Crecord Extension

This extension is not distributed with Mercurial.

Author: Mark Edgington

Information / download site:

1. Overview

The crecord extension is a curses (i.e. text-based GUI) interface which provides the crecord and qcrecord commands that may be used in lieu of commit or qnew -f. These commands let you choose which parts of the changes in a working directory you'd like to commit, at the granularity of patch hunks or lines. It is similar in spirit to the [ darcs record] command and the RecordExtension.

2. Features

In addition to allowing you to choose changes to commit at a line-level granularity, crecord has the following advantages over the text-only RecordExtension:

3. Configuration

To install the extension, first download the crecord archive from the site above, and extract it to a folder where you prefer to keep extensions (e.g. $HOME/hgext).

Configure your .hgrc file to enable the extension by adding following lines:


(note: the package directory is the one containing the _ _init_ file)
