(see also TipsAndTricks)
Mercurial Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What is the license of the project?
The project is available under the GNU General Public License, v2. See COPYING in the release for more details.
Common Problems
(the content of this section is included from the subpage ["FAQ/CommonProblems"])
(the content of this section is included from the subpage ["FAQ/Terminology"])
General Usage
(the content of this section is included from the subpage ["FAQ/GeneralUsage"])
(the content of this section is included from the subpage ["FAQ/Tags"])
Bugs and Features
(the content of this section is included from the subpage ["FAQ/BugsAndFeatures"])
Web Interface
How do I link to the latest revision of a file?
Find the URL for the file and then replace the changeset identifier with tip.
How do I change the style of the web interface to the visually more attractive gitweb?
In [http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/hgrc.5.html hgrc] set
[web] style = gitweb
To switch back to the default style specify "style = default" (see [http://hgbook.red-bean.com/hgbookch6.html#x10-1390006.6.5 hgbook]).
Technical Details
(the content of this section is included from the subpage ["FAQ/TechnicalDetails"])
Mercurial Book
See ["/MercurialBook"].