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Revision 5 as of 2006-02-08 22:43:21
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Email: [[MailTo(byteshack<-A-T->gmail<-D-O-T->com)]] This page will need to be moved to a more permanent place once this tutorial is completed. Please help me with a good name for the page!
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=== The mq extension ===
I'm very interested on what the mq extension does. I guess for me it is still a solution looking for a problem, and until I can't fully understand what the problem is, I wont enjoy and fully utilize the solution it provides. Hopefully I can put some stuff that I figure out here.
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=== Random hg use scenarios ===
Mercurial has a bit of a feature bloat. It is not bad, but it is just hard to know what everything does. There is a LOT of functionality all over the place. This is a place holder of pointer to stuff I seem to forget easily.

 * Good repo layout?
   Seems to be a good idea to keep a couple of repos around: upstream, localchanges, outbound. upstream should be kept sync'd with the source, and not modified at all.

 * To see changes comming from upstream into one of your local repos do:
$ cd localrepo
$ hg incoming
= Mq Tutorial =
 * Why the heck would I want to use mq?
 * How is mq a "stack"? (are there really 2 stacks?)
 * Tutorial on using mq:
   * Installing mq
   * Getting a repo to do work on (use hg for a sample!)
   * Initializing mq on that repo (make it versioned)
   * Creating and editing a patch
   * Creating another patch
   * Version my patches so far (qcommit)
   * Spliting the previous patch (edit patch to leave out 2nd patch and do something like: patch -p1 -R < p1b ; hg qrefresh; hg qnew -M "foo" p1b ; patch -p1 < p1b)
   * Propagating my patches (push all patches we wish to "publish", hg mail that)

Daniel Santa Cruz (byteshack)

This page will need to be moved to a more permanent place once this tutorial is completed. Please help me with a good name for the page!

Mq Tutorial


  • Why the heck would I want to use mq?
  • How is mq a "stack"? (are there really 2 stacks?)
  • Tutorial on using mq:
    • Installing mq
    • Getting a repo to do work on (use hg for a sample!)
    • Initializing mq on that repo (make it versioned)
    • Creating and editing a patch
    • Creating another patch
    • Version my patches so far (qcommit)
    • Spliting the previous patch (edit patch to leave out 2nd patch and do something like: patch -p1 -R < p1b ; hg qrefresh; hg qnew -M "foo" p1b ; patch -p1 < p1b)

    • Propagating my patches (push all patches we wish to "publish", hg mail that)


DanielSantaCruz (last edited 2009-05-19 19:31:00 by localhost)