Differences between revisions 3 and 5 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2009-05-25 08:46:42
Size: 1546
Editor: abuehl
Revision 5 as of 2011-04-02 00:41:48
Size: 1532
Editor: GregWard
Comment: standard link/metadata terminology
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Download site: [[http://furius.ca/pubcode/pub/conf/common/lib/python/hgblais/defpasswd.py]] Source code: [[http://furius.ca/pubcode/pub/conf/lib/python/hgblais/defpasswd.py]]
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Home page: [[http://furius.ca/pubcode/pub/conf/common/lib/python/hgblais/defpasswd.py.html]] Web page: [[http://furius.ca/pubcode/pub/conf/lib/python/hgblais/defpasswd.py.html]]
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Works with: Mercurial 0.9.5 and beyond. Compatibility: Mercurial 0.9.5 and beyond.

DefPasswd Extension

This extension is not distributed with Mercurial.

Author: Martin Blais

Source code: http://furius.ca/pubcode/pub/conf/lib/python/hgblais/defpasswd.py

Web page: http://furius.ca/pubcode/pub/conf/lib/python/hgblais/defpasswd.py.html

Compatibility: Mercurial 0.9.5 and beyond.

1. Overview

Automatically provide credentials (username/passwords) read from a file.

This is useful to avoid having to type in your password in some repositories. If you are regularly pushing from/pulling into a checkout that is in a shared or public space, and you don't feel comfortable placing your username/password in the .hg/hgrc URL, where others who have access can read them, you can use this to automatically supply the credentials.

The format of the password file is::

  realm, uri, username, password
  realm, uri, username, password

The location of the file is '~/.hgpasswd' by default and can be overridden with the environment variable 'HGPASSWD'.

Future work: we could support encrypted files decrypted using gpg (and gpg-agent to avoid having to type your password).

2. Configuration

Configure your .hgrc to enable the extension by adding following lines:

defpasswd =

Place defpasswd.py somewhere accessible from your PYTHONPATH.

3. Usage Scenario

Pull or push a repository without having to enter your username/password.


DefpasswdExtension (last edited 2015-05-08 15:42:13 by rcl)