== DotLog Extension == '''This extension is not distributed with Mercurial.''' ''Author: Paul Crowley paul at lshift.net'' Repository: http://hg.opensource.lshift.net/hg-dotlog/ === Overview === This extension is able to generate DOT files to use in combinaison with GraphViz to display the tree of the changeset of the current repository. Please note the {{{elide-simple}}} option that hide continuous changeset, only showing merge and split. Use it via the {{{dotlog}}} command. This extension has dependency on [[https://networkx.lanl.gov/wiki/pygraphviz|pygraphviz]]. ToDo: document the template file format. === More Details === {{{ hg help dotlog }}} === First appearance === It appeared on the MailingList on the 12 April 2008 http://selenic.com/pipermail/mercurial/2008-April/018669.html === Configuration === Configure your .hgrc to enable the extension by adding following lines: {{{ [extensions] dotlog = /path/to/dotlog.py }}} ---- CategoryExtensionsByOthers