Use the `[gpg]` stanza for optional configuration tweaks for the extension: {{{ [gpg] # if cmd is not provided it defaults to gpg cmd=/path/to/gpg-command-to-use # key is optional and can be provided on the command line key=KEYID }}} == Usage == Sign one or more revisions: {{{hg sign [OPTION]... [REVISION]...}}} Check signed revision: {{{hg sigcheck REVISION}}} List signed revisions: {{{hg sigs}}} Use `hg help` for additional options. (!) If you want to make sure only signed changesets are pushed to a repository, you could use the [[http://code.google.com/p/hghooklib/wiki/CheckGpgSig|CheckGpgSig]] hook which is part of [[http://code.google.com/p/hghooklib|HgHookLib]] project. == See also == * [[CommitsigsExtension]] ---- CategoryBundledExtension